Fiji Visa For Indian

You can attain your Fiji Visa for India through our reliable service provider. We have a highly skilled team who have good knowledge about the Immigration process in India. Our company has a successful track record of helping those who want to migrate to Fiji through the UK.With the most liberal tourist visa policy in South Asia, Fiji is a magnet for tourists from India. Thousands of Indian nationals visit Fiji every year. If you are planning your own trip to Fiji, then this article will give you an edge over other visitors. The article will be useful for both tourists and students alike.

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Fiji Visa For Indian


Visa Services

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The High Commission of India in Fiji has started online visa application system with effect from 07 January, 2014. This new system requires the applicant to fill in the application online ensuring that all data are correctly entered. Thereafter, a printout of computer generated application is required to be taken and brought on appointment date printed at the right margin of the first page of application form to the Mission’s Consular Counter on Fifth Floor, LICI Building, Butt Street, Suva for submission of photographs and necessary documents along with the application and payment of fees. The counter timing of acceptance of all type of visa applications are between 0930 to 1230 hrs. For all type of visa applications please log in to the website .

An applicant for visa for India needs to take the following steps:-

  1. Log in to the website .
  2. Click on the Regular Visa Application and fill in the application ensuring correct data entry. After filling data, in every page (total three pages are there to fill data) click SAVE AND CONTINUE.

After pressing save and continue on the third page, a page containing your details will appear. Check the details carefully for any mistake. lf there is any mistake click Modify/Edit (at the bottom) and re enter the data.

lf all data filled are correct then click Verified and Continue. Once clicked then a window will open. Read the instruction carefully and press OK to proceed for final registration or press Cancel to modify details.

lf OK is pressed then a window will appear where you have to select appointment date for submission of application at Mission Counter. After selecting appointment date press Confirm the Appointment. After confirming the appointment a window will open asking for print or save the computer generated application form.

Please select save so that the form is saved in your computer. Do not print application directly as you may lose the application. Print the saved application form, paste (do not staple) one photograph size 2″ x 2″, at the box on top right of the application form. Photo should be of the size of the box and not smaller than it. Passport size photograph is not acceptable. Below the box for photo there is one rectangular box, put your signature in this box and at the second page of the application form (bottom).

  1. Submit the computer generated application form along with supporting documents and visa fees (there is no provision for online payment of visa fees for Regular Visa Application) at the Mission Counter on the appointment date (mentioned at the right margin of application form) between the counter timing (0930 to 1230 hrs) for acceptance of your application and further process.

e-Tourist Visa Facility is available for holders of passport of following countries/territories:

Albania, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameron Union Republic, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Island, Chile, China, China- SAR Hong Kong, China- SAR Macau, Colombia, Comoros, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote d’lvoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger Republic, Niue Island, Norway, Oman, Palau, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal , Republic of Korea, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos Island, Tuvalu, UAE, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City-Holy See, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

e-Tourist Visa Scheme

1. e-Tourist Visa can be granted to the following foreigners who are passport-holders of any of the countries covered by the e-TV Scheme:

(i) whose sole objective of visiting India is recreation, sightseeing, casual visit to meet friends or relatives, short duration medical treatment or casual business visit etc. and no other purpose/activity;

(ii) who do not have a residence or occupation in India;

(iii) who hold a passport with a minimum validity of six months and a re-entry permit, If that is required under the law of the country of nationality of the applicant;

(iv) who is a person of assured financial standing (the production of a return ticket onward journey ticket and availability of sufficient money to spend during his stay in India may be considered sufficient for this purpose);

(v) who is not a persona-non-grata to the Government of India;

(vi) who is not considered an undesirable person;

2. Procedure for applying for e-TV

ln order to avail of the facility of e-Tourist Visa, the foreign national concerned shall mandatorily fill in the application online on the e-Tourist visa website 

3. Entry Points

The e-Tourist Visa will be provided only at designated international airports namely, Amritsar, Ahmedabad, Bangaluru,Bagdogra, Chennai, Chandigarh, Calicut, Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Gaya, Guwahati, Goa, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kannur, Lucknow, Mumbai, Mangalore, Nagpur, Pune, Trivandrum, Tiruchirapalli and Varanasi and 3 designated seaports (Cochin, goa, Magalore). However, the foreigner can take exit from any of the authorized Immigration Check Posts (ICPs) in India.

4. Validity

An e-Tourist Visa will be valid for entry and stay in India within the period of its validity, subject to the conditions specified.

