How To Get A Student Work Permit In Canada

Considering the staggering amount of students in Canada, the Canadian government has been continuously offering brilliant work opportunities to their study population. In fact, temporary foreign worker permits have resulted in a positive influx in the country’s economy.

Taking a gap year is a huge leap of faith, but it’s also one of the best things you can ever do for yourself. In recent years, more and more students are choosing to take a gap year in between high school and university rather than immediately going straight into their undergraduate program. This article will help you analyze whether or not a gap year is right for you and give you some advice about how to get a student work permit in Canada.

I’m an international student in Canada. Can I work while studying?

You may be eligible to work in Canada while studying, if your study permit includes a condition that says you can work on or off campus. You must also meet all the other requirements. You can only start working in Canada when you start your study program. You can’t work before your studies begin.

Work on or off campus

As a study permit holder, you may be able to work on-campus or off-campus without getting a work permit. Make sure you meet the requirements before you find a job.

Work as a co-op student or intern

You will need to get a work permit if your study program includes a required co-op or internship placement. Find out how to apply for a co-op work permit.

Work after you graduate

You may also be able to apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) to continue working in Canada after you graduate. Find out if you’re eligible for a PGWP.

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