How To Get A Work Permit In Georgia

If you’re looking for work in Georgia, you probably want to know what the process is for getting a work permit. This post will teach you how to do just that.

Every year, thousands of students pursue their college degree in the United States. They come from all over the world – Singapore, China, Australia, Canada, and many more. You are likely one of these students; which means you need a work permit to be employed while permanently living in America. Here is how you can obtain a work permit in Georgia.

Applying for a work permit in Georgia is a fast and simple procedure, but doing it wrong can mean either a setback for your career or even deportation. You need to be sure about your eligibility before applying for a permit. The good news is, we’ve got all the information you need at H1B-Visa.US.

Work permits in Georgia – the services that promise to handle your temporary or permanent employment certification. If you have a foreign citizenship, contact the Department of Labor. A work permit in Georgia is a legal document that gives permission for you to work in Georgia if you are a non-citizen. Work permits in Georgia are organized by 4 primary categories: agricultural workers, seasonal agricultural workers, temporary workers and permanent workers. These categories may include temporary and seasonal foreign workers in several areas like H1B and H2A visa holders, J1 exchange visitors and TN visa holders.

How To Get A Work Permit In Georgia

Recently we asked our readers about the most pressing issues facing their startups and new businesses. The one question that garnered the most votes was on work permits. Georgian startup founders have a tough time dealing with work permits and here is why.

You’re in a legal grey area. On one hand, you know you can’t get caught or deported. You’ve never been asked for any identification at work. But still, you wonder if your employers know there is a chance your work permit is fake.

The Georgia work visa

work permit in Georgia or an immigration visa is the one that allows the holder to take up work as an employed or self-employed individual as well as an entrepreneur. This is one of the available permits, along with the one for study residence or for family reunification residence. The permit is issued based on the purpose of stay and in the case of work activity, it is common for the applicant to have secured a job before the application moves forward or at least have determined an entrepreneurial activity in the country.

The D1 category visa (D being the category for the immigration visa) is the one that is used by individuals who come to the country for work purposes, be it for contracted work or for entrepreneurial activities. When the foreigner has already established that he or she will start work in the country (a work agreement has been reached), then the employer will be required by law to notify the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of the employment of an immigrant. This notification is to be sent to the Ministry within 30 days from concluding the employment contract.

One of our Georgia immigration agents can provide foreign nationals with more details on the steps that they need to complete themselves as well as the steps that are to be handled by the employer.

Obtaining a work visa can be the first step for an individual who is interested in acquiring Georgian citizenship.

Georgia immigration categories

Other categories of professionals may come to work in Georgia, however, depending on the nature of their work they may need to request another type of D visa for immigration. The other categories for the D-visa type are the following:

  • D2 visa: for individuals who will engage in freelancing work (different from the entrepreneurial one included in the category D1), or in scientific, sports, cultural or educational activities; interns and press workers also apply for this visa;
  • D3 visa: for individuals who come to a Georgian research center or authorized educational institution in order to engage in research activities;
  • D4 visa: for the purpose of family reunification in Georgia; one of our agents can provide more details on this particular situation;
  • D5 visa: this category is issued to individuals who have the right to immovable property, under certain conditions.

Obtaining Georgia permanent residence is possible after a certain amount of time and by complying with the general conditions for having held a residence permit in Georgia for a minimum number of years.

Procedures related to obtaining a Georgia work visa

The visas described above are all used for immigration purposes. They are issued by the diplomatic missions and consular offices in the applicant’s country of origin and an electronic version of the visa may be issued by the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The decision for the D-type visas, including the one for employed work purposes, is issued within 30 calendar days from the submission date. Foreign nationals living in countries where a Georgian embassy or consular office is not in place may apply in a neighboring state.

Individuals interested in staying in the country longer, and obtaining Georgian citizenship, should know that there are certain conditions in place. We can provide more details, as needed.

One of our agents can provide more details about the documents required when applying for a Georgia work visa. We recommend getting in touch with our agents in order to make sure that all of the required documents are properly submitted – this allows the applicant to be sure that his approval chances are high and the application will not be rejected because of incomplete documentation.

The data available on the immigration trends to Georgia shows that foreign nationals from neighboring countries make up the largest percentage of foreign nationals. Below, our team of Georgia work visa specialists highlights these trends:

  • 11,185 Russian nationals came to the country in 2016 and the data shows that most of them were men, 6,262 individuals;
  • in 2015, the number of Russian nationals was slightly lower, at 10,552 (both man and woman);
  • after Russia, Turkey and Armenia are other countries from which many foreign nationals choose to come to Georgia – there were 5,810 immigrants from Turkey in 2015 and 4,143 from Armenia in the same year.

Our team of Georgia immigration agents can help Russia, Turkish, and other foreign nationals who are interested in coming to the country for work purposes. Contact us for more details on how we can assist you in applying for the work immigration visa.

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