How do I get a working holiday visa for Australia?

Under Australia’s Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program, young people (aged 18 to 30 years) from certain countries may apply for one of two visas—Working Holiday (subclass 417) or Work and Holiday (subclass 462). The visa available to applicants depends on their country of citizenship, but both visas enable young people to travel in Australia for extended periods and to support themselves during their stay with short-term employment in any industry. The program is usually reciprocal, allowing young Australians to travel and work under similar arrangements in partner countries.

This quick guide provides a brief overview of the program, sourced largely from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s WHM reports (published since 2011), fact sheets and historic departmental reports. This guide also includes the following detailed statistics on visa grants since the 1980s, compiled from various departmental publications:

Working Holiday (subclass 417)

The Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa is a temporary visa for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to 12 months. Introduced in 1975, it was initially only available for young people from the United Kingdom (UK), Ireland and Canada. Between 1980 and 2006 the program expanded to include many other partner countries, such as Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and several European nations. (A full list of partner countries and the year they joined is provided in departmental WHM reports.)

Today, the largest numbers of entrants under this visa subclass continue to come from the UK, followed by young people from Taiwan, Germany, South Korea and France. Since 2006, no further Working Holiday agreements have been entered into with any partner country—only subclass 462 Work and Holiday agreements that have more restrictive requirements (including visa caps).

During their 12 month stay, 417 visa holders can work as much or as little as they choose in full-time, part-time, casual, paid or voluntary work. However, the work is restricted to a period of six months with any single employer. (This period was extended from only three to six months in 2006.)

Permission to work longer than six months with a single employer is possible in certain circumstances, for example if the visa holder is:

  • employed as an au pair (as of 21 July 2015) or
  • employed in certain industries in Northern Australia, such as aged and disability care, agriculture, construction, mining and tourism and hospitality (as of 21 November 2015).

There are no caps on the number of Working Holiday visas issued and the number of grants has increased substantially (from just over 2,690 in 2005–06 to 41,339 in 2014–15) since the option of a second working holiday visa was introduced in November 2005. This option was initially only available to those who had been employed in seasonal agricultural work in regional Australia for three months.

The second Working Holiday visa is valid for a further 12 months. The six month restriction working with a single employer resets and applies again in the second year, although it is possible to return to the same employer from the previous year for another six months. In 2006 the option of a second visa became available to those working in any regional primary industry, such as mining. In February 2008 the option extended to people who had worked for three months in construction industries in regional areas.

Statistics on employer industry are not available for first visa grants under the WHM program, but they are available for the second Working Holiday visa grant. Since its introduction in 2005 the vast majority of second visas have been granted to those employed in agriculture (about 90 per cent), with the remaining in construction or mining work.

Work and Holiday (subclass 462)

In 2003 the Howard Government began to develop a Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa category with additional requirements for young people from countries that had not already entered into Working Holiday (subclass 417) partner agreements.

Since 2006 all new partner agreements have been negotiated under this category. Early signatories included Thailand, Chile, Turkey, the United States of America (USA), Indonesia and Malaysia. More recent additions to the program include China, Spain and Slovenia. (A full list of partner countries and the year they joined is provided in departmental WHM reports.) Other countries are currently negotiating agreements or have signed agreements that have yet to come into effect—for example the agreement signed in 2011 with Papua New Guinea (PNG) that is not yet operative.

Under the Work and Holiday visa there are additional requirements (listed under the visa applicant tab). For example, applicants from outside the USA must have functional level English, tertiary qualifications and a letter of support from their home government (although applicants from China and Israel are exempt from providing a letter of support). All countries (excluding the USA) have caps on the number of visas available per year under this program (a full list of the different visa caps are provided in departmental WHM reports).

In the past only subclass 417 visa holders have been able to apply for a second visa by working in regional Australia. However, in June 2015 the Australian Government proposed some changes to this restriction as part of the Government’s initiatives to support Northern Australia. According to the department’s website, once the necessary legislative changes take effect, all Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa recipients will be eligible to apply for a second visa if they work for three months (88 days) on their first visa in tourism, hospitality or agriculture in Northern Australia. The Government implemented this change through an amendment to the Migration Regulations registered on 1 November 2016, effective as of 19 November 2016.

In addition, as of 2015, both Working Holiday (subclass 417) and Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa recipients are able to seek an extension for up to 12 months (not just six months) working with the same employer if they:

  • work as au pairs (as of 21 July 2015) or
  • work in Northern Australia (as of 21 November 2015) in aged and disability care; agriculture, forestry and fishing; construction; mining; or tourism and hospitality.

Current issues

Pathways to permanent residency

The working holiday scheme is a temporary program for young people who want to holiday in Australia and the average length of stay in the past has been about eight months. However, the program is increasingly providing a pathway to further employment under other visa categories, such as the Temporary Work (Skilled) (subclass 457) visa, which may in time lead to permanent residency in Australia.

Recent rises in 457 visa applications and grants appear to be due to a significant rise in onshore applications, as many of these applicants are international students or working holiday makers already in the country. In a 2013 fact sheet on strengthening the integrity of the 457 program, the then Department of Immigration and Citizenship acknowledged that many 457 visa applications came from onshore international students and working holiday makers.

The economic contribution of the WHM program and the ‘backpacker tax’

It is well established that WHM entrants make a significant contribution to the Australian economy. Any policy changes that could inadvertently reduce the number of temporary workers available under this scheme is of concern to many employers—as demonstrated in the response by stakeholders to this proposal and some of the submissions to the Senate Committee on Education and Employment’s temporary work inquiry.

