Fun Things To Do On Summer Vacation
Summer vacation is here and now you (and your family) have the arduous task of figuring out what to do. Here are my recommendations of fun things to do on summer vacation. It’s summer time, festival season for you music lovers and the weather is nice. All good reasons to take that poorly planned summer vacation. Here are a few fun things to do on your summer vacation:
Summer is a great time to stretch your boundaries and try something new. It’s a great way to break up the monotony that winter can bring. Here are some fun and relaxing things you can do on your next vacation.
‘Tis the season for summer vacations! Kids are out of school and spending time at the park, water park, pool or beach. For parents, this brings up a lot of questions as to what to do with them and how to keep them entertained during their free time. How do you make this summer vacation fun but safe? Here are some tried and true things that you can plan out with your children. You can head to the beach, or camp out in the mountains; maybe even enjoy a new hobby. But these suggestions are boring. Take your mind off summer break and learn something fun with one of these 5 creative projects that use nature to make all kinds of neat things!
Fun Things To Do On Summer Vacation

Summer 2022 is just around the corner, and while caution is always wise, many people are hoping for an enduring sense of normalcy this summer. It’s a milestone we’ve waited nearly three years for, and while caution is always wise, many people are hoping for an enduring sense of normalcy this summer.
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With that said, it’s never too early to break out the calendar and start filling up your summer schedule. But what about the days when there isn’t anything going on? We’ve put together a list of 45 free or nearly free activities you and your family can do that will still ensure summer 2022 is top-notch.
1. Climb a tree.
Whether you find a good branch and read a book or see how high you can go, climbing a tree is a totally free way to enjoy the warm weather. We can’t think of a better way to relive childhood!
2. Participate in a local run.
If your town will have a 5k fun run this spring or summer, why not train for it and participate? Even the most hesitant runners can succeed using approaches like the Couch to 5K program, which slowly builds from no running to running a 5K in just six to 12 weeks.
3. Plant a garden.
If you’re lucky enough to have a backyard that gets some decent sun, planting a garden is one of the best, low-cost things to do in the summer. It’ll keep you busy all season long, and bonus – you’ll enjoy fresh, delicious produce, too! No backyard? No problem! Tons of herbs and veggies – like tomatoes, peppers, carrots and basil – do really well in containers.
4. DIY slip n’ slide.
Channel that inner wild child and create your very own slip ‘n slide. Simply throw down a couple of tarps, stake them down at the sides, then run your sprinkler over the tarps for a wet, slippery ride. Bonus points if you set it up on a downward slope.
5. Make your own popsicles.
When those long, hot summer days start getting you down, break out some fun ingredients and make your own popsicles. You may have to buy a mold like this one on Amazon, but there isn’t much else you’ll need; things like fruit juice, fresh fruit and yogurt are just some of the ways to make your own yummy popsicles.
6. Find or make a walking tour of a city.
Most cities have some kind of free walking tour available to download, and if you can’t find one you can easily map out some landmarks and interesting spots around your area with interesting history that you can visit. Even the tiniest towns have little-known unique spots — just grab a friend and start wandering.
7. Go for a hike.
Walking is free, and walking in nature, freeing. In Japan, they have something called a Shinrin-yoku, which is a “forest bathing trip,” or a quick walk in the woods. Take as many of these as you can. Head to national and state parks or even just the local trail — be sure to take any trash you create with you when you leave.
8. Host a movie night.
Take a vote on which movie, make sure everyone dresses in pajamas, have all the drinks and snacks prepared, and enjoy your night together.
9. Photography challenges.
Love to take shots for decorating your walls or your Instagram feed? Taking photos is a great thing to do in summer. Instead of just randomly taking photos, give yourself a challenge for a day. You can make up your own or search online for popular ideas.
10. Get adventurous with urban foraging
Even if you don’t have a garden, there may be free food within your reach. Look online for foraging maps of your city or ask friends if they know of any places to grab free fruit, nuts, herbs, and more (legally, of course) — and then search for a recipe to experiment.
11. Paddle or swim your way around a local waterway.
If you’ve got the gear, take your kayak, raft, or canoe out for a spin. If you don’t own any kind of watercraft, finding a local swimming hole or lazy river to go for a quick dip is equally as fun.
12. Read in a hammock.
If you’ve got your own hammock, put it up in your backyard or at a local park, grab a great summer novel, and enjoy a few hours swinging and reading.
13. Plan a creative picnic.
You don’t have to spend tons of dough buying food or special “picnic” things — just grab some snacks from the pantry and an old blanket and go sit and enjoy nature at a favorite park with friends.
14. Bike around town.
Enjoy your city from a fresh perspective on your bike, or find a local trail to zoom around on.
15. Visit free museums.
Museums are an American favorite when it comes to things to do in the summer. Odds are there’s a free museum in your area, so take the opportunity to check it out.
16. Upcycle old finds into something fresh.
Do you have furniture, art, frames, or other pieces of décor lying around that could use an upgrade? Now is a brilliant time to scavenge for cool found objects around your home and revamp them through DIY projects.
17. Get sporty.
When’s the last time you enjoyed a game of badminton? Volleyball? Tennis? Take what gear you’ve got and set it up in your backyard (or make use of the equipment at your local park) to compete against your friends.