How Long Is School Summer Break

Summer vacation is a time when people kick back, relax and have no responsibilities. Kids love it because they get to enjoy just being a kid.   Your grade schooler will be out of school for at least three months while high schoolers will be out at least six-and-a-half weeks. Now is the time to start setting your summer calendar with fun activities that you and your children can enjoy together. If you’re a parent trying to figure out when is summer break, this article will definitely come in handy. Did you know that school holidays can vary by state, grade and even the school board? It’s amazing the difference a 10-minute car ride can make when it comes to the kids’ schedule! This guide will give you an overview of the most common summer dates for schools across the US and Canada.

With summer break just around the corner, parents across the country are wondering how long is school summer break. While every state and school district has their own set of rules, there are some things to generally expect. Closing your eyes and making a wish to be back in school may not be a good idea. The summer break for colleges and universities is advertised as lasting from May to August, but does this define the entire school year? No and here’s why.

With school getting out for many schools shortly, this means that summer is just around the corner. Most people dread the idea of summer because it’s seen as a time of relaxation and not a lot of work ending with an easy test at the end. School can be hard, but also fun. It’s hard because you have to juggle studying with friends, chores and family life. Also, many students are stressed out due to tests and homework. To help alleviate some of the stress of school let me tell you about the typical school break that you can expect. After you finish your last final exam for any subject, then summer school officially begins:

How Long Is School Summer Break

How Long Is Summer Break in the USA?

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Planning a cruise is difficult enough on its own, but factoring kids and summer break into the equation makes it much more restrictive. If you’re planning to travel in the US, your timing will dictate cost, availability and your overall experience.

Whether you’re cruising from Florida, Texas, California, New York or somewhere else, it can be wise to time your trip to avoid the summer break.

During summer, flights, hotels and, of course, cruises, all get more expensive as tourists flood in and contribute to the United States’ massive $1.1 trillion tourism figure.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to work out how long summer break is, and what dates to avoid to miss it.

Table of Contents:


When is summer break?

Summer break in the United States begins in late May or early June and lasts until late August or September. The exact dates vary depending on the region.

That’s a bit vague, but with so many states, there isn’t a clean, linear answer. June and July tend to be the safe months when students know they won’t have school. The first half of August is almost always free from school days as well.

Across the northeastern part of the US, most students go back to school just after Labor Day weekend. Labor Day is always the first Monday of September. If Labor Day falls on September 1st, Labor Day weekend takes place during the last weekend of August.

Some states begin their summer break in May, which results in the next school year beginning mid-August.

California starts school in mid-August, Florida starts school mid to late August, and the northeast (NY, Boston) begins around September 1st.

It fluctuates, especially with pandemic-related disruptions that altered some school start and end dates in 2020-2021. It’s always best to check dates on local government websites or local news sites in the area you plan on visiting prior to booking anything.

The National Center for Education Statistics has an online tool to help you find local websites for information.

summer break

How long is summer break?

An average summer break across the United States lasts about 8 to 9 weeks. In most states and districts, June and July equal time off for students. Some districts give as many as 12 weeks of summer vacation.

So how many days is summer vacation? Well, that varies depending on snow days, natural disasters that cause a loss of attendance days, and the specific region of the US. It’s around 70 days in most areas.

The start date for summer break can change. There aren’t solid information resources for local snow days. Some school websites or public pages don’t update their information regularly.

Your best bet is to search local weather station articles in the area you plan on visiting to find updates. School districts usually hand out school year extension notices directly to parents.

There’s a broad 12-week range for US summer vacation dates because certain destinations, such as Florida, structure their summer break differently.

How many weeks is summer break?

In the United States, summer break lasts between 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the region. Summer vacation begins at different times in the United States. Different regions have fewer weeks of summer break than others, which affects summer vacation start dates.

Florida students have a longer summer vacation than California students due to start times and break durations throughout the year.

Most summer vacation periods in the US have 10-11 weeks, which gives plenty of time to organise trips. Some states in the US have different start times for vacation, so if you’re planning a trip from the UK before the big tourist season begins, you’ll want to plan accordingly to avoid the rush.

How Snow Days Affect School Years

If a school district grants up to three snow days, the school year end date remains the same. The fourth snow day and every subsequent snow day are taken out of summer break. Their school year extends, so summer starts later.

Some government sites may not update frequently enough to mirror current information. Be sure to check local news history for snow days before planning a trip to the northeastern or upper midwestern parts of the US.

Most states affected by snow days are Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Wyoming, New York, Michigan, Colorado, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont.

Summer Breaks By State

How long is summer break in Florida?

Florida students get roughly 12 weeks off of school. Vacation begins towards the end of May, and the following school year begins at the end of August. Start and end dates can fluctuate by 1-2 weeks, though it still usually means a full 12 weeks off.

Pandemic-era end dates were around May 21st to May 27th, though previous years were closer towards the first 2 weeks of May. Be sure to check local government websites (and sort by county) to be safe before you start packing.

If you live in the UK and are planning a cruise from Florida, a great time to go is the last week in August. In this week, UK schools will still be off, but local kids in Florida will be back at school. So you can enjoy cheaper prices and fewer crowds at places like Disney World.

How long is summer break in California?

California summer vacation begins at the end of May and ends towards the middle of August. Starting dates fluctuate, so summer break may begin in the first week of June and shorten vacation to 8-9 weeks from the typical 9-10 weeks.

Break times can differ by 1-2 weeks depending on whether you’re staying in northern California or southern California. In summer, wildfires can offset school days and change the average school year end date.

How long is summer break in New York?

New York’s summer break begins at the end of June and ends during the second week of September. Depending on snow days and which school district you’re in, children get 8-10 weeks of summer break in total.

New York is known to have pretty dense heatwaves and may cancel school for days at a time. Northeastern school systems are notorious for forcing attendance in fairly extreme weather, making it really important to check for heatwave/snow day extensions to summer breaks.

You can use the NCES database to search for NY school districts and sites for more information. Local weather and news channels will likely provide better resources.

How US Summer Break Compares to Other Countries

Summer Break in Canada

Canadian summer breaks last two months. Students get all of July and August for vacation. Depending on winter weather and possible snow days, the dates and length of summer break can vary.

Canadian schools usually have two weeks off for Christmas break, and short breaks throughout the year. Canada has a similar vacation/break schedule to the United States, and nearly requires the same number of days in the school year.

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