In the 2015–16 Budget the Government announced a plan to change the tax status of working holiday makers from that of ‘resident’ to ‘non-resident’ from 1 July 2016. The proposed change would mean that working holiday makers are taxed at significantly higher rates. Since this announcement many stakeholders—particularly those in the agriculture and tourism sectors—have expressed concerns that the measure will significantly reduce the number of backpackers coming to Australia on working holiday visas and thus create labour shortages.

In March 2016 the Turnbull Government announced a review of the proposed tax arrangements; and on 17 May 2016 announced that, if re-elected, the Government would review the taxation of working holiday maker visas to ‘ensure our labour supply is adequate and Australia remains competitive globally’.

For developments and further background on this issue see the Parliamentary Library Bills Digest, Income Tax Rates Amendment (Working Holiday Maker Reform) Bill 2016 [and related Bills].

Exploitation and compliance

The exploitation of some working holiday makers and other temporary migrant workers—particularly those from non-English speaking countries—has been a topic of public concern in recent years (see, for example, concerns expressed by the Fair Work Ombudsman). However, the intensity of public debate escalated after the ABC screened a Four Corners documentary in May 2015 titled ‘Slaving away: the dirty secrets behind Australia’s fresh food’. The documentary alleged that working holiday makers (predominantly from Taiwan) employed in the agricultural sector were often underpaid, over-worked and forced to live in substandard accommodation. Some non-English-speaking women interviewed in the program reported being preyed on by employers or labour-hire contractors and made allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

The Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment’s 2015 inquiry, The impact of Australia’s temporary work visa programs on the Australian labour market and on the temporary work visa holders, also received evidence of exploitation of migrant workers on WHM visas and abuse of the WHM visa program by labour hire contractors and sub-contractors. The final report—A national disgrace: the exploitation of temporary work visa holders, released in March 2016—noted evidence provided to the Committee of ‘pervasive exploitation’ of WHM visa holders, particularly for workers from Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea with low English language proficiency.


Table 1: Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa grants, 1982–83 to 2003–04

YearVisa grantsYearVisa grants
1982–839791993–9429 595
1983–848 0961994–9535 391
1984–8510 4001995–9640 273
1985–8613 6221996–9750 000
1986–8722 4131997–9857 000
1987-8836 4281998–9964 550
1988–8945 1361999–0074 000
1989–9041 5382000–0176 500
1990–0139 9232001–0285 207
1991–9225 8732002–0388 758
1992–9325 5572003–0493 845

Table 2: Working Holiday (subclass 417) and Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa grants,
2003–04 to 2015–16

YearWorking Holiday grantsWork and Holiday grants
2003–0493 8453
2004–05104 353257
2005–06114 693751
2006–07134 9931 812
2007–08154 3423 488
2008–09187 9076 409
2009–10175 7467 422
2010–11185 4807 442
2011–12214 6448 348
2012–13249 2319 017
2013–14229 37810 214
2014–15214 83011 982
2015–16195 67318 910

Sources2003–04 to 2004–05: Immigration Department, annual reports; 2005–06 to 2014–15: Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Working Holiday Maker program reports, (various years).

Table 3: Working Holiday (subclass 417), first and second visa grants

YearFirst visa grantsSecond visa grants
2005–06111 9962 690
2006–07127 1717 822
2007–08142 51611 826
2008–09166 13221 775
2009–10150 43125 315
2010–11162 98022 500
2011–12184 14330 501
2012–13210 36938 862
2013–14183 42845 950
2014–15173 49141 339
2015–16159 40936 264

Notes: visa recipients do not necessarily arrive in Australia in the same program year that the visa is issued; second visas may not be granted to recipients in the same year as the first visa grant; the option of a second Working Holiday visa was introduced on 1 November 2005.

Sources2005–06: Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Answers to Questions on Notice, Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio, Supplementary Budget Estimates 2010–11, Question 192, 19 October 2010; 2006–07 to 2014–15: Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Working Holiday Maker visa program reports, (various years).

Table 4: Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa grants by top countries of citizenship

YearUnited KingdomTaiwanGermanySouth KoreaFranceItalyJapanHong KongIrelandCanada
2009–1036 99510 17520 86034 86318 1585 4818 0793 72214 7908 209
2010–1138 97413 80921 14630 52718 5306 4297 7464 54521 7537 899
2011–1241 71222 39322 49932 59120 0869 6009 1627 51225 8277 929
2012–1346 13135 76126 18435 22024 78815 9739 95711 45419 1177 489
2013–1445 20829 36626 81926 89325 73416 04510 57911 66711 9967 174
2014–1544 73026 64826 32725 58923 37514 13811 4819 7207 7937 705
2015–1642 17522 15725 98022 02521 52711 59112 3046 3096 7437 632

Source: Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Working Holiday Maker visa program reports, (various years).

Table 5: Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa grants by top countries of citizenship

2009–106 149N/A446N/A471N/A100
2010–116 219N/A513N/A499N/A98
2011–126 831N/A639261346N/A99
2012–136 878N/A808417464N/A176
2013–147 499N/A1 004500471N/A437
 2014–158 347N/A1 388500466419288
2015–168 6695 0001 500700500504776


If you’re aged between 18 and 30 (or 35 in some cases) and hold a passport for a country or region participating in Australia’s Working Holiday Maker program, you may be eligible to apply for a 12-month visa which enables you to work in Australia while you are here.

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