How To Apply For Canadian Visa In India

If you are interested in applying for a Canadian visa then you have decided on one of the most popular destinations. Canada is known for its varied and diverse nature which attracts thousands of foreign nationals every year. It is an English speaking country and the residence permit is issued to those who have sufficient funds and can afford their stay.

So, you want to work in Canada? Fantastic! Canada is a beautiful country, with lots of great opportunities. Unfortunately, not everyone can just pack up their bags and move to Canada. If you’re living outside of Canada and you want to live in the Great White North, you’re going to have to apply for a visa.

On August 29, 2013, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited India at the invitation of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. During this visit, Mayank Sharma received his Canadian visa from the hands of Chrystia Freeland, the Canadian Foreign Minister and Member of Parliament for University Rosedale.

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