How To Get Permanent Residency Visa In Japan

Acquiring a permanent residency visa in Japan requires specific steps to be taken. This article aims to provide a guideline of how this can be done.

Japan is one such country that attracts a lot of people from various parts of the world for a variety of reasons that range from the wonderful nature it has, the amazing culture it holds along with the job opportunities it presents. It goes without saying that obtaining a permanent visa in Japan is not all that easy since several factors play their part.

It is now possible for any foreigner to get permanent resident status in Japan, without having to marry a Japanese citizen. This is the first time this law has been revised since immigration legislation was enacted in 1990. The change will make it much easier for foreigners to work, live, and study in Japan and enjoy the same benefits as Japanese nationals. While permanent residency status will not give foreigners full citizenship rights of a Japanese passport, it will allow them to remain legally in Japan as long as they want.

How To Get Permanent Residency Visa In Japan

If you’re a non-Japanese citizen who wants to immigrate to Japan, there is a way to do so. First, it’s important to understand how long it takes and what the application process is like. Applicants must submit documents including identification papers, diplomas, and health insurance. You can be eligible if you’re under 70 years old, earn at least ¥3,300,000 per year or have financial assets of over ¥10,000,000. Permanent residency offers numerous benefits that are not available to other visa holders such as traveling with a re-entry permit instead of having to obtain a permit each time you want to travel.

Finding the right job for you in Japan? We provide full support for the job seeking process. To find out more about the appropriate visa and salary requirements, contact our experts directly.

Japan is one of the most exciting countries to consider working and living in. If you enjoy new experiences and want to immerse yourself in a different culture, or seek the challenge of learning a new language, then Japan could be for you. For many, moving to Japan is on a list of ‘things to do before you die’.

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