How To Apply 489 Visa In Tasmania

Many potential overseas investors who are interested in investing in Tasmania are Canadian citizens. They are often surprised to learn it is not possible to apply for a 489 visa within Australia. Instead they need to travel to their nearest Australian High Commission or consulate, which is generally in Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal.

If you want to live, work and stay in Australia permanently, then you need to apply for a Permanent Residence visa. Though there are many types of residence visas under the Australian immigration scheme, the 489 Visa is specifically created for those who are thinking of settling down in Tasmania. If you’re an overseas skilled worker under the 457 visa scheme and want to live in Tasmania permanently, you can apply for a Prospective Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 489).

If you are a business owner, then you must knows the importance of having the best employees to run your organization. That is the reason why many organizations work hard in getting the best employees and one of the strategies they use is to hire foreign workers. The visa usually known as a Temporary graduate visa which allows applicants to live and work in Australia. This visa targets business graduates who are interested in working with local businesses.

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