5. Conditions for e-Tourist Visa”

e-Tourist Visa can neither be extended nor converted to any other kind of visa during the visa-holder’s stay in India.

(For background: Except in the following circumstances, by the FRRO/FRO concerned).

(a) e-Tourist Visa may be converted to ‘X’ (Entry) Visa if a foreigner who has come to India on an e-Tourist Visa marries an Indian national during the validity of his/her e-Tourist Visa

(b) e-Tourist Visa of a foreigner who falls ill after his/her entry into India rendering him/her unfit to travel and who requires specialized medical treatment may be converted into a Medical visa if he/she is eligible for the grant of Medical Visa and a medical certificate is obtained from a government UICMR recognized hospital. In such cases, e-Tourist Visa of the attendant accompanying the foreigner (whose e-Tourist Visa is converted into Medical Visa) may also converted into Medical Attendant (MED-2) visa co-terminus with the Medical Visa of the foreigner.

6. Fee for e-Tourist Visa: May please check on website.

7. Repeat visits – e-Tourist Visa may be allowed for a maximum of two times in a calendar year to a foreigner.

8. Diplomatic/ Official passport holders: The e-Tourist Visa facility shall not be available to holders of Diplomatic/Official passports.



General information

1. Tourist visa is for recreation, sightseeing, casual visit to meet friends or relatives etc. and not for other Purpose/activity.

2. Tourist visa shall be non-extendable and non-convertible. However, there are some circumstances in which it can be converted with the prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of lndia.

3. lf a foreigner visiting India on Tourist visa marries with an lndian national during the validity of his/her tourist visa the existing tourist visa of the foreigner may be converted into Entry Visa (X) on fulfillment of conditions and documents

4. lf a foreigner visiting India on tourist visa falls ill and requires specialized medical treatment then his tourist visa may be converted into medical visa. For this medical certificate from government/ government recognized hospital will be required.

Documents Required for Tourist Visa:

(i) Log in to the website,

(ii) Valid Passport having more than two blank pages and validity of more than six months,

(iii) Computer generated application,

(iv) Two coloured photographs (photo should be of 2″x2″ size), preferably in white background and face should be clearly visible in photograph,

(v) A copy of return itinerary or ticket issued by airlines or travel agent. Departure from Fiji should be at least two to three working days after the date of submission of application,

(vi) Latest bank statement (not older than one month) of the applicant having minimum balance of FJ$ 2000 per person (except for passport holders),

(vii) ln case applicant submits company’s bank statement owned by him then a document in support of his ownership/a letter on company letterhead stating that applicant is the owner of the company, is to be furnished. The statement should not be older than one month.

FEES: FJ$218/- for upto 1 Years for the nationals of Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga and Tuvalu to be paid in cash at the counter in High Commission, or Banker’s Cheque if application is sent by post. Other than Fiji national please check the fees.

PROCESSING TIME: Minimum 2 Working days from the date of submission of application and requisite documents at Mission counter. lf fee is paid through bank’s cheque (no personal cheque accepted) then the visa will be issued only after realization of the cheque which generally takes 3 working days and processing time will be 5 working days.


(i) ln case of minors not travelling with parent(s), the parent(s) should give an undertaking that he/she will be financing the child/children’s visit, enclosing their own latest banker’s statement. A copy of birth certificate of the child/children showing his/their parentage is to be attached with the application. lf birth certificate is not available, another official document may be submitted.

(ii) ln case of a wife not having bank account, her husband can give the undertaking and bank statement with minimum balance accordingly. A copy of marriage certificate is to be attached with the application. Son/daughter can also finance their parent(s) visit and in that case also an undertaking from son/daughter is required along with a copy of banker’s statement of son/daughter and a copy of birth certificate of son/daughter showing parentage.

(iii) lf the applicant is not a citizen of Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga and Tuvalu, then he is required to attach copy of his passport’s page having valid endorsement visa by the Fiji immigration Department mentioning his purpose of stay in Fiji/Kiribati/Tonga/Tuvalu. Such applicants are required to fill an additional form along with the application form. And processing time would be 5 working days from the date of submission of application and requisite documents at Mission counter. Visa fee varies for different passport holders and an additional processing fee is also applicable to passport holders of some nationalities.

(iv) lf application is sent by post then applicant will have to arrange for pick up of his/her passport after issue of visa. For handing over of passport to courier service or any representative of the applicant, applicant will have to give HCl, Suva an authorization letter, in writing, to hand over his passport to courier service (name of the courier service)/representative (name and lD proof of the representative).


