How To Apply Marriage Visa In Japan

Understanding how marriage visa works in Japan can be very important and may save you a lot of hassle. Unlike the United States, Japan highly values the institution of marriage and authorizes the entry of foreign marriages into Japan only under certain conditions. The Japanese government closely controls entrance of a foreigner into Japan for purposes of marriage, and those individuals not satisfying these conditions are required to obtain permission from the Minister of Justice before entering Japan

Did you know that you can apply for a spouse visa in Japan? If you live in Japan with your partner and your partner is not Japanese then you are able to convert your legal status from “temporary” resident to “permanent” resident. It might take a little bit of paperwork and paperwork procedures but this all goes smoothly if you choose the right immigration lawyer who knows exactly how to handle such cases, like me.

The marriage visa is not the easiest visa to obtain in Japan (unless you have a Japanese spouse or Japanese children). Here’s what you need to do and how to report every month (for 3 years) so you can be granted a long-term extension.

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