How Much Does It Cost To Vacation In Jamaica

It’s a well-known fact that Jamaica is one of the most beautiful vacation destinations in the world. For anyone who has dreamed of visiting Jamaica, the question you want to know is, “how much does it cost to vacation in Jamaica?” A vacation to Jamaica can be an amazing experience. From having fun in the sun at the world famous Jamaican resorts to watching the sunrise over the ocean, there are many activities that you can do. You can also meander around a local market or restaurant and get a taste of their culture. But how much does it cost to vacation in Jamaica?

Are you concerned about how much it’s going to cost you to vacation in Jamaica? If so, then rest easy knowing you’re probably wondering the same thing as most others who are planning their own trips. Now, in order to ensure that your vacation has the kind of cost you’ll be able to handle, it’s important you know how much things cost. Here we’ll take a look at how much it can end up costing you to head to Jamaica for a vacation. The first time I traveled outside of my then-home state of Maryland was when I went to visit family friends in Florida. I was only 5 years old at the time and didn’t have many obligations back home (my birthday is only about a month away, so I guess that explains why my parents let me go!). Once I reached my relatives’ home, I remember them telling me it was time for bed, so I started walking towards the room they said would be mine for the night. When I opened the door and saw a bunk bed inside instead of a regular mattress, however, I panicked! Up until that point in my life, all I’d ever known was sleeping on a real bed at night. This meant no bunk beds — at least not for me!

How Much Does It Cost To Vacation In Jamaica

The costs of vacationing in Jamaica are pretty reasonable. You can go to Jamaica on a budget. However, it will depend on how you set up your budget before you arrive on the island. Some travelers try to eat, drink and enjoy the nightlife for free (or at least try to reduce the amount they spend on these things). Other travelers use their vacation as an opportunity to see and do as much as possible (and spend accordingly).

How much money are you going to need for your trip to Jamaica? You should plan to spend around J$17,667.10 (117.20$) per day on your trip to Jamaica for one person and J$23,272.69 (154.40$) for two when traveling. This budget includes accommodation costs for 2 adults in a good 4-star hotel (J$12,061.51 80.00$), lunch in a local restaurant, street food and drinks for a day (J$5,919.19 39.30$) and some entertainment (J$5,291.99 35.10$) for two. Find more about Jamaica travel budget in 2020 below.

How much will a one-week trip to Jamaica cost? The average one-week vacaction cost to Jamaica is around J$297,742.05 (1,974.80$) for one person and around J$494,168.85 (3,277.70$) for a couple including flights. February is the cheapest month to go to Jamaica.


ONE WEEK FOR TWOJ$290,251.001,925.10$

TWO WEEKS FOR TWOJ$399,527.902,649.90$


ONE WEEK FOR TWOJ$494,168.853,277.70$

TWO WEEKS FOR TWOJ$645,313.114,280.10$


ONE WEEK FOR TWOJ$707,033.684,689.50$

TWO WEEKS FOR TWOJ$996,434.836,609.00$

Jamaica Travel Budget


CURRENCYJ$ (Jamaican Dollar)


Exchange rates provided by Open Exchange Rates. Last updated 26 Aug 2022, 00:30 UTC.

Is it expensive to visit Jamaica?

A lot of people want to visit Jamaica and wonder what the budget would be like. Like with any vacation, the cost depends on where you’re flying from, what kind of accommodations you’re looking for and what you want to see or how you want to spend time. We’re colleting all these travel costs from other travellers just like you, so you can make a better estimate of the budget for a trip that matches your own preferences.

✈ Cost of flights to Jamaica from 

How much does it cost to fly to Jamaica? High season for flights to Jamaica spans from July to August — prepare to pay 931.00$ and more for your return flight to Jamaica. The period from September to November is considered the low season and the average fares for flights are generally cheaper: you can usually get a return flight for about 741.00$ on average. And if you’re lucky, you can even find a better deal!JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecAverage Flight Price in 2020, $ USD11001000900800700600

Average prices for accommodation in Jamaica

How much do hotels charge per night in Jamaica? High season in Jamaica runs from June to October. One night in a mid-range hotel during these months costs around 69.00$. Low season spans from November to November. You can get a room for a night for as low as 51.00$. Some nice bargains are usually also available, especially at the higher end resorts.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecAverage Price per Night, $ USD100806040200

AirBnB. Double rooms in AirBnB cost around 62.40$ per night, but prices can go up to 10% higher during high season.

Add data about your recent stay in Jamaica!

Type of accommodation3*, 4* HotelsCommentMonth of stayAugustPrice per Night, $

 Latest inputs for accommodation prices in Jamaica

Average prices for food and eating out in Jamaica

How much does food in Jamaica cost? The average cost of food and drinks in Jamaica is J$0.00 (00J$) per day for one person. An average street food meal in Jamaica would cost you around J$1,133.78 (7.50$). A sit-in dinner for two people would cost around J$1,812.24 (12.00$). Lunch in a mid-range cafe or restaurant would cost you something between the two.

How much do drinks cost? A bottle of water in Jamaica is around J$114.58 (0.80$). A soft drink is around J$117.60 (0.80$) when you buy it in a supermarket. A beer would cost you around J$351.29 (2.30$) when you buy it in a bar. Alcoholic cocktails in bars and night clubs are J$212.58 (1.40$) per cocktail.

TypeAverage PriceAdd Your Input!
Supermarket Drinks
Soft DrinkJ$117.60 ≈0.80$Submit
Bottle of WaterJ$114.58 ≈0.80$Submit
Bar Drinks
Soft DrinkSubmit
BeerJ$351.29 ≈2.30$Submit
Alcoholic CocktailJ$212.58 ≈1.40$Submit
Dinner for TwoJ$1,812.24 ≈12.00$Submit
Street FoodJ$1,133.78 ≈7.50$Submit
Local SnackSubmit

 Latest inputs for food and drinks prices in Jamaica

Average prices for entertainment in Jamaica

What are the prices for entertainment and activities in Jamaica?

TypeAverage Price
Group Tour
Show or TheatreJ$966.43 ≈6.40$
Night Club

Add data about your recent stay in Jamaica!

Type of entertainmentGroup TourCommentMonth of stayAugustPrice, J$

 Latest inputs for entertainment and activities prices in Jamaica

Average prices for transport and car rentals in Jamaica

How much does airport transfer cost in Jamaica? The average cost of a 20-minute taxi ride is approximately J$422.15 (2.80$).

TypeAverage PriceAdd Your Input!
Airport TransferSubmit
TaxiJ$422.15 ≈2.80$Submit
Public Transport
Public TransportJ$265.35 ≈1.80$Submit
Transport Rentals
Regular Car Rental, per daySubmit
Motorbike Rental, per daySubmit

 Latest inputs for transportation prices in Jamaica

☀ Weather in Jamaica

The hottest season in Jamaica runs from June to November. The average temperature is around 32 °C. The rainy season is from September to November with average rainfall of 135mm.

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