How To Cancel Work Permit In Malaysia

Emails have been going around saying that the Malaysian work permit will be canceled without notice. Anyeong with another tutorial video on our channel and how to cancel work permit in Malaysia.

This is a simple guide on how to cancel your work permit in Malaysia. I’ll explain all the steps from start to finish and provide you with as much information as I can. Once finished reading this post, you should be able to cancel your work permit without any issues.

You’ve probably heard a lot of different opinions on whether it’s possible or not to cancel your work permit in Malaysia. And I’m sure you’ve heard the same old arguments and excuses from visa agents, employers and even other Malaysians. Well now you can cut out the middle men, and find out for yourself if it’s true or not.

In this article you’ll find out how to cancel a work permit in Malaysia. Who is unfamiliar with the term Work Permit, which is used to refer to the legal permission given by the authorities of a country/state that allows an individual to work as a foreign employee in its territory. In Malaysia, however, there are several types of permits that anyone can use if they want to get access to the local labor market here.You‘ve been granted a Visa and you’re about to start working for your employer! It’s a complicated process but at some point you’ll have to stop it.

How To Cancel Work Permit In Malaysia

Employers are reminded to cancel Malaysian work permits in a timely manner upon completion of a work assignment or face possible adverse consequences, including difficulty getting new work permits for other employees and travel restrictions in Malaysia for the affected individual. Foreign nationals participating in work-related activities in Malaysia require work authorization from the Malaysian government in the form of an appropriate work pass. An individual working pursuant to an employment or secondment agreement to perform professional duties or technical roles that require specific skills with a Malaysian company must obtain an Employment Pass (“EP”). An individual with specialized skills who will provide services to a Malaysian company on behalf of an overseas company must obtain a Professional Visit Pass (“PVP”).

An employee working in Malaysia pursuant to a valid EP or PVP must cancel the work pass upon completion of his work assignment. The cancellation process should be completed no later than three business days prior to the employee’s date of departure and can be completed within one month of the intended departure. The cancellation request must be submitted by the sponsoring Malaysian company.

Failure to cancel on time can lead to a negative record for the employee and the sponsoring company. A negative record may impact the employee’s ability to travel to Malaysia in the future as well as the company’s ability to successfully sponsor future assignees in Malaysia. If a company is not able to complete the cancellation prior the employee’s final departure, it should make a correction with the Immigration Department through an immigration service provider.

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