How To Extend Visa In Hong Kong

If you’re planning to stay in Hong Kong for an extended period of time, you may need to extend your visa. If so, what’s the right way to do this?

Extending your visa in Hong Kong isn’t as straightforward as you might think. There are a few rules to abide by, and if you don’t, you’ll end up paying more in penalties and / or getting deported. In order to extend your visa you need to not only fulfil the criteria (see below) on paper, but also make an appointment with the immigration authorities by phone.

Not everyone is born with a “landed immigrant” passport. My wife is from the U.S., but she didn’t have the correct passport to enter Hong Kong. Legally, you need to have an “immigration” passport (i.e.: a visa) to enter Hong Kong—even if you’re just transiting! Your home country can possibly issue a special visa that is valid for traveling to the mainland (i.e.: China) and then coming back into Hong Kong, but in my case, I knew nothing about how this was done until I Googled it and found that it’s not as simple as one might think..

How To Extend Visa In Hong Kong .

If you are a non-Chinese national who was born in Hong Kong, or have been living in Hong Kong for a significant amount of time and want to stay here, you will be expected to first renounce your foreign nationality (if you have any), before applying for a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card (HKID). In order to renounce your foreign nationality, you will need to surrender your existing travel document (e.g. passport) to the authorities.

Hong Kong is a beautiful city, it has everything that you can imagine in your life. There are few reasons which make people plan to settle and stay permanently in this beautiful place. One of the main reason that I chose Hong Kong as my eternal homeland is work culture and opportunity. We have always heard an old saying ”Where there is wood, there is fire.”

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