How To Apply For Job Seekers Visa In Germany

If you are planning on migrating to Germany permanently, it is important that you should carry out adequate research before applying for any visa. There are a few critical steps which you would have to take into account before finally applying for the job seeker’s visa for Germany. You should visit the web portal of German Migration Office (BAMF) and go through the information posted there in detail. It gives full insight on all of the processes involved in the job seeker’s visa application procedure. 

In order to be granted a Job Seeker visa, you will need to pass a test. This test is comprised of two parts; the first part being automatic and done by the computer, and the second part being a short free-text field that you will have to fill in yourself. In order to know what to write in this free-text field, there are several things you need to do. Below are some tips on how to apply for your Germany Job Seeker Visa.

So, you’ve decided to apply for a German job seekers visa, also known as a European Union Blue Card. In 2016, the EU granted over 200 000 of this kind of residence permit. If you want to live and work in Germany, then this article is a must-read.

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