How To Apply For The Work Permit In Usa

You’ve just landed the almost impossible-to-get H1B visa, and you’re all set to start your new life in the United States of America. Congratulations! You’ve made a great choice that will definitely lay the foundations for an amazing future. But before you start scouring job postings, it’s important to know how to apply for the work permit in USA.

If you are thinking of moving abroad then you will probably have already thought about Work Permits. Some countries like US, Canada and some European countries need you to apply for work visa and work permit before you can work.

Hiring Foreign Workers: The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ is the federal agency responsible for overseeing the employment of foreign workers in the United States. Within the USCIS, there is a division known as the Employment Authorization Document Service Division. This division handles all relevant matters dealing with Work Permits within the USCIS.

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