How To Engage Kids In Summer Vacation

Kids today are basically on their phones, tablets, and laptops all day! They’re glued to their little screens and aren’t engaged in the real world. I’ve seen a lot f this with my children, and decided to take matters into my own hands. Thus, I put together a plan on how you can engage your kids in the summer vacation.

Summer is the time that school calendars come to a break and schools close for a few months. It’s the season for long vacations, family trips and summer camps for kids. Seasonal vacation is one of the best times that parents have to spend some quality time with their children and engage themselves in enriching activities like field trips, summer reading programs and more. However, many of us don’t know how to make it an engaging experience for our kids.

The school year is over and summer vacation is here! Whether you’re a parent or a teacher, you know how important it is to keep the kids busy over the summer. There’s a ton of fun activities you can do with them, but sometimes you need that little push. If you’re struggling to think of creative things to do for kids during their school break, this post will help you out.

How To Engage Kids In Summer Vacation

Meaningful ways to engage kids during summer holidays

With the school year coming to an end in CBSE affiliated schools in Noida, every student is frantically waiting for the arrival of summer vacations. It provides a long-break and a much-needed relief to students from the school, studies and homework.

While it’s good to have some fun, students must not waste these holidays, as they can utilise this time to enhance their skills. That’s why the best school in Noida gives holiday homework to keep them in touch with learning during these times.

So the conundrum is how you can motivate your children to be more productive while they’re full of holiday spirit. The answer is by making meaningful activities interesting, engaging and thought-provoking.

So if you’re searching for fun and meaningful ways to keep your kids busy during the summer holidays, this blog will certainly help you.Here are some interesting and meaningful activities for children to utilise their summer holidays:

Historical adventures

Summer vacation is an excellent opportunity for you to garner and improve your child’ interest in history. What’s more exciting for children than going on a trip and explore new places? And you can make it more informational by planning a trip to ancient and historical monuments in India. A visit to these historical places can help them learn about significant events from a different era.

It is more of a practical approach that helps children to learn more effectively about important things. So exploring historical places will not only make the lesson first-hand but also help them to perform better in school.

Science projects

If you’re looking for a fun and thought-provoking activity for your kids, a science project can help to infuse the summer with brain-boosting fun. With this, you can turn complex chemical reactions and science problems into fun and easy projects. There are various STEM activities to teach them about physics, chemistry and engineering.

To make the most of their time at home, go to the internet and print out a list of DIY science projects such as making invisible ink from lemon juice, creating a homemade slide or preparing a lava lamp from vegetable oils.


Planting a garden is a great way to teach them about the benefits of putting in the efforts. It allows them to create something tangible and then watch the fruition of their hard work. They will also learn the importance of consistent care and patience. In addition, you both get to enjoy fresh vegetable and fruits.

You can plan the garden as per your child’s interest. It could be a vegetable garden, a fruit garden or a flower garden. And what’s great about this activity that it can also be scale down to an indoor garden to fit your home.

Skill learning

Mastering a new skill requires practice, patience and lots of free time. However, young kids learn a lot faster than adults. That’s why summer vacation can be a golden opportunity for your children to learn a new skill of their choice. With an ample amount of time in hand, they get to concentrate on things they couldn’t do during their usual routine.

You can introduce them to different sports, music instruments or even life skill. There are various options to help them become a better learner, such as crafting, calligraphy, cooking and even swimming.


Summer vacations are an excellent time to encourage a passion for reading in your children. A habit of reading will not help them in your academic growth but also help them become a better person. It also improves their self-esteem, teaches them values, and also help them understand the world.

Apart from being a positive learning experience, the activity is also a mix of excitement and education. That’s why it’s used as an accompanying learning tool to simplify education at one of the best CBSE School in Noida.

As one of the best school in Noida, we believe in honing critical life skills in students with meaningful work and fun assignments. Thus, make their summer vacation a fun and enriching experience that will stay with your kid for years to come.

Everyone needs some rest every now and then. However, some reports indicate that the two and a half months spent out of school can have a negative effect on a child’s intellect. Their IQ will drop by as much as 20 points if they do nothing and receive no intellectual stimulation during their vacation.

As most schools begin their summer vacations, parents are scrambling to find online summer camps to keep their children occupied. COVID-19 has been around for a while, but many families have had to cancel their yearly rituals of visiting their hometowns or engaging in other outdoor recreational activities, which are the main thing that young children look forward to during their summer vacation.

In light of the current situation, staying at home and adhering to social distancing norms is the best option, especially for the young children who are the most vulnerable to this deadly virus. Extracurricular activities are well-known, and research has shown that they aid in the overall growth of young people’s personalities.

Summer Vacation Learning for Kids

The holidays can be a fun time to spend with your children and maybe even let your inner child loose. However, it can also be a difficult period for children, as boredom can lead to misbehaviour. It’s best to plan ahead of time for the summer holidays and come up with a list of things to keep the kids occupied.

Begin by preparing each week ahead of time. If the children know they have something to look forward to, they will be happier and more relaxed. Make sure the kids are interested in the preparation as well. If they were interested in the decision-making process, they are less likely to complain about the activities chosen. Have a number of activities to choose from, including things to do at home, in the yard, and outside.

Although you and your children should certainly relax during their summer break, below are some pointers for keeping you all on top of your game during your kids summer vacation:

vacation for kids

How to Engage Kids on Summer Vacation?

#Develop, design, and engineer: The holidays are an excellent time to inspire children to participate in imaginative activities. It’s time to let kids express their imagination, whether it’s by storytelling, writing, drawing, or creating stuff.

Allow children to get close to nature by allowing them to plant seeds and see them grow if they have access to a garden.

#Get going! : Children and adolescents should not sit around all day, whether dancing to their favourite song or following the movements of exercises on the internet.

#Develop a reading habit: Now is an excellent time to instil a love of reading in children.

#Practice mindfulness through yoga and meditation: Because the kids live in such a stressful world and have so much free time, exposing them to yoga and meditation will be effective in the long run.

How to Spend Summer Vacation for Kids?

#Play board and immersive games with them: Games are the most creative and enjoyable way to communicate with your little ones. These games will boost their imagination and critical thinking in addition to reducing their screen time. Depending on the age level, games like Pictionary, Dumb charades, Monopoly, and others can be played.

#Cooking and baking: Today’s children enjoy engaging in a variety of events, and being rewarded for small achievements enhances their morale. Engage your child in baking/ cooking activities and have them do the calculations to help them develop logical thinking skills and brush up on their concepts.

#Learn an instrument: Learning an instrument improves self-esteem, and getting plenty of time on their hands encourages the kids to learn any instrument they want.

Also Read: Best Skills to Learn in Summer Vacation: Benefits of Summer Vacations for Kids

summer vacation learning for kids

Some More Ways to Engage Kids on Summer Vacation

#Keep up to date: To remain a future-ready family, parents must inform their children about current events and the precautions and steps that must be taken in the current situation to protect them.

#Give your children the opportunity to get their hands dirty with paint and colors in this stressful world. Painting, drawing, and art & craft can come in handy at this time because kids enjoy trying new things.

#Take part in a treasure hunt. Make a treasure map with hints to help you locate any treasure you’ve hidden in the backyard. It doesn’t have to be expensive or large; any little treat found outside will be exciting.

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