Freelancer Visa In Portugal

One of the biggest questions that freelance individuals have is whether or not they can apply for a visa in Portugal. As there are no concrete answers to this query from the concerned authorities, it is imperative that you stay abreast with this information, as it will come under great importance in the near future. The best way of doing so is to carry out research on services, which will be able to provide you with authentic information on the same. The Freelancer Visa holders are requested by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security (Ministerio do Trabalho e da Segurança Social, MTSS) to declare monthly their income derived from self-employment and have it certified by the Administrative Entity of Social Security (Entidade Gestora da Segurança Social). Based on fiscal legislation, this declaration is required for both Portuguese tax residents with income derived from self-employment in other countries and non-residents with income generated in Portugal.

Freelancer Visa In Portugal

It’s a win-win situation for Portugal. GD Tax breaks and incentives are attracting foreign talent, and the country needs it just as much. Portugal is known for its history, beaches, nature, Lisbon in particular. But 3rd place in the European technology sector? Not in the general imagination.

Portugal Self-Employment Visa for Digital Nomads and Freelancers: The Definitive Guide

Note: As of 2022, Portugal still does not have a Digital Nomad Visa per se. The government is still working on it. In the meantime, the most convenient alternative is to go with the Portugal D7 Visa route.

So, your company gave you to go ahead to work remotely and you want to move to Portugal?  Or are you a digital nomad, a freelancer, or an entrepreneur that wants to settle in Portugal?

Well, unless you’re already an EU citizen, you will need a visa or a residence permit in Portugal. Luckily, Portugal has a specific residence visa for self-employed workers, freelancers, and digital nomads!

Below, you can find the details about Portugal freelance visa, Portugal digital nomad visa, and Portugal work permits below. 

Tips about the Portugal remote worker visa:

  • You need a clean criminal record,
  • You can either apply for a work visa in Portugal online or offline:
    • If you’d like to apply online: you should register on SAPA and complete the corresponding forms indicating your interest and situation, and upload the necessary documents,
    • If you’d like to apply offline: you would like to submit your application in paper to the SEF office
  • SEF assesses the application and then gives you an appointment date,
  • The initial visa will be valid for two years and the subsequent visas will be each valid for three years at a time.

You can either apply yourself or use a legal representative to apply on your behalf.  In either case, you will need the following documents for a work visa Portugal:

  • Evidence of having set a company in Portugal, or
  • Contract for services for the carrying out of a liberal profession and statement by the professional association with evidence of the registration (whenever applicable)
  • Passport or another valid travel document,
  • Evidence of sufficient means of subsistence,
  • Evidence of adequate accommodation in Portugal,
  • Evidence of having registered with the Social Security,
  • Evidence of registration in the tax authority
    • you can obtain your tax number – NIF – in Portugal from a Finanças office
  • Clean criminal record:
    • from the country of origin and of residence (if different)
    • from Portugal; for this, you just need to give SEF permission to check it in Portugal

If your lawyer asks under which legal framework you would like to apply for Portugal self-employment visa, you can say that it is:

 ARTICLE 89, PARAGRAPH 2 OF LAW N. º 59/2017 31ST JULY   ORDER NUMBER 1563/2007, OF 11/12

Technical?  Yes, we know. But, it may be necessary for a self-employed visa Portugal.

Besides the self-employment visa, Portugal offers a (1) entrepreneur visa, and (2) a passive income holder visa, among other types of visas.  

These are some of the details about how to get  Portugal digital nomad visa, Portugal freelance visa and work visa in Portugal. For further information, check out an extensive list of the types of visas that Portugal offers on our guide to different visas in Portugal.

If you are a non-EU citizen seeking to relocate to Portugal with your own funding, the D7 visa — also known as the Portugal Passive Income Visa — is a perfect option for you. Whether you are a retiree or an entrepreneur, enjoy Portuguese residency privileges thanks to the D7 visa. This article helps you understand the Portugal D7 visa, how to apply for it, and enjoy life in Portugal.

The D7 visa is an affordable and attractive Portugal Immigration visa allowing non-EU citizens to get Portuguese residency provided they have sufficient funds to sustain themselves during their stay in Portugal.

This visa is ideal for retirees or entrepreneurs who want to live in Portugal without having to make a major economic investment.

The D7 visa can then be renewed after one year for two successive periods of two years and can be converted into a permanent residence permit after five years. In addition, after five years of holding the D7 visa, you’ll also be able to request Portuguese nationality, provided you fulfill the other requirements foreseen in the Portuguese nationality law.


Good for people who can be considered self-sufficient and who won’t become a burden on the state

  • high_income * income_reliability = P(acceptance)max

Eligibility criteria:

  • Have €7,200 for the applicant, €3,600 for each additional adult, and €2,160 per child, coming from passing or remote income:
    • Pension
    • Rental properties
    • Dividends
    • Salary from a remote job
      • Freelancers are a bit harder as it’s considered irregular so harder to get approved
  • Have €x for fees, costs & taxes
  • Become tax resident in Portugal
  • Secure adequate accommodation in Portugal (rent or buy)
  • Enter the country WITHIN 4 months to apply for your residency permit, else you lose it
  • Pass basic language test
  • Be in Portugal for the following schedule:
    • 16 months during the first 2-years
    • 28 months in each 3-year subsequent period
    • If you are absent for 6 consecutive months your residence permit might be invalidated

You can:

  • Complete the process through the Portuguese consulate in your current region
  • Apply for a job in Portugal (although that doesn’t affect your need to meet the above criteria)

Family You can include:

  • Dependents (same as GV)


  • Collecting your documents: average 30 days (up to you)
  • Initial application from the consulate: up to 60 days
  • Application to SEF within Portugal: 10-120 days


Documents you need:

  • A passport valid for at least six months after the expiry date of the Portugal passive income visa. This visa will be valid for 4 months.
  • Two recent colored passport-sized photos
  • A declaration outlining reasons for obtaining Portuguese residency
  • Health insurance policy which provides coverage in Portugal
  • Alternatively, you can offer an affidavit stating that you will acquire health insurance in Portugal within 90 days of arriving there
  • Criminal record certificate
  • Travel insurance
  • Evidence of having accommodation in Portugal. This could be a title deed, rental agreement, or property loan agreement
  • Proof of sufficient finances available to the applicant in Portugal
  • Proof of having a reasonable net regular passive income

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