Friendly Letter About Summer Vacation

Vacation is something that everyone looks forward to at the end of the year.   There are many different reasons why people love to get away from everyday life and all of its stresses.   For most, a vacation helps them to relax, reflect, and revitalize themselves.   However, for others who work directly with the public on a daily basis such as our customer care associates here at Acme Industrial Manufacturing Company, Inc., summer break is sometimes a dreaded time when calls will finally stop coming due to the busy holiday season having just ended and schools out for summer vacations.

The bell tower rings, but nobody shows up to class. Your kids are ready to break out of the same routine and do something different this summer. They’re craving adventure and they’re hoping you’ve been yearning for it too. As a parent, you might need some help creating a summer vacation bucket list of ideas so you can be sure they have the most epic summer ever.

Friendly Letter About Summer Vacation

There are several things to remember when returning to school. While these tasks fall on you and your teachers, please bear in mind that I am available to help should you need it. First, we will be focusing on the following:

Letter to Your Friend about Your Summer Holidays

Summer is the best time of the year. It is the time of the year when you can plan a getaway from your daily life, a time when you can have the much-needed break you have been wishing for all through the year. This article will give you samples of letters you can write to your friends to let them know your summer vacation plans and describe how well you spent your summer holidays.

  • Letter to your friend about your summer vacation
  • Letter to your friend about your plans for the summer holidays

Letter to your friend about your summer vacation

3/25, Nelson Manickam Lane


Chennai – 600029


Dearest Lilly,

Life has been totally different throughout the summer. It almost feels like living in an alternate world. I get good sleep and literally do not have to wake up to finish the morning chores. Everything is kept ready, and I am allowed to eat whatever I want whenever I want to. The place I am staying is incredible. It is by a beach, and I enjoy watching the sunset everyday. The climate is moderate and the surrounding is calm.

Every day, I get a two-wheeler on which I can go around the place. I visit villages and make acquaintances. The people here are really nice and hospitable. I will be here for two more weeks, and I hope they go on as great as the past few weeks have been.

My time here has been exceptionally peaceful and pleasant, and I have been thinking about making this happen every summer. I would love it if you could join me next summer. I am sure you will love it too. Let me know what you think of it.

With lots of love,


Letter to your friend about your plans for the summer holidays

89 B, Jaya Nagar

Block IV

Bangalore – 500008

March 23,2021

My dear Rachel,

Hope you are keeping safe and healthy. I am writing to you to find out if you would be able to join me for the summer holidays.

I have planned to spend the summer in Barbados as I have an official meeting for which I have been asked to be the keynote speaker. I would be occupied only for a week, and I am sure we would be able to go around once the meeting is over. I had met with Joey and Chandler and proposed this idea, and they happily accepted. Monica also has agreed to come with us. It would be wonderful if you and Phoebe could join us as well. It would be our first summer together like we have always wanted.

I really hope and wish both of you could make it too. Let me know as soon as possible so that we can book our tickets and plan out everything, including our stay and other activities.

Eagerly waiting for your response.



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