Happy Vacation In Italian

Italian vacations can be something you’ve longed for. But planning out your perfect vacation in a language you don’t really know can be filled with frustration. I know this from first-hand experience! It seems that maybe you’re not the only one who has the idea to visit Italy. There are millions of people that come to Italy each year and there is so much to see. However, even if Italian is your native language or you study it in school, vacationing in Italy can still be a daunting task.

as known as the Italian language (lingua italiana), is a Romance language spoken mainly in Europe: Italy, Switzerland, San Marino and Vatican City…but the main country of happiness. During this holiday season, the majority will be taking a vacation which can cause structure and order to be lost during this period. The question is what can one do to ensure that their vacation is not disrupted in any way, shape or form?

Siete in procinto di partire per le vacanze, ma la lingua ti sembra molto difficile da imparare? Non preoccuparti, io ti mostro come dire Buon Vacanza in Italiano.

Happy Vacation In Italian

Heading to Italy for your summer vacation? Here’s a list of some useful salutations, greetings, and wishes that might come in handy!

Buono studio, as they say in Italian! May your studying be fruitful!

And buone vacanze, have a great vacation!


Buona giornata = have a great day.
Buongiorno = good day [greetings].
Buona notte = good night [good-bye].
Buon pomeriggio = good afternoon [greetings].
Buona sera = good evening [greetings].
Buona serata = have a great evening.


Buona continuazione = enjoy the rest of your day/activity.
Buona domenica = enjoy your day of rest [the day of the Lord].
Buone feste = happy holidays.
Buon fine settimana [buon weekend] = have a great weekend.
Buona permanenza = enjoy your stay.
Buon proseguimento = enjoy the rest of your stay/activity.
Buone vacanze = enjoy your vacation.
Buon viaggio = have a safe trip.
Buon volo = have a safe flight.
Buon weekend [buon fine settimana] = have a great weekend.


Buon appetito = enjoy your food.
Buon ascolto = enjoy the music [listening].
Buona degustazione = enjoy the tasting.
Buona spaghettata = enjoy your spaghetti [pasta].
Buona visione = enjoy the movie.


Buon lavoro = may your work be fruitful.
Buona lettura = enjoy your reading.
Buona lezione = may the lecture/class be fruitful.
Buon seminario = may the seminar/class be fruitful.
Buono studio = may your study(ing) be fruitful.


Buona guarigione = I wish you a speedy recovery.
Buon riposo = sleep well.

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