Fun Things To Do During Winter Vacation

Having fun is infinitely important to a well adjusted youth. Although most of the fun is derived from times spent outside the home, there can be plenty of fun to have inside as well. Especially during the winter when school is out and there is nothing much to do, do you want to make sure that your kids have a chance to have as much fun as possible? During winter vacation, boredom runs rampant. But there are fun things to do during winter vacation if you look hard enough. Granted, if you live where I live, you are in a winter wonderland staring at tons of white stuff and not much else. This can make looking for things to do a bit challenging but, that’s what the Internet is for. Here are some fun things to do during winter vacation!

Whether you’re an employee or a student, winter vacation is a time to relax, unwind and have some fun. Here’s some awesome things to do in the coming months: 1. Go tobogganing – Most big cities offer hills where you can go sliding. There’s even a man-made ski hill in the centre of the city where you and your family can enjoy all kinds of winter sports. 2. Sing carols on Christmas Eve – Christmas goes hand in hand with caroling. Every choir member has their favorite song, but it wouldn’t hurt to find out which carols are performed most often by other choirs around the city. 3. Attend concerts – Going on a concert tour is one of the best ways to spend time during your winter break from classes or work.

Fun Things To Do During Winter Vacation

I’m talking about winter vacation. You know, that time of the year where students are on winter break and have a free day or two to chill (or not) with friends, family or other hangers on before heading back to the books and papers. No stress just relax and get some much-needed rest, yeah? Well…that’s what you think.

Soon, the kids will be off school for their winter break. You may have an exciting ski trip or a fun vacation to Disney World planned. If this is the case, then this article is not written for you! However, if a trip away is not in the cards for your family, then please read on.

If you don’t have any plans for the winter break, you may be feeling a little panicked about what to do to keep your kids busy while they’re off school. Have no fear! Staycations can be fun for everyone—especially with a little advance planning.

Here are 25 ideas for fun, inexpensive things to do over the school break that will help keep the whole family busy.

1. Go to the Zoo

A winter trip to the zoo can be a completely different experience than a summer zoo excursion. For one thing, zoos are much less crowded during the colder months, so you won’t have to fight the crowds to get a good view of the animals.

Many zoos have indoor pavilions to explore. These buildings can be stifling hot during the summer, but they are a welcome reprieve on a cold day. Although some of the outdoor exhibits may be closed in the winter, there are many animals that actually prefer cooler temperatures. You are likely to catch them being much more active than they are on hot summer days.

2. Have a Movie Marathon

While you probably don’t want your kids glued to the TV for the whole school break, a planned afternoon or evening of movie-watching can be fun. Choose a theme or a genre for your movie marathon, or just have everyone pick their favourite movie. Make some popcorn, grab a few other favourite movie treats and some cozy pillows and blankets, relax and enjoy!

Snow tubing fun.
Snow tubing fun.Kathy Sima, 2012

3. Go Tobogganing or Snow Tubing

Sledding down a hill with family or friends is fun for kids and adults alike. Grab a toboggan, snow tube, fancy snow racer or a crazy carpet, and head for the nearest hill for some snowy fun.

It’s a good idea to dress in layers, since walking back up those hills can make you warm up pretty quickly!

4. Visit a Museum

A trip to a museum is both educational and fun. Depending on the interests of your family, you could visit an art museum, museum of natural history, science centre or any number of museums in your area.

5. Go Bowling

5-pin bowling is a fun family activity. For young children or beginner bowlers, many bowling alleys offer bumper bowling, where the gutters are covered so that the ball stays in the lane. This allows the kids to focus on having fun instead of getting frustrated by having their bowling ball continuously roll into the gutter.

Some bowling alleys also offer glow-in-the-dark bowling, which kicks up the excitement level a notch.

6. Have a Spa Day at Home

If you have daughters, they would probably enjoy a little spa treatment at home. Pamper them with a foot soak in a relaxing foot spa or the tub, and then give them a pedicure and a manicure. If you’re feeling brave, let them do your nails, too!

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Serve a healthy spa-style lunch with fresh fruit and sandwiches.

Your local library might offer programs for kids over winter break. Or you can just go there to check out a great new book!
Your local library might offer programs for kids over winter break. Or you can just go there to check out a great new book!San José Public Library, CC BY-SA 2.0, from flickr

7. Go to the Library

If the weather outside is frightful, but you still want to get out of the house, the library can be a great destination. Kids can read books, look for movies to borrow or use the computers at the library, and you can find some new reading material as well.

8. Make a Family Scrapbook

If you have a digital camera or a smartphone, chances are you have hundreds, if not thousands, of photos on your computer that you have never printed off. It’s a nice idea to get some of them printed and spend some time organizing them into photo albums or scrapbooks.

You can work on this project with your children, or give them each a stack of photos of them with family and friends and have them make a memory scrapbook or album of their own.

9. Go Swimming

Many community centres offer extra public swimming times over the holidays. A trip to the local pool can be an easy and inexpensive way to get everyone out of the house to burn off some energy and have fun.

10. Go for a Hike

Winter hikes can be a lot of fun, as long as everyone is dressed appropriately for the weather. Dress in layers, wear warm footwear and pack a few snacks and drinks before you set out for some family fun.

Walks in a forest after a fresh snowfall are particularly spectacular—be sure to bring a camera for those!

11. Have a Craft Day

If your children like to do crafts, this can easily keep them busy for hours. From painting or drawing to making jewelry or collages, the possibilities are almost endless. Provide them with an assortment of supplies, and see what their creative minds come up with.

12. Redecorate the Kids’ Bedrooms

If it’s been awhile since your kids’ bedrooms have been updated, they might appreciate the opportunity to give their room a bit of a makeover. Whether you repaint, rearrange the furniture or purchase new bedding or a few new accessories, this can be a perfect project to undertake during the school break.

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