How To Get Golden Visa In Europe

Getting a Golden Visa in Europe is easier than most people think. There are several ways you can get hold of one and live the dream on a sunny European beach, far from the concerns of work or money.

Eu residents are interested to apply for the golden visa. This is because they will relocte in Spain, Netherland And other European countires as well and get the citizenship of that country. These country’s citizenships approved by EU.

During 2006 the European Union started a new program that would allow non-European citizens to enter Europe in order to live there. This is known as Golden Visa and its goal is to get wealthy foreigners to invest money in European properties or businesses.

Golden Visa programs are an excellent way to get foreign investment into your country. In return, your country gives you a bunch of money from these investors. France has one of the best Golden Visa Programs in Europe and they’ve seen massive gains in inflows since they introduced their new rules earlier 2018.

Golden Visa is another name for the residence permit. This permit grants the opportunity to live and work in certain EU countries for investors worldwide.

How To Get Golden Visa In Europe

Golden visas for Europe are a type of special visa or residence scheme for wealthy foreign nationals. They require a substantial investment in the country.

Visitors to the European Union (EU) and the Schengen Area must either have an ETIAS visa waiver (from 2023) or a Schengen visa, but the rules are different for foreign nationals who plan to move to a European country or even obtain citizenship.

Several countries in the EU and Schengen region have golden visa programmes that allow foreign investors to become residents.

However, the EU Commission recently released a recommendation urging Member States to terminate any existing residence-by-investiment (also known as ‘EU golden visa’) schemes.


A golden visa is a type of permit that provides a pathway to residence or even citizenship in a foreign country. It is based on investment and is typically aimed at wealthy individuals.

Golden visa immigration programmes allow foreign nationals to become residents by buying property in the country or making a large investment or donation. The amount of money that must be invested depends on the state or territory in question.

Several European countries have golden visa schemes. This includes a number of member states of the EU and the Schengen Area.


European Golden Visas come with a number of advantages for foreigners.

Firstly, individuals who invest in an EU/Schengen country and apply for a golden visa will become legal residents of that country. Their spouses and children will also get residency. This allows them to do the following:

  • Live in the country
  • Receive education in the country
  • Gain access to the country’s healthcare system

After being a resident for a certain period of time, golden visa holders can apply for citizenship. The length of time before this is possible differs depending on the country.

One of the big advantages of getting a golden visa for an EU or Schengen country is that becoming a resident entitles the individual to free movement around the bloc. They will be able to travel to any of the 26 Schengen Area member states without a visa.

Foreign nationals who are not Schengen residents must either have a visa or, from may 2023, apply for an ETIAS visa waiver online.


EU golden visas are becoming an increasingly popular option for British passport holders post-Brexit.

By obtaining residency by investment in an EU country, UK nationals can enjoy some advantages of European citizenship lost as a result of Brexit, in particular freedom of movement.


Global interest in golden passport schemes has increased as a result of the pandemic.

COVID-19 has highlighted the possible advantages of dual citizenship—most countries continued to allow citizens to enter during border closures.

More people are now looking to acquire a second citizenship, which could allow them to move more easily in times of crisis.

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