How Much Is Morocco Visa In Nigeria

Some Nigerians like to travel especially to countries like Egypt, Turkey, and yet others. But some of them love Morocco. But still we find Nigerians asking, how much is morocco visa in nigeria? We also come across questions like what are documents required for morocco visa in Nigeria. And still it will be quite nice for you to carry out due dilligence before deciding to pay for a Morocco visa or not.

When you do not have the proper information on how to seek out a visa and passport services, it can be hard to get the visa you need. Below is a guide on how to effectively get your Moroccan visa in Nigeria.

  • Three identical passport sizes (on white background).
  • A valid passport (valid for at least for 6 months)
  • Self introduction letter (Stating your home address, purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates)
  • Introduction letter from an employer signed and stamped with contact details.( Stating the purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates)
  • Employer’s I.D. Card.
  • Pay slip for 6 months of employee.
  • Certificate of Incorporation for Business Owner and Taxes paid.
  • Copy of other valid visas obtained.
  • Copy of financial status (6 months bank statement, All pages signed and stamped).
  • Reference letter from the bank
  • Travel Insurance.
  • Consent letter from either the wife or husband
  • Marriage certificate

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