How To Get A Work Permit In Canada

Getting a work permit in Canada is a very stressful process. We do everything possible to try and make this process as stress free as possible for you. We have put in place a systematic approach for each one of our clients to follow. The steps below will help you get started on the path of getting your Canada Work Permit successfully.

If you’re a foreign national who wants to work in Canada, you must get a work permit. What is the process of getting a work permit? Is it too hard to get one? Which work permit should I apply for? These are questions that best answered by qualified immigration lawyer or consultant. Work permits issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) gives people who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents (landed immigrants) the right to live and work in Canada for a specific period of time. While some work permits are issued based on your occupation, CIC usually limits the length of time you can stay in Canada to three years. A 3-year work permit is available for applicants who have graduated from their program of study from Canadian institutions and meet certain criteria.

Canadians are lucky to live in a country where immigration is encouraged. If you’re an international student considering how to find work in Canada after graduation, getting a work permit isn’t tough if you’re studying at Canadian University or College. However, things can get tricky because there are a lot of options and specific rules to which you’ll need to adhere.

How To Get A Work Permit In Canada

The Canadian government has several programs that allow foreign nationals to work in Canada. One of these is the Post-Graduation Work Permit. This program allows international students to apply for a work permit after they have completed their studies in Canada as long as they meet certain requirements.

As an international student in Canada, you will have to acquire a work permit within your first three months of your stay. It is applicable for every study level, be it diploma, undergraduate or graduate. Learn about the different types of permits that you can get your hands on and know more facts related to working in Canada.

When it comes to moving to Canada, we all dream of living and working there. We daydream about walking along the beautiful coastline, breathing fresh clean air, and truly enjoying our time. However, it is not a crime-free, perfect country. Canada has strict laws that guide their policies on immigration and other matters.

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