How To Get A Work Permit In Va

On average, the entire process of getting a work permit in VA will take about two months. The actual process for obtaining a work permit is not a difficult one but can be time consuming. The requirements from state to state may vary a bit, but the generalities are always the same.

There are different types of work permits in Virginia, depending on the type of job you are seeking. There are temporary permits and permanent permits.

Working in the United States can be very profitable for all involved. However, non-citizens face a number of complications when it comes to getting a job. One of these complications is the obtaining of proper documentation, known as a work permit or visa.

A work permit is a document issued by a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office. It gives you the right to work legally in the US while you wait for your documents to become available, such as your green card.

How To Get A Work Permit In Va

Over 50 million visas are issued each year and over 4 million of those are temporary work visas. When you’re trying to get a job in a foreign country, the first thing that comes to mind is obtaining the right visa. There are many different types of visas , but all of them have strict requirements and a lot of paperwork. In order to get a working permit, it is not enough to just send in your CV (your résumé ). You’ll need plenty of other documents: from a certificate from your employer confirming you’re still employed, employer’s work permit, letter from your bank confirming that you have enough money for living expenses in a foreign country, medical insurance valid in the country you’ll be staying in, interview appointment letter and schedule to applied for your visa.

Applying For a Work Permit in Virginia

While minors can begin working in Virginia at the age of 14, all minors aged 14 and 15 must have a work permit (also called a Youth Employment Certificate) prior to starting work. The process to obtain the work permit is straightforward.  Minors who are seeking to work in Virginia should take the following steps to obtain the work permit:

  1. A minor aged 14 and 15 who is interested in employment should first look for a job. Once they find an employer who is interested in hiring them, they will begin the process for a work permit.
  2. In Virginia, there are two options to obtain a work permit. The first is electronic:
  • The minor, their parent or guardian and the employer are all able to submit the required forms online. Only the employer may complete the employer section, as it reviews the records that are required to be maintained.
  • Once all three sections are completed, the certificate is usually issued within 24 hours.
  • The Permission for Employment form is completed by the parent or guardian of the minor. Once completed, the form must be notarized.
  • The employer will complete the Intent to Employ form. The minor must provide the employer with evidence of age, which could be a birth certificate, baptismal record that shows the date of birth and place of baptism of the minor, a passport or a DMV ID card.
  • The employer must keep a copy of the evidence of age and certify to the Labor and Employment Law Division that the minor is of legal age to be employed.
  • Once completed, the forms should be sent to the Labor and Employment Law Division for processing, which takes seven to ten days.
  • The Youth Employment Certificate will be sent directly to the employer.
  • The minor cannot begin work until the employer has received the certificate.

Transferring Work Permits in Virginia

The work permit or Youth Employment Certificate is employer and job specific. Should a minor under the age of 16 seek a new employment opportunity, they must obtain a new work permit.

Employer Responsibility With Work Permits in Virginia

While minors as young as age 14 are able to work in the state of Virginia, youth under the age of 16 must obtain a work permit, also known in Virginia as a Youth Employment Certificate, prior to doing so. The employer should not allow a minor to begin employment without having received this document. In regards to work permits, employers in Virginia have the following responsibilities:

  1. The employer must either submit the required form online or complete the Intent to Employ form.
  2. The employer must verify the minor’s age and certify to the Labor and Employment Law Division and confirm that the minor is old enough to be employed. The employer should keep a copy on file of the evidence of age document that the minor presented.
  3. The employer cannot allow the minor to begin work until they receive a Youth Employment Certificate. The employer should keep the Youth Employment Certificate on file.
  4. The employer must follow child labor laws.

Employers in Virginia who are looking to hire teenagers under the age of 18 will not find it difficult to do so. The process that the employer needs to follow is straightforward and the employer’s role is minimal in the minor procuring the work permit. The employer is required to follow child labor laws and must have a Youth Employment Certificate on file prior to allowing the minor to begin work.  

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