How To Apply For Business Visa In Canada

The Canada Immigration Business Visa (BVCP) is a very popular one with many favourable conditions for a growing company in China seeking to relocate, invest and set up business in Canada. Typical applicants would be those who have their own company and wish to relocate to Canada to develop their products or services and bring these businesses under the umbrella of Canadian market, including any foreign companies which hold assets in the form of cash, equipment or have interest in real estate assets which they wish to relocate under the BVCP as well.

A temporary resident Visa allows the foreign nationals to visit the country for business and pleasure. However, the visa is generally issued for a limited time period and the business people from all over the world come to Canada to work on major trade deals and expand their businesses. The Canada visa for business may be obtained by the people who are currently living in Canada or outside of it. In order to obtain a temporary resident visa you must meet some basic requirements like job offer, proof of funds and enough ties with your home country to return there when your stay comes to an end.

Have you always wanted to move to Canada and start up your own business? You’re not alone. Canada has a very high number of migrants coming towards the country every year. You will be shocked by that fact when you compare it with the number of permanent residents who settle in the country on a yearly basis.

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