How To Get A Investor Visa In Usa

Visas and Green Cards for the United States can be hard to get, but for investors, the EB-5 Visa program can be a great option. Learn more about getting a U.S. Investor Visa with this blog post now.

You’ve done your homework, you’ve analyzed the risks, and you’ve decided – it’s time to apply for an Investor Visa in the USA. As with any business investment, there are always risks involved – however with a qualified team of Immigration Attorneys and experienced Consultants this can be one step closer to realizing your dream of becoming an American Citizen!

Many people are looking to leave their country and live in a new place, with the USA being one of the most desired destinations. You don’t have to be a millionaire or a Hollywood star to get a USA visa. There are numerous types of visas that will enable you to live in the US, except for the Visa Lottery, which is only available to residents of six states. The investor visa is what many people want, this will allow you to live and work in the USA and help your business grow.

How To Get A Investor Visa In Usa

Investor visas, also known as EB-5 visas, allow foreigners to gain permanent residence in the United States. The EB-5 program is managed by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) who are tasked with ensuring that all applicants have legitimate intentions in applying for this visa. However, any person who has applied for naturalization can tell you that sometimes these processes aren’t always transparent or easy to understand.

The EB5 Visa is the US’s version of a Golden Visa. It allows the holder to live, work, pursue education or retire in the US without having to find an employer.

As with other Golden Visa types, if you wish to get a US EB-5 visa, you must make a very substantial investment in the US. So, this visa is suitable for very wealthy internationals who have their eye on a Green Card or American citizenship.

EB-5 Visa in a nutshell:

  • To receive this visa, you must invest at least $900,000 in a US enterprise and create at least 10 American jobs.
  • If you are eligible for the EB-5 Visa, you receive a Green Card and you are allowed to live in the US.
  • You can include your dependent family members in the application. This means your spouse and children also get Green Cards.
  • The US only issues 10,000 EB-5 Investment Visas per year. This also includes the visas issued to family members.

To get assistance with the required paperwork and procedures of getting a Golden Visa for the US, it is advisable to hire legal representatives that specialize in residency-by-investment programs.  

Companies like La Vida have years of experience with Golden Visa and investment schemes. Their team of experts can advise you on the quickest route to obtaining a US Green Card and let you know which investment program is most suitable for you.

EB-5 Visa Investment Options

There are two investment options which make you eligible for an EB-5 Visa:

  • Investing at least $900,000 in a Targeted Employment Area (TEA). Investing in a rural area or an area which has a high rate of unemployment, in a government-approved program.
  • Direct investment of at least $1.8 million outside a TEA. You can invest in another company/enterprise of your choice or create your own company in the US, but you must make sure it meets the USCIS requirements.

EB-5 Visa Investment in Regional Centers

The USCIS has several Regional Centers across the country, which aim to promote economic growth in certain areas in the US.  You can find the list of Approved EB-5 Immigrant Investor Regional Centers here.

If you invest in a TEA, you must prove that your investment has created at least ten jobs, either directly or indirectly. Indirect jobs are those that have come as a result of the investment in the commercial enterprise, but the people hired work for other companies. These can be jobs in the supply chain of the commercial enterprise.

The vast majority of EB-5 applications are made through Regional Centers, as most applicants are more concerned about the immigration aspect of their investments rather than capital return.

EB-5 Visa Direct Investment

A direct EB-5 Investment means you create your own company in the US or you purchase an existing company. Because the investment is outside the USCIS-approved TEA, you will have to make a higher investment, by at least double the amount.

Additionally, you must prove that your investment/company has directly created at least 10 new jobs, and you must have a direct role in the company.

Requirements for EB-5 Visa Investment

The main requirements for an EB-5 Visa investment are:

  • It must meet the minimum capital amount. Either $900,000 in a TEA or $1.8 million outside TEAs.
  • It must create at least 10 new full-time jobs for at least two years. If you cannot prove immediately that the investment has created the positions, you should be able to prove that the need for at least 10 new full-time employees will arise.
  • The money you invest must have been acquired legally.
  • The investment must be approved by the USCIS.
  • The enterprise you invest in must be a “for-profit” new commercial enterprise that was established after 1990.
  • The money you invest must be considered “at-risk’”, meaning that there is no guarantee of capital return.

You must select the enterprise you wish to invest in yourself or through a regional center. Due to the amount of investment, you may find it necessary to hire legal representatives to help you through the process.

Due to the amount of investment, you may find it necessary to hire legal representatives to help you through the process. If you are not sure whether your potential investment meets the requirements of the EB-5 Visa, you can schedule a consultation appointment with La Vida. They will employ their expertise in the field to provide you with the best options.

After your investment is settled, you have to gather the necessary evidence and submit the EB-5 Visa application.

How to Apply for an EB-5 Visa?

Once you have settled your investment, the process for applying for an EB-5 Visa is as follows:

  • You apply to the USCIS using the Form I-526, which is essentially the application form for an Investment Visa. The USCIS may update the address in w
  • which you must submit the form, so you should check their website.
  • The USCIS reviews the application and sends it to the National Visa Center (NVC).
  • The NVC contact you and ask you to pay the relevant fees and submit the required documents. The NVC informs you where and how to pay the fee.
  • You apply for an Immigrant Visa and enter an interview at the US Embassy. The NVC will inform you where and when the interview will take place, and what documents you should bring.
  • If everything goes accordingly, the US Embassy issues your Immigrant Investor Visa (i.e. the two-year Green Card).
  • If you are already in the US: You have to file for adjustment of status (Form I-485) with the USCIS instead of applying at a US Embassy.

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