How To Apply Residence Visa For Child In Uae

There are many reasons and ways why people should apply Dubai residence visa for their children. The most common way is to apply a UAE residence visa for the new born baby for being able to get the birth certificate in United Arab Emirates.

The UAE has offered residency program to expatriates and this country is considered to be the paradise for all expats worldwide. The best thing about this country is that they offer various facilities to their residents and also they provide immigration services under which a child of any expat can get residence visa in UAE easily.

Parents who have a child living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) would like to give their child the right to live there permanently. One of the ways a parent can do this is by applying for a residency visa for their child. This article discusses how to apply for that visa and what you need to know before you apply.

Applying for residence visa for your child in UAE is not as difficult as it’s made out to be. Though, before we get into the process of obtaining residence visa for your child, let’s take a closer look at what this VISA is all about.

Expatriate residents, both employers and employees, may sponsor their families in the UAE provided they have a valid residency permit.

Male residents who are employed in the UAE can sponsor their immediate family members, such as wife and children, subject to conditions which include minimum salary of AED 4,000 or AED 3,000 plus accommodation.

Since March 2019, the type of profession is no longer a condition for an expatriate worker to be able to sponsor his family visas. The UAE government amended its previous provision under which only listed professions could apply for family sponsorship visa. Now, a foreign worker can bring over his family members to the UAE and sponsor their residence visas regardless of his profession as long as he maintains the ‘income criteria’ i. e. the minimum wage requirement, which is a minimum salary of AED 4,000 or AED 3,000 plus accommodation. Check with the relevant GDRFA for more information.

Further, if the father of the family is residing in the UAE and meets the conditions for sponsoring his children, the mother is not allowed to sponsor them.

A resident sponsor has 60 days to apply for his dependents’ residence visa after they enter the UAE and modify their status from an entry permit holder to a residence visa holder.

Family members are issued visas for one, two or three years depending on the nature of the work and labour contract of the sponsoring member and his capacity as an employee or employer.

In general, expatriate employees are issued residency visa for one year or two years based on their labour contract, while expatriate employers are issued residency visa for three years.

Sponsored residents except adult males who are continuing their education and sponsored parents can enjoy the same visa duration as their sponsors. For the adult males and parents, the residence visa is granted on a yearly basis regardless of the sponsor’s visa duration.

The conditions are subject to change from time to time. Kindly check with Dubai GDRFA or the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship.

Medical fitness requirement

In order for the UAE to grant or renew a residence visa for family members, males and females who have completed the age of 18 need to undergo and pass medical fitness tests at government approved health centres in the UAE.

All applicants of visa, whether for first time or for renewal, will be tested for two communicable diseases: HIV (by testing their blood) and pulmonary tuberculosis (by taking an x-ray of their chest). Those found to be HIV positive or having tuberculosis will be considered medically unfit and therefore will not be granted a residence visa. They will be deported immediately by the UAE’s authorities.

Residents who are detected with dormant or inactive pulmonary tuberculosis are also considered medically fit. In this case, they are granted a one-year ‘Health Fitness Certificate for Residence’ subject to treatment and follow-up by the Department of Preventive Medicine or equivalent government health authority. Hence, if you suspect to be suffering from a communicable disease it is advisable to get yourself tested in your home country first.

Locate government medical fitness centres:

Abu Dhabi and Dubai  have several medical fitness centres. Check also medical examinations centres for residency offered by the Ministry of Health and Prevention – Preventive Medicine Department.

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