How To Get Investment Visa In Vietnam

There are more than 3 million expats residing in Vietnam at this moment. Most of them migrated to Vietnam to start a business and others are family members who stayed with them. Because the world has been experiencing economic recession for quite a while, many foreign businessmen want to start a new life in Vietnam without worrying about their job or income. In this article, we share how to get investment visa in Vietnam for foreigners.

There has been a lot of talk lately in the news regarding visas to Vietnam. Now it seems everyone wants to stay in Vietnam longer, or permanently. Especially during the Holidays, there are loads of companies hosting parties and paying for flights so you can visit and celebrate with your family. Many companies will also host Christmas a couple weeks after for employees and their families, which lets you know that when you arrive at a new job in Vietnam, it’s not just a job, but family. But with all this talk and focus on visas, I have realized that there is no clear way to get an investment visa in Vietnam and I’m here to help ease the process.

How To Get Investment Visa In Vietnam

An often overlooked, but easy way to get the Vietnam visa is via the investment program. If you can invest half a million USD into a company in Vietnam, you are eligible for the investment visa.

Many wealthy people all over the world would like to invest money to develop a new business in Vietnam, especially investors who have experience and knowledge on how to invest in Vietnam. The good news is that once you have a good amount of investment capital, there are many immigration policies that can provide you with options to apply for residence visa and eventually citizenship status in Vietnam.

If you are an entrepreneur with a good idea for starting a business in Vietnam, the visa process can become the most complicated part of your journey. What you need to know is that there are specific good investment opportunities in Vietnam. With this type of visa, you can start working on your business immediately after arrival.

As we have stated before, visa grant is a lucrative revenue source for the government and with more and more people applying for immigration to Vietnam, the business is only going to grow. According to the statistics by the Vietnam Immigration Department, number of foreigners who received temporary immigration in Vietnam has risen considerably. However, there are currently no regulations that restrict the amount of Immigration Review Vietnamese companies can accept, which means that it’s up to you to work out ways in which you can use this opportunity as an additional revenue stream.

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