Family Visa In Australia

What Is The Family Visa?The family visa is a permanent residency visa and lifeline for the entire extended families. This can be sponsored by either spouse or most close family members, for example, parents or grandparents. The process takes longer than other visas and has a five year minimum duration. However, the visa allows children to study, work and gain Australian citizenship. The benefits to this type of visa that it allows the whole family to settle in Australia as citizens.

Family Visa In Australia

This would mean that there are no restrictions on the parents when they want to travel back home to visit their friends and relatives.Family Visas allow a partner or dependent children to migrate to Australia by granting a visa to the family member that the sponsor is already in Australia. A sponsor has the responsibility to financially support those family members migrating to Australia, so if you plan on migrating permanently overseas with your partner and/or eligible children you have to have a financial plan sorted before lodging your application. In addition, if you wish to bring family members who are not Australian citizens, or permanent residents of Australia, other criteria will also apply. For further information please contact us at once.

For more than a decade, the Australian Federal Government has maintained that Australia’s immigration program should be seen as “the start of a new life”, rather than merely providing residency opportunities to people from overseas. It is for this reason that the majority of Australia’s immigrants are selected for family reunification purposes. Today, given the close and inter-dependent relationships that have been forged between Australian citizens living overseas and their relatives at home or elsewhere, it is widely acknowledged that family reunion visas continue to remain one of the most common means of migrating to Australia.

Family Sponsored Visa

Australian immigration department in an effort to bring family members together have introduced family visa in Australia. This entitles partners, parents, children and other family members to migrate to this country subject to certain pre-conditions. These visas are essentially sponsored by Australian citizens, permanent residents of this country, and eligible New Zealand citizens.

Partner Category Visa

Under this class a spouse or fiance/ fiancee is allowed to immigrate to Australia for settlement. Candidates migrating to this country with this visa are initially allowed temporary settlements followed by permanent residency after a couple of years. Partner category includes:

  • Spouses or married partners;
  • Fiancee or fiance, or partner intending marriage;
  • Willing partners including those of same sex

Immigrating candidates must have a partner in form of:

  • a permanent resident of Australia
  • a citizen of Australia; and iii) Eligible New Zealand citizen.

Parent Visa

Parent Visa is offered to applicants who have eligible child/ children stay in this country as an Australian citizen, a permanent resident, or an eligible citizen of New Zealand. This category of family visa immigration in Australia is mandatorily sponsored by children residing in this nation.

Parent Australian visas are issued for both working and aged kinds. Applicants immigrating on this visa option might take up an employment in Australia. Few Parent visas initially are offered for temporary settlement which could be changed to a permanent type subject to your application. There is an option for ‘Contributory Parent Visa’ which assures faster processing of immigration though at a higher cost.

It may be noted that every year a limited number of Parent Visas are issued by Australian immigration authorities. For this reason there is a queue of application and you may have to wait for your turn.

Child Visa

Alike Parent Visa, a Child Visa is also issued under several sub-classes. In general, the sponsorship of a child visa is necessarily to be done by a parent who is permanently settled in Australia, a citizen of this country, or a qualified New Zealand citizen.

In case the child concerned is in Australia then he/ she could immigrate as a permanent resident, dependent child, or orphaned relative. In the event, the concerned child is an offshore candidate then dependent child visa, adoption visa, or orphaned relative visa may be obtained.

Other Family Members

Brothers, sisters, dependent relatives, carers may also immigrate to Australia initially on temporary visa later changeable to permanent type. These family visas in Australia are sponsored by: i) Australian citizens; ii) a permanent resident of this country; and iii) Eligible New Zealand citizens.

We at Aussizz are extremely cautious in assessing family visa immigration to Australia. Each application is meticulously checked and thereafter submitted with proper documentation. Health conformity reports and character certificates are essential documents needed for Australia visa applications.

Get in touch with us for all kinds of family visas, criteria and, assistance. Consult now!

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