General information

1. Medical visa is issued to seek medical treatment in established/ recognized/ specialized hospitals/treatment centers in lndia.

2. Medical visa of a foreigner undergoing treatment in lndia can initially be extended in lndia before expiry of the visa by the State Governments/FRROs on production of medical certificate/advice from established/recognized/specialized hospital/treatment centres in lndia.

3. With a patient only two persons (attendant or family members) can get medical attendant (MED-2) visa.

4. Medical attendant visa (MED-2) will be co-terminus with the medical visa of the patient.

Documents required for Medical Visa:

(i) Log in to the website .

(ii) Valid Passport having more than two blank pages validity of more than six months,

(iii) Computer generated application,

(iv) Two coloured photographs (2″ x 2″ size), preferably in white background. Face should be clearly visible in photograph,

(v) A letter from local hospital mentioning the medical history of the patient and referring him to lndian hospital,

(vi) An acceptance letter from lndian hospital to treat the patient. The letter should mention estimated treatment cost and tentative duration of treatment,

(vii) A copy of return itinerary or ticket issued by airlines or travel agent. Departure from Fiji should be after two to three working days from the dated of submission of application,

(viii) Latest bank statement (should not be older than one month) of the applicant having sufficient funds to meet treatment expenses as well as expenses on travel and stay of the patient and his attendant in lndia for the period of treatment. lf the applicant is owner of a company and submits company’s banker’s statement then copy of document in support of his ownership/a letter on company letter head stating that applicant is the owner of the company is to be furnished,

(viii) A copy of all documents should also be attached with attendant application forms.

Fee is FJ$176/- upto 6 months per applicant to be paid in cash at the counter at High commission or Banker’s Cheque if application is sent by post. Additional charges are applicable for nationals of countries other than Fiji/Tonga/Tuvalu/Kiribati, living in Fiji on work/resident permit. They are also required to submit a copy of their work/resident permit.

Processing time: Minimum 2 Working days from the date of submission of application and requisite documents at Mission counter. lf fee is paid through banker’s cheque (no personal cheque accepted) then the visa will be issued only after realization of the cheque which generally takes 3 working days and processing time will be 5 working days.


  1. lf the patient is being funded by Ministry of Health, Fiji, or any other government department organization/insurance company then a letter from Ministry, concerned government department/organization/insurance company on its letter head is required. The letter should clearly mention’ that Ministry/government department Organization/insurance company will pay for the treatment of the patient, expenses on travel and stay of the patient as well as his attendant.
  2. lf Ministry/government department/organization pays for treatment cost only then the patient has to submit his latest banker’s statement having sufficient funds to meet expenses for travel and stay in lndia for treatment. lf the patient opts for a loan from FNPF then a letter from FNPF (on letter head) mentioning that it will provide funds (amount to be mentioned) to patient.
  3. Any close relative can extend financial support to the patient for travelling to India for treatment. ln such case a consent letter expressing willingness to support the patient financially and a copy of latest banker’s statement having sufficient funds should be furnished.
  4. If application is sent by post then applicant will have to arrange for pick up of his/her passport after issue of visa. For handing over of passport to courier service or any representative of the applicant, applicant will have to give HCl, Suva an authorization letter to hand over his passport to courier service (name of the courier service)/representative (name and lD proof of the representative).
  5. ln case of organ transplant, the donor of organ has to fill and sign an additional form.
  6. lf a foreigner staying in Fiji on work/resident/exemption permit requires Medical visa or Medical attendant visa then he/she will have to furnish copy of her permit. He/she will have to fill an additional form and processing time will be 5 working days. Please check the fee applicable.


General information

1. Business Visa is granted for business activities/business meetings/discussions, attending Board meetings/General meeting/recruitment of manpower, participation in exhibitions, trade fairs, business fairs, trainees of multinational companies/corporate houses visiting lndia for in-house training, travel agents etc.

2. Foreign nationals visiting lndia on Business visa are not allowed to indulge in business of money lending, running a petty business or petty trade or for full time employment.

3. Business visa is issued from the country of origin or from the country of habitual domicile of the applicant. The applicant’s period of residence in the country must be for more than two years.

4. Business visa is non-convertible and non-extendable. However, there are some circumstances in which it can be converted with the prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of lndia.

5. lf a foreigner visiting lndia on Business visa marries with an lndian national during the validity of his/her Business visa and does not intend to continue on Business visa, the existing visa of the foreigner may be converted into Entry Visa (X) on fulfillment of conditions and documents.

