Going On Vacation With Ex Girlfriend

Planning a trip with your ex girlfriend can be challenging, but it’s an adventure that could lead to a win-win situation. Here are some tips on going on vacation with your ex girlfriend to help you get started. Girlfriends that used to be romantic partners, friends with benefits and even one night stands can get in touch with us from time to time and wants to meet us. Is it a good idea? Should you do it? Do you have no choice but to go on a vacation with an ex girlfriend?

Planning a trip with your ex-girlfriend is one of those things you look back on and tell yourself: “Why did I do that?!” The secret to making it work is to keep your head straight and remember what reality is like. If you have a problem which you can’t discuss with your family and friends, we are here to help. Our company provides a full range of services for people in distress. Many people may feel uncomfortable discussing personal issues with friends or clergy. Professional counselors at DrSandySEO.com are committed to helping you heal so that you can feel whole again. Look for our booth at the conference!

Going On Vacation With Ex Girlfriend

Easter and especially Christmas are approaching fast so vacation time is drawing near. After a hard year of work, you’re finally going to be able to relax and be far away from stress from work. A few weeks ago this subject came up when I was coaching Julian who is trying to get back together with his ex. He unfortunately has found himself in a sticky situation because he has two non-refundable tickets to a country that would make anyone (especially me!) drool. You might be wondering what the problem is. Well, the second ticket is reserved for… his ex. His ex that left him a few weeks before. His dream vacation that had been planned far in advance is looking more like a nightmare than anything.

Nevertheless, there are multiple ways to see things, especially from my point of view as an expert on getting back together! In my opinion, you should ask yourself if there is something positive to be taken from the situation if your goal is to get back together with your ex. Is it a lost cause? Should Julian forego his trip or should he go on vacation with an ex?

Many people feel that spending a week with the person that left them is out of the question. However, you’re going to learn that this type of situation is significant and that there are certain elements that are going to help you as you try to get back with your ex.

Is going on vacation with an ex a good idea?

At first sight, going on vacation with an ex doesn’t seem like the brightest idea. I might even say that most people feel so bitter that they’d never even consider doing this. But of course there are certain cases in which they “have to” do this. In Julian’s case, if he didn’t go he would have wasted hundreds and hundreds of dollars and would have had to spend his vacation at home.


Coaching sessions can make an ex get back together!

When you have children with your ex you’ll be connected for the rest of your lives. Even though you’ve separated, spending time with your kids and your ex isn’t out of the ordinary when both exes are single. You want to give your children a certain image of stability, make memories that they’ll remember forever, and discover the world together. Kids, especially when they’re young, can be deeply affected by not seeing their parents together. This is why going on vacation with your ex isn’t as rare as you might think. Under these circumstances, taking a trip with your ex won’t create tensions between you.

Sometimes a breakup happens between the booking and the departure. As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, one of the people I’m coaching is currently in this situation! A lot of couples have to go on vacation together despite the breakup because of financial obligations. It’s true that neither person involved wants to waste hundreds of dollars. Under these circumstances you’re going to have to thicken your skin and not let your emotions (bitterness, sadness, etc…) take control.

Is distance better for getting back together?

“I’ve decided that I’m going to get my ex back while we’re on vacation” and this is something that could work really well if the conditions are right. Even if this type of situation seems like a pretty big deal to most people, doesn’t going on vacation with your ex seem like the ideal opportunity to make them fall for you again? Why not take advantage of the situation in order to reestablish attraction between you and give your love story another chance?
Taking a trip with your ex has some great advantages that you might not be aware of. The simple fact of being far from home is already something positive. You’re both far from the routine of your daily life. You can discover new places, meet new people… Seeing different things can change you and your ex’s attitude because this will topple your daily routine. Always doing the same things and seeing the same people can make your life feel lackluster.


Getting back together after a break up is still possible!

Discovering a new place could change everything, especially if the place looks like paradise.

Being on vacation also gives you the opportunity to relax and to unwind which in turn makes it easier to have a calm and constructive conversation. You’ll be able to reestablish communication if it had become damaged and it’ll help you put things into perspective regarding the relationship. Suggest taking a walk with your ex, or checking out a neighboring town together, the beach or even a new activity so that you can get closer and gently bring up the past when you’re alone together. This is the perfect situation for reestablishing attraction, bringing back affinity and desire between you. You just have to find the right words.

So my dear readers, what do you think about going on vacation with your ex?

When you’re in a relationship life can seem so great. You’re in love, talking about the future and spending the days together cuddling up in bed. You can’t break up, they won’t become your ex. That’s when you take the next step, bringing up the idea to take a trip together months down the track. Which seems amazing at the time, things are better than they have ever been, and that won’t change, right?

The days are spent planning this vacation, choosing a country, creating an itinerary. You book this 6 months in advance to make those airfares more affordable. You’ve been together 1 year, so you can easily make it a little longer. Though a month before you are set to depart, things fall apart, you no longer love what attracted you to them and it’s time to call it quits. Now comes the awkward elephant in the room. . . what happens with the trip you are about to leave for. Neither one of you wants to sacrifice your hard earned money so you bite the bullet and say ‘how hard can it be?

Truth be told, extremely hard, and I am speaking from experience. There were tears shed, voices raised and strong opinions galore, though we both had an amazing time and he actually met a girl which he is still with as I write this. So I created a list to ensure anyone else in the same position can make the most of their holiday. Because even if it may not be the most ideal situation there are certain things which can be done to ensure everyone survives and stays sane.

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