How To Extend Spouse Open Work Permit In Canada

If you plan to stay in Canada after your temporary stay and intend to apply under Spouse Open Work Permit category, you will need to ensure your open work permit application is renewed before it expires. This is a two-year period which you should not exceed for any reason.

Canadians spend millions of dollars each year in order to have their spouses immigrate. The main goal is to keep families together, as well as to stay within the same province, or even country. The open work permit can be extremely useful when it comes to being able to relocate without losing a job. You also don’t have to apply for permanent residency while holding this type of permit. Below are some tips that can help you extend your spouse’s open work permit.

Canada’s Immigration Department has just made it a bit easier for international open work permit holders’ spouses to extend their work permits. Read on to learn more about the new rule in case you are one of the many spouses of these temporary foreign workers!

How To Extend Spouse Open Work Permit In Canada

It is possible for the spouse to get an open work permit in Canada. The main thing which you would need to look at, is that your spouse has a Canadian provisional or permanent resident visa.Note: Spouses who have been married to a permanent resident of Canada for less than two years can apply for a work permit.

When we chose to live in Canada we did not expect to have any issues regarding our residence permit. It seemed that everything was going to be easy because we gathered all the necessary documents and went straight to the immigration office. But this was not the reality. Our application for a open work permit was rejected without any explanation. It took us four months to figure out what actually happened and how we could solve this situation.

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