Good First Vacation With Boyfriend

The first vacation he takes with you can often be the first of many. It is also a great opportunity to become closer as you both share a new experience together. There are a few things to keep in mind when planning the perfect trip, especially if it is your first with him. No matter how long you’ve known your boyfriend or girlfriend, they’re still going to be a mystery to you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time on your first vacation together. Here are some tips on choosing a destination and planning an amazing getaway.

Maybe you’re a couple of newlyweds or maybe you just started dating. Either way, your first vacation as a couple is a must! And to help you chose the perfect destination here are a few things to remember. First trips with your new boyfriend tend to be a little bit stressful. There is so much to think about that it creates anxiety in you. These anxiety-inducing first travel experiences can change your relationship, but they don’t have to.

Good First Vacation With Boyfriend

Are you the type to plan out your vacation months in advance? I am, thankfully my boyfriend isn’t. There’s nothing more exciting to me than planning a last minute getaway — complete with inexpensive accommodations, flying off the beaten path, and little known tourist traps. Now although this is my preferred vacation style, my boyfriend Tyler feels differently. Call us star crossed lovers…

If you’ve ever hit that “book” button and packed your bags to travel with a bestie, then you know how telling taking a trip with someone can be. Do you both function on the same schedule? Have similar budgets? Like to do the same balance of touristy excursions and local immersions? As you explore your new destination, you’ll answer all of these questions, quickly figuring out if you’re a happy hour pair or traveling buddies.

The same test applies to your new partner, especially as your relationship progresses. No matter how much you appreciate the same foods, laugh at the same moments in movies and how much fun you have under the sheets, enjoying vacations and adventurous trips together is an important part of a love affair that can ~go the distance~.

But while a 10-day trip to Thailand sounds exotic and incredible, for your first getaway just-the-two-of-you, you might want to opt for something a bit more casual that doesn’t put quite as much pressure on your passports. Here, the best trip idea for new couples:

Are Quality Time & Physical Touch Love Languages Compatible?

“Quality time can easily turn into intimate time, resulting in a ‘win-win’ for both people.”

Are quality time and physical touch love languages compatible? Here's what pros say.

Out of the countless personality tests available, the love languages one is quite possibly the most popular when it comes to relationships. Created by a pastor named Gary Chapman, the Five Love Languages are words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and gifts — each of which signifies how you prefer to show and receive love. Knowing which one you are can help inform you (and your partner) about the best ways to strengthen your relationship.

As the name suggests, the quality time love language refers to those who enjoy spending present, intentional time with their S.O. and feel loved when doing so. This can involve anything from deep conversations sans screen time to regular date nights. Similarly, people with a physical touch love language enjoy showing affection physically, whether that be holding hands or sharing in physical intimacy. While they’re different methods of expressing love, there are still some interesting factors to consider in the compatibility of quality time and physical touch love language types.

Understanding the elements of your love language, and especially that of your partner, can significantly benefit your relationship, according to professional matchmaker and dating coach Thalia Ouimet. “Our relationships are so much more enjoyable and meaningful when we are loved the way we want to be loved,” she tells Bustle.

If you and your partner are a pair with a quality time and physical touch love language combination, keep reading for some expert insight on your compatibility.

Quality Time And Physical Touch Sexual Compatibility

When one partner values spending time with the other, and their partner desires physical closeness or intimacy, there are several ways both needs can be fulfilled. “This match could work well together if, for example, you spend time with your partner watching a movie cuddled up on the couch,” Ouimet previously told Bustle. That gives one partner the quality time they need while the other gets physical touch via cuddling. The inclusion of both love languages in this situation could easily translate to the bedroom as well, where physical intimacy and intense emotional connection can combine: Cuddling and pillow talk post-coitus could also satisfy each partner in this pair.

According to relationship expert Jaime Bronstein, LCSW, these two love languages have the potential to be very compatible as long as they value each other’s preferences. “Quality time can easily turn into intimate time, resulting in a ‘win-win’ for both people,” she says. “If this couple can be physically close to one another — through holding hands and PDA — even outside of the bedroom, they have the potential to thrive.”

Even so, someone might not be in the mood for intimacy every time they hang out, Ouimet points out — which is why it’s always important to express your needs and boundaries with each other.

Quality Time And Physical Touch Emotional Compatibility

As with any couple who has different love languages, having empathy and some level of emotional intelligence is key to ensuring that your partner is also as happy with the state of your relationship. With quality time and physical touch, this is no exception. “The emotional compatibility [of quality time and physical touch] is dependent on two partners’ EQ and IQ, sense of humor, and their level of depth,” Ouimet says. The presence of those traits can make for a harmonious and loving relationship.

Quality Time And Physical Touch Communication

According to Ouimet, regardless of you or your partner’s love language, being able to have healthy and open conversations about your needs and feelings is a developed skill. “Communication is the most important factor to a healthy successful relationship,” she says. “Not everyone was born with good communication skills, but it is a skill set that can be learned.”

If the partner who needs quality time can openly express that they need a regular date night, or if the partner needing physical touch can advocate for their needs and share that they want to feel more loved via physical intimacy or affection, this pairing can be a good match.

Quality Time And Physical Touch Dating Compatibility

When it comes to dating, a couple with quality time and physical touch love languages can be a great pair as long as they communicate well. “Quality time and physical touch can be a good pair, but only if two people take the time to explain to each other what their expectations are,” Ouimet explains. For example, if the partner who values quality time wants to spend intentional time with their partner but isn’t in the mood for much physical connection, the partner with the physical touch love language should respect that boundary and plan for another time where they can get their needs met.

Quality Time And Physical Touch Friendship Compatibility

With communication and respect for each other’s needs, Ouimet says that friends with quality time and physical touch love languages can build a great bond. “It comes down to expectations and understanding your friend. For example, some people are huggers and they enjoy getting a hug every time they see a friend, meanwhile someone who has a quality time love language might not be a big hugger,” she explains. Learning how to balance the expression of love and appreciation for each other can create a healthy platonic pairing.

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