How To Cancel Maid Visa In Dubai

Cancelling visa once a maid arrives in Dubai is quite easy. However, before going through any process it is very important to make sure that the maid really wants to cancel her visa. Employers usually want to keep their domestics for as long as possible and would not like to lose them. In this article we will learn in brief about how to cancel maid visa in Dubai.

You’re probably reading this because you need to cancel your maid visa. Whether it’s because you’ve found a new job, or that you no longer need a housekeeper, there is an easy process for canceling your visa. Below are the steps in order so that you can cancel your Maid Visa in Dubai.

Cancelling your maid visa in Dubai is a relatively simple procedure, although it might seem scary at first.

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How To Cancel Maid Visa In Dubai

Are you having difficulty getting your housemaid to leave your home in Dubai? If so, worry no more. It’s really not as difficult as you think it is. The only key here is you have to do it the legal way. So I’ve put together this article for all of you who are having a hard time getting those maids to go away from your homes.

Canceling your Visa is the most stressful thing that a Maid can do because it makes you feel that your time in Qatar is about to finish. In many cases, The agents or sponsors will use this as a threat. It does not matter if you have not done anything wrong, sometimes the sponsors will use it as a threat since they can withdraw the Iqama card from you and your family. This is why we are writing these simple steps that will help you cancel Maid Visa in Qatar .

House Maid Visa Cancellation

As soon as your maid’s employment ends, so does her entitlement to a residence visa, so it will need to be cancelled. Just as a sponsor is responsible for sorting out the maid’s paperwork, it is also your responsibility to cancel it. There is some paperwork involved but the straightforward process should take around five days.


  • Go to the typing centre at the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) and ask for the ‘residence cancel’ form to be filled out.
  • It is recommended to sign a waiver (for maid and sponsor) declaring monies owed have been sorted out.
  • A one-way ticket for the maid back to her home country unless transferring her visa to a new UAE employer.


  • Maid must be present
  • Maid’s passport (original)
  • Maid’s labour card (work permit)
  • Sponsor’s passport (copy) 
  • Proof of one-way ticket for the maid to return home (if leaving UAE).
  • Dhs.70 cancellation fee ( plus typing fees)


  • General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs.
  • Complete residence visa cancellation form at any typing centre.
  • Submit documents to GDRFA’s Residency section along with maid’s passport and labour card.
  • You will receive two cancellation receipts; one for yourself, and one for the maid to submit to Immigration at Dubai International Airport.
  • At the airport, the maid’s visa will automatically be cancelled during immigration clearance.
  • Use the other cancellation receipt to collect your deposit (Dhs.2,030) back from the GDRFA.

Maid Visa Cancellation Abu Dhabi

As you know about the facilities, Dubai has for working professionals and also for business investors. Dubai provides various facilities and opportunities for millions of residents from around the world. It provides the opportunity for employment ranging from an office employee to a working housemaid. Many people have a housemaid for making it easier to do their daily routine household chores. As there is Dubai Visa for every working professional, there is one for a maid as well. These visas are separately only for the maids, and it was for a particular period only and also has flexible renewals. Here you will find how the processes work for renewal. But now, because of certain difficulties, you want to cancel the maid visa, you will find all the information here. All the process that will be explained is under the government Rules and Regulation only.

Visa Cancellation 

Once the Visa is canceled, it restricts the stay of the person in a particular nation. The Visa is mainly canceled if the person needs to get another type of Visa or if the duration of the stay reaches the expiry date. You will have to initiate visa cancellation where the residence visa, as well as the Maid’s card, will be canceled too. So here is how it will go that you will have to either transfer the Visa to a new sponsor or cancel it. And when you have initiated the termination of the Visa, you can trace the complete cancellation online.
You will not have to go to the immigration center, but the entire procedure can be done from the typing center itself. The sponsor who is canceling the Visa will have to arrange for all the required documents.

The documents required are as follows:
1. An application form is typed from the typing center in the visual form.
2. The original copy of your Maid’s passport and Emirates ID card.
3. A copy of the sponsor’s passport and Emirates ID Card.
4. The cancellation fee of 16 USD.
To cancel or transfer the Maid’s Visa, all these documents will be required.

The Visa Transferring Procedure:

For transferring your Maid’s Visa to the new sponsor, you will be required to assist in the transfer process and follow the steps given below-
1. Get the contact details of the new sponsor.
2. The Visa transfer form should be got done at any typing center.
3. This document should be submitted to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs (GDRFA) office with the passport photo of the Maid.
4. You will also have to submit proof of the new sponsor’s income needs.
5. You will have to submit the labor card along with all the medical certificates and a copy of the old contract.
Dubai Maid Visa Cancellation procedure which can be done at the typing center as well as immigration branch-

At the Typing Center:
– The cancellation of the Maid’s Visa can take place by getting typed the application form in the visual form so the process can be taken place at a typing center.
– Cancellation Approval will be given to you within an hours-time.
Note- the cancellation stamp on the visa page is not mandatory. If you need it to be stamped, it can be done at the immigration branch.

At The Immigration Branch:

1. A visa cancellation process will be completed at any typing center.
2. All the documentation should be submitted at GDRFA’s Residency section along with the Maid’s passport and labor card.
3. Two cancellation receipts will be given to you. One for the sponsor and the other for the Maid to be submitted to the Dubai International Airport.
4. During the clearance procedure at Immigration, the Maid’s Visa will get canceled.
5. Submit the receipt to GDRFA to get back the deposit of 552 USD from the general directorate residency and foreign affairs (GDRFA).

The sponsor should cancel the Maid’s Visa 30 days from the expiry date. But if one fails to do so, they will have to bear the fine of 6 USD at the typing center.
In the special case of Maid Visa canceling due to sponsor’s Visa Change, one will have to go through a certain procedure. When the sponsor has to change his/her visa status due to the employment change, the sponsor will have to first cancel the Maid’s Visa before canceling his/her Visa. If the sponsor does not want the Maid’s or dependents Visa to be canceled, one can pay a deposit charge of 1361 USD at the immigration office. And once the sponsor receives the new Visa, one can collect the refund of the amount paid as a deposit to avoid the Maid’s or dependent’s visa cancelation

The entire Maid’s visa cancellation process can be very hectic because of the long procedures. The individual should first make sure whether he/she needs to cancel the Visa or get it transferred to the new sponsor to make the procedure less hectic and more at ease.

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