Full Form Of Visa In Passport

The Full Form Of Visa in Passport is “Visa”. One can say that the Visa in Passport is a form of identification or travel document issued by a country to its citizens for international travel that allows them to enter and leave the territory of the state, subject to the conditions and limitations imposed by immigration laws of the receiving country.Illegal immigrants cannot apply for a visa in passport. Anyone born outside of the country may have to have a visa before gaining entry by air, sea or land. By using Greek Names as Visa, Visas on Passports has been are widely used since 2002. Below is the full form of Visa In Passport:

Full Form Of Visa In Passport

The Visa is a document issued by the authorities of a country allowing foreigners to enter that country. It declares the holder as a person who is entitled to be in that country. A visa can be used for business, shopping, education, tourism and other purposes. A visa is not a guarantee of entry into the country that issues it. There are cases when even with a valid visa foreigners are refused entry into their destination countries on any number of grounds. The passport you hold can also affect your chances of entry into certain countries. They might demand additional documents from you based on the type of visa you have been issued.       I believe that a good Visa passport covers your entire demand in the passport form. The process of giving a full form while creating a new passport is very important as you will be able to move freely through many countries with your passport. I already have a Visa passport, but when I needed to create a new visa for a large number of countries, I tried to create it at home and it did not give me the required visa. At that time, I had to go to those countries and try to fill my visa with full security then I went to many other offices after using that visa.

What Types of Passports Are There? 

Different types of passports are issued depending on your needs and situation:

  • A regular passport. This is a typical national passport issued to most citizens of a country.
  • A service passport.  This type of passport is issued to government officials and their dependents travelling for work-related purposes. 
  • A diplomatic passport. A diplomatic passport is issued to diplomats and their dependents for international travel and residence, usually to serve a state mission. However, having this type of passport does not automatically mean diplomatic immunity; privileges for diplomats are discussed with the host country. 
  • Emergency passports. An emergency passport is issued in cases where someone has lost their passport, or it was stolen, and they need a passport fast for international travel. This type of passport is usually temporary until a regular passport is ready. 
  • Collective passports. These travel passports are issued for group travels, i.e., students travelling for a school trip.
  • Family passports. Family passports are issued for one family and used as a joint travel document. So, for example, there is one passport holder, and the other family members are included in the document. This was usually the case with parents and their young children, but nowadays, not many countries issue passports and require separate travel documents for each family member. 

Other Travel Documents

Certain countries issue documents that serve the same purpose as a passport but are specific travel documents such as: 

  • Refugee travel document. A refugee travel document is issued to individuals under a “refugee” status and cannot use their previous national passports. Each country that offers asylum issues travel documents for refugees, but individuals recognised as refugees under the Geneva Convention usually receive a uniformed document. 
  • Interpol travel document. This travel document is issued to Interpol officers to make international travel easier when investigating a transnational crime. 
  • Certificate of identity. This document is issued to individuals that are non-citizen residents, usually due to statelessness. A typical example of this document is the “Nansen passport”. 
  • Travel permits. Individual countries issue travel permits to make it easier for residents of those countries to travel who cannot use their passports due to personal circumstances. Such documents include the following: 
  • Chinese travel document. Chinese travel documents are issued by the People’s Republic of China instead of regular passports.

Different Visa Types 

There are several types of visas you can apply for depending on your reason for travel: 

  • Tourist visa. A tourist visa is usually issued for 30 days to 90 days to visit a specific country as a tourist destination. Some countries issue tourist visas for up to 10 years but with periodical entries. 
  • Transit visa. A transit visa is issued only to allow travellers to transit through a country while they wait for their connecting flights- it’s usually valid only for 24 hours, but it can be issued for ten days to two weeks. 
  • Business visa. This visa is issued to conduct business in a foreign country- its validity depends on the country and the type of business; it can last for several months.
  • Medical visa. Medical visas are granted when visitors need to travel to another country to seek medical help- the validity of the visa depends on the patient’s situation. 
  • Student visa. Student visas are given to students who want to complete a degree in a foreign country- student visas are valid for the duration of the study program. 
  • Work visa. A work visa is issued to individuals employed in another country; the visa is typically valid for the duration of the work contract but can be extended.
  • Working holiday visa. Working holiday visas are generally valid for a year or two, allowing individuals to travel to a country as tourists and work in specific industries. 
  • Pilgrimage visa. Pilgrimage visas are issued for religious travels such as the Hajj pilgrimage. 
  • Retirement visa. This type of visa is granted to people of retirement age and can afford to support themselves in another country to spend their golden years.
  • Immigrant visa. Immigrant visas allow another person to gain a permanent residency in another country. 

The Most Powerful and Weak Passports in the World 

As of 2020, the strongest passport is the Japanese passport with visa-free entry to most countries. On the other hand, the weakest passport is issued by Afghanistan, with only 26 visa-free countries. 

The Easiest and Hardest Countries to Get a Visa To

Some of the easiest countries to get a visa include the following: 

  • Lithuania- with a rejection rate of 1.3%
  • Estonia- with a rejection rate of 1.6%
  • Finland- with a rejection rate of 1.7% 
  • Iceland- with a rejection rate of 1.7%
  • Latvia- with a rejection rate of 2.1%

The hardest countries to get a visa for are: 

  • North Korea
  • Somalia 
  • Afghanistan 
  • Saudi Arabia 
  • Bhutan

Here you can find the full list of the hardest countries to get a visa to.

How Do I Get a Visa If I Need One?

You have to apply for one at an embassy or consulate representative of the country you want to visit to get a visa. Generally speaking, to get a visa, you need to have a valid passport of at least three months after your departure date- so make sure you first have a passport and then apply for a visa. 

What Happens After I Get a Visa?

If you get a visa, the embassy or consulate will stamp your passport, but lately, certain countries are issuing visas as separate documents. So mainly, if you apply for an electronic visa, you don’t get your passport stamped; you have to print out the visa and take it with you. 

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