6. lf a foreigner visiting lndia on Business visa falls ill and requires specialized medical treatment then his tourist visa may be converted into medical visa. For this medical certificate from government/government recognized hospital will be required.

Documents required for Business visa:

(i) Log in to the website .

(ii) Valid Passport having more than two blank pages,

(iii) Computer generated application,

(iv) Two coloured photographs (2″ x 2″ size), preferably in white background. Face should be clearly visible in photograph.

(v) An invitation letter from the Govt. of lndia/Chamber of Commerce/company in lndia on proper letter head or letter from Govt. of Fiji/Fiji Chamber of Commerce/Company nominating/ recommending the applicant for the visit,

(vi) A copy of return itinerary or ticket issued by airlines or travel agent. Departure from Fiji should be after two to three working days from the dated of submission of application,

(vii) Latest bank statement of the applicant which should not be older than one month. lf the applicant is owner of the company and submits company’s banker’s statement then copy of document in support of his ownership/a letter on company letter head stating that applicant is the owner of the company is to be furnished,

(viii) lf visiting on behalf of a company to attend business meetings then company should issue a letter on company’s letter head mentioning that the applicant is going on behalf of the company and the company will bear the expenses of applicant’s visit to lndia.

FEES: FJ$ 260/- for up to 1 year per applicant for nationals of Fiji, Tonga and Tuvalu, to be paid in cash at counter in High Commission or banker’s cheque if application is sent by post. For Kiribati nationals, it is to be issued on gratis basis. Other nationals may please check the fees applicable.

PROCESSING TIME: Minimum 2 Working Days. If fee is paid through banker’s cheque (no personal cheque accepted) then the visa will be issued only after realization of the cheque which generally takes 3 working days and processing time will be 5 working days.


General information:

  1. Conference visa is granted to attend conference/seminar or workshop being held in Indian and organized by the Government of India and its Ministries/Departments, State Government or UT Administration, PSUs, Central Educational Institutions, UN or its Specialized Agencies, NGOs or Private institutions.

Documents required for Conference visa:

(i) Log in to the website .

(ii) Valid Passport having more than two blank pages’

(iii) Computer generated application,

(iv) Two coloured photographs (2″ x 2″ size), preferably in white background. Face should be clearly visible in Photograph,

(v) An invitation letter from the organizer (mentioned in serial No.1 of General information) in India,

(vi) A copy of return itinerary/ticket issued by airlines or travel agents,

(vii) lf visiting on behalf of a company/Government Department to attend the conference then a letter (on proper letter head) from company/Government Department nominating the applicant to attend the conference. lf the travel and stay expenses are to be borne by the company/Government Department then this should be mentioned in the invitation letter. If the expenses are to be borne by the applicants latest banker’s statement (should not be older than one month) having minimum balance of FJ$2000/-.

FEES: FJ$ 176/- for upto 6 months for nationals of Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga and Tuvalu to be paid in cash at counter at High Commission or Bank Cheque if application is sent by post.

PROCESSING TIME: Minimum 2 Working days for nationals of Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga and Tuvalu. If fee is paid through banker’s cheque (no personal cheque accepted) then the visa will be issued only after realization of the cheque which generally takes 3 working days.


(i) In case the conference is being organized by NGO/Private institution then clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of External Affairs is required. Applicant can obtain this from of the Conference.

(ii) lf person is not a Fili national, then he must be having work permit issued by Fiji Immigration Department and stamped on his passport and copy of the permit has to be attached with the application.

(iii) Person holding visitor visa are not entitled for Conference visa.

(iv) If application is sent by post then applicant will have arranged for pickup of his/ her passport after issue of visa. For handing over of passport to courier service or any representative of the applicant, applicant will have to give HCI, Suva an authorization letter to hand over his passport to courier service (name of the courier service)/ representative (name and ID proof of the representative).


General information

1. Student visa is issued for pursuing a full time course in a recognized/reputed educational institution in lndia.

2. Limited period Student visa may be granted to an applicant having provisional admission letter and not firm letter of admission from the University/recognized/reputed College or educational institutions for appearing in admission test. The applicant can get his visa extended in lndia by the State Government/UT Administration/FRRO/FRO for the duration of course after he/she get firm letter of admission.

3. A foreigner intending to pursue medical or para-medical course in lndia is required to produce a letter of approval or a “No Objection Certificate” from the Ministry of Health, Govt. of Fiji.

4. Students visiting lndia for study in recognized/reputed educational institution are required to register themselves with the FRRO/FRO on arrival in lndia.

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