Go To Vacation On A Budget

Go to vacation on a budget ! There are many of us who would love to take a trip to another country but putting it at the top of the list can seem like an expense that may not be possible. But even in this economy there are ways to go to vacation on a reasonable budget. If you want to stay on your budget, the secret is out: follow a few simple tips that will help you save money for your vacation.

You’ve dreamt about a vacation for so long in your head: the days of relaxation and fun on the beach. But you’ve always felt it was out of grasp because it is just so expensive. You’ve wondered why anyone bothers going on vacations then if they have to pay so much at the end of it anyway. You can still have the great life and save at the same time? In today’s world, you might not be surprised when someone tries to sell you something at a discount. However, if that person is actually trying to give you a deal on something that you can’t miss out on — now that’s something very rare indeed. Which is how I might suggest you think of this blog post that we’re about to start reading together, because it will tell you how to get a better vacation – one you won’t regret, without breaking the bank.

Go To Vacation On A Budget

Each year people spend countless hours and thousands of dollars on planning the perfect vacation. Planning a vacation cannot only be fun, but it can also save you a significant amount of money. However many people think that they will need to spend a lot of money to travel. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be so. All it takes is some clever planning, research, and some legwork to making your dream vacation a reality without spending a lot of money.

While many of us dream of traveling the world (or at least taking a few months off from work in pursuit of adventure), it’s not always feasible — even for those with the best of intentions. A lot of things can get in the way.


I frequently talk about long-term travel and round-the-world trips, but I know that realistically, not everyone can take those kinds of trips — or wants to. I don’t think traveling the world is hard, but I also know that what I do isn’t for everyone.

Some people just want to go on a cheap vacation for a few weeks. Not everyone has the time or interest in taking an extended trip.

And that’s perfectly ok!

So, what do you do when you only have a short amount of time and a limited budget?

What are some budget vacation ideas that aren’t about traveling the world?

Even if I won’t find you backpacking Cambodia for three months or walking the Camino de Santiago, there are many ways to get on the road and see the world without breaking the bank!

Here are eight cheap travel ideas if you are cash-strapped and/or time-poor:

1. Be a Local Tourist

 Tour The Statue of Liberty
How often do you visit the tourist sites in your own city? Hardly ever, right? I know New Yorkers who have never seen the Statue of Liberty and Bostonians who have never walked the Freedom Trail. I once took a Dutch friend on a tour of Amsterdam because, despite growing up there, she had never seen the local attractions that lure millions of visitors to the city every year.

Celebration By Rupa Vira – Modern Indian Cuisine

We’re all guilty of this. It took me five years to see the Jim Thompson House in Bangkok (even after living there), and I’ve still never been to Bunker Hill in Boston despite spending the first 24 years of my life there.

We always put it off until tomorrow, because when we live in a city, we think there is always a tomorrow.

We get so caught up in our daily lives we forget that we can have a cheap vacation in our own city. We don’t have to go anywhere!

If you’re short on time and money, there’s no better way to spend some free time than to wander your own city. No matter what its size, it has a number of wonders that you’ve never seen or even known about because you just haven’t explored it like you would somewhere far-flung and “exotic.”

Explore your city the way you would explore it if it were half a world away. Be a traveler in your own town and look at it with new eyes. You might just be surprised!

Check and see what unique activities you can do that you wouldn’t do otherwise. For example, EatWith can be found in cities all around the world. It offers unique, locally-created culinary experiences. You’ll get to try new food and meet new people — all while staying in your own backyard!


Additionally, check and see if there are any walking or cycling tour companies in your city (or nearby cities). Take Walks and Fat Tire Tours both run fun, detailed, and insightful tours in cities all around the world. I always book a tour with them when I want to get beneath the surface of a destination!

Moreover, if you live in a large city, be sure to go to your local tourism office and get a city tourism pass. These cards allow you to see a wide range of local attractions for free or reduced prices and can be your way to see your local sites on a budget. They aren’t just for outsiders!

And to see what fun activities are available near you, check out Get Your Guide

Important Tip: When you become a local tourist, check out of your house and into a hotel, hostel, or guesthouse. It’s important to get out of your familiar environment because if you stay home, you’ll find something to do around the house and create excuses for why you can’t sightsee.

Moving to a different location can help give you that feeling of adventure, excitement, and unfamiliarity.

2. Travel Regionally

 Adventures in The Woods, Maine
Travel brings to mind faraway and exotic destinations. It invokes images of all the places we’ve dreamedt of and seen in movies. Because of that, few people look in their own backyard for adventure — as my Aussie friends always tell me before they jet off somewhere, “Mate, you’ve probably seen more of Oz than I have!” — but it offers just as many places to travel.

I could say the same thing as my Aussie friends. I grew up in Boston, and from there, I could visit New Hampshire, the woods of Maine, the bed-and-breakfasts of the Berkshires, or the farms of Vermont. New York was a four-hour car ride from home.

How often did I do that? Not often enough!

Exploring your own region is an underrated and often overlooked aspect of travel. It gets the occasional lip service in magazines, but driving across the United States made me realize how much our own countries have to offer us and how often we overlook that for some foreign place.

There’s something special about being a stranger in your homeland and realizing you really don’t know much about it as you thought.

We think because we’re born in a place we understand it but every country has regional differences that make it unique and, unless we travel to see and experience them, we’ll never fully understand the place we call home.

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