How To Get A Working Visa For Japan

Foreigners who enter Japan with the purpose of taking up paid employment need a Japan Work Visa. There are three types of Work Visas for Japan:

  • The regular Japan Work Visa, which is issued for a number of professions such as a professor or artist.
  • Japan Highly Skilled Professional Visa, which is issued through a point-based system and offers a longer period of stay and more benefits than a regular Work Visa.
  • Japan Working Holiday Visa, which is issued to nationals of countries who have a Working Holiday agreement with Japan.

This article will detail the regular Japanese Work Visa, including the eligibility and application requirements, the application process, visa duration, etc.

Who Needs a Japan Work Visa?

Every foreign national who intends to live and work in Japan for any duration of time needs a Japan Work Visa.

Although there are citizens of several countries who are exempt from holding a Japan Visa , the exemption only applies to those entering as tourists, as short-term visitors and business people, or other recreational purposes.

How To Get A Working Visa For Japan

For long-term stays (work, studying, family reunion), everyone needs to get the appropriate Japan Visa.

What Professions are Eligible for a Japan Work Visa?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan offers a list of occupations that are eligible for Japanese Work Visas:

  • Artists, such as photographers, composers, songwriters, sculptors, etc.
  • Business managers, such as a company president, director, etc.
  • Engineer or specialist in humanities or international services, such as a scientific or IT engineer, an interpreter or copywriter, a foreign language teacher, designer, etc.
  • Entertainer, such an actor, musician, singer, dancer, sportsperson, etc.
  • Instructor or teacher at elementary, intermediate schools, or high school.
  • Intra-company transferee (someone transferred to the Japanese branch of a company)
  • Journalists, such as newspaper or magazine journalists, editors, news cameramen, announcers, etc.
  • Legal or accounting workers, such as attorneys, judicial scriveners, public accountants, tax accountants, etc.
  • Medical services, such as physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, etc.
  • Nursing care
  • Professor, such as a university professor or an assistant professor, etc.
  • Religious activities, such as monks, bishops, missionaries, etc.
  • Researchers at research institutes
  • Skilled workers, such as foreign chefs, animal trainers, pilots, sports trainers, or foreigners who have expertise and skills in certain industrial fields, etc.
  • Technical interns

What Documents Do I Need for a Japan Work Visa Application?

When you apply for a Japan Work Visa, you have to submit the following supporting documents:

  • The Certificate of Eligibility
  • Japan Work Visa Application Form, completed and signed. You can download a copy of the application form from the website of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs (here).
  • Your valid passport along with photocopies of it
  • Passport-size pictures with the following specifications:
    • Dimensions: 4cm x 3cm
    • Taken within the last three months
    • Plain white background, without any patterns and shadows
    • You must be starting straight ahead, with a neutral facial expression
    • Your face has to be fully visible
    • The picture must be good quality (focused, clear, and sharp)
  • Documents detailing your position in the company/organization, the salary you will receive, and the duration of the work.
  • Documents attesting to your previous academic and professional history
  • Documents related to the receiving company, such as company registration, statement of profit and loss, etc.
  • For artists: Any documents which show your artistic achievements.
  • For religious workers:
    • Documents which show the details of the religious organization sending you to Japan
    • Documents which show the details of the receiving Japanese organization
    • Documents attesting to your religious position and career
  • For researchers:
    • Documents related to the receiving organization
    • Academic and professional qualifications
  • For instructors or teachers:
    • Documents related to the receiving organization
    • Academic qualifications or an educational license.
  • For intra-company transferees: Documents attesting to the relationship between the two offices/companies.
  • Any additional documents that the Japanese Embassy or Consulate requests, depending on your profession

I’ll show you how I got my working visa for Japan, and how YOU can do it too. Whether you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or just looking to work in Tokyo. In fact, with our simple step-by-step guide (with screenshots) you’ll have everything you need to apply for a working visa in Japan…with no service fees! I’ve created this guide on how to get a working visa for Japan so that anyone could follow it and successfully get their dream job in Japan.

If you are an American citizen and want to find a working visa for Japan, you will have to undergo the qualification process. This process requires completing some paperwork, getting pre-approval from the government of Japan, receiving an “assessment” letter from your future employer, and traveling to Japan to apply for your visa at a Japanese embassy or consulate.

Are you planning to work abroad? Then you must have one of these 3 visas to work in Japan. In this article, I’ll tell you how to get a working visa in Japan. If you are thinking of moving to Japan then you will want a job there to support yourself when you first arrive.

1. Before you even consider the possibility of working in a foreign country, make sure you know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Playing by the rules can sometimes be difficult, and the consequences for getting caught can be dire. You should have an official job offer from a Japanese company and have a concrete plan for how to reside in Japan legally before making any payments.

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