How Much Is Green Visa In Uae

Green Card Lottery program through the U.S. Department of State is a great way to enter the USA, but unfortunately it has a bad reputation of scams and frauds that scare off a lot of people who still want to apply. There are perfectly legitimate ways to get Green Card in the USA, you just need to make sure you’re applying for the right one. Here’s how much does it cost to get a green card in UAE?

If you have been dreaming of U.S.A then UAE is the first step to accomplish your dream country. UAE visa for Pakistanis is preferable one for all those people who want to venture into the Land of Opportunities. There are several ways to get a UAE visa for Pakistanis which is not just hassle free but it is also simple due to its laid back visa rules of UAE.

The UAE Authorities, in its efforts to attract more workers and investors, have introduced new initiatives to allow people from around the world to come to the country. One of these initiatives is the Green Visa.

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