How To Get A Work Permit In Missouri

If you are younger than 18 years of age, you must apply for a work permit before you can begin working in Missouri. Anyone who is 16 years and 10 months old is permitted to apply for a work permit, and if authorized, is permitted to engage in employment on a full-time basis while they are enrolled in school.

In today’s economy, companies are being forced to look at outside sources to get the work done that they need to stay competitive. And where there’s a need for qualified help, you can bet there’s an undocumented worker just waiting to be found. That’s why the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations is working hard to provide a solution for Missouri employers and foreign workers alike.

Getting a job in the United States is no easy task, especially if you don’t have any family or friends to pull some strings for you and help you with the legal process. However, if you are a student holding an F-1 visa and are searching for a part-time job, I’ll fill you in on everything there is to know about Missouri’s laws regarding working while on a student visa.

How To Get A Work Permit In Missouri

The Missouri Workforce Development Agency offers a variety of services to employers and job seekers throughout the state. Registering with the workforce services office is one of the first things you should do when you become an employer.

A work permit is a document issued by the Department of Labor authorizing employment in the U.S. to an individual not authorized for permanent residence. Employment permits are available to most non-immigrant applicants, and are valid for one year or three months, dependant upon their classification.

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