How To Convert Student Visa To Work Permit In Germany

The Bundesagentur für Arbeit could be an intimidating place to visit, yet it is the place where you can make your dreams come true. It is not just about working in Germany; it’s also about converting your student visa into work permit. The process is not at all scary or difficult, and we will walk you through step-by-step so that you don’t mess up while at BafA.

Students from outside of the EU who wish to study in Germany are only permitted to do so on a student visa. Long-term studies (more than 6 months) require a student visa. If you want to stay longer, you need to convert your student visa into a work permit and continue your studies or work on the job market.

It has been estimated that approximately 500,000 international students are currently residing and working in Germany. The number of international students and the number of available student jobs within Germany is expected to rise in the coming years. At this time, German law is such that there exists an option for students who have completed their non-university degree studies and are wishing to stay in Germany for more time (ie. on a work permit), to apply for a change of status from Student Visa to Work Permit.

How To Convert Student Visa To Work Permit In Germany

It’s the dream of so many young people. To go abroad and study in a different country. To learn a foreign language and gain knowledge in a completely different culture. For years now Germany has been one of the big destinations for international students. Many come to study at some of the top ranked universities or expand their worldview through an exchange program. While some students come for just a few months, others decide to stay in Germany for several years after finishing their studies. But what happens when time is up? As a foreign student you have several options which will be covered in more detail later on in this guide but one of your best options is to apply for a work visa. So if you’ve already done your time as a student, but want to stay in your new home then read on to find out how to convert your student visa into a work visa

As a student who has lived and worked in Germany, I know that I did not look at the visa application process optimistically. The German student visa application process is a rigorous procedure from the beginning to the end. Non-European students are given a permission to study only for up to 18 months with a visa that is called the residence permit for study purposes. Students can extend this by another 18 month period as long as they have enrolled into another educational program or hold an internship.

Germany has a long tradition of highly-qualified engineers who have contributed a great deal in the advancement of modern technology. Due to this fact, many countries’ young people join German universities with the hopes of earning a degree and become professional engineers who would be able to work in this country.

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