How Much Time It Takes To Get Dependent Visa For Canada

Dependent Visa is a visa status for the dependents of a foreign national. It has been designed as a replacement for the unmarried partner visa. One of the purposes of this kind of visa is to ensure that your spouse will be able to live with you in Canada after you’ve earned your permanent residence, that is, after five years have passed since you arrived in Canada. 

Getting a dependents visa to Canada is often difficult and can take many months. The process of applying for dependents visas can seem overwhelming at first, but as a family immigration lawyer and consultant, I am here to walk you through everything that you need to know about dependents visas. After speaking with a few people about this issue specifically and doing some research it seems that getting your dependent visa is a two year process . This is why I will be taking you through this process step by step from the beginning until the end so that you will have an idea of what it takes.

When applying for a dependent visa, a minimum of two years must be passed before you can sponsor your dependents following your permanent residence in Canada. This interval lets the government ensure that you have developed ties to the country before choosing to bring family members over (if they qualify).

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