Eyelash Extensions Before Beach Vacation

If you are thinking of getting eyelash extensions before your big beach vacation, then you’re a step ahead in making sure you’ll look great in any environment. There is no denying that eyelash extensions can make a great difference in establishing the look you want for your special event. It allows for a more luxurious and smoky appearance, and at the same time it also helps your eyes become an essential part of the overall look.

The heat is coming. The beach is calling. And before you leave for vacation, the last thing on your agenda is to get eyelash extensions. But why would you even consider that? For a multitude of reasons, no matter your eye color or shape, an eyelash extension can give you the right amount of drama that makes people stop and stare. This is especially true if you have green eyes because they will seem brighter and stand out even more than they already do.

Eyelash Extensions Before Beach Vacation

You are going to the beach this summer. You want to look great and show off your new tan in style, but with a wedding and a vacation you won’t have time for long-lasting make-up, fake tan, or even real foundation. The answer is eyelash extensions as they add a dramatic flair of sex appeal that’s better than anything else you can do with short notice.

Eyelash extensions are basically used to enhance the natural eyelashes that every woman is naturally born with. There are a lot of reasons as to why women put on these false eyelashes. One of these purposes is to have better eyelashes for a special event such as a wedding or an anniversary. This can also be worn simply to add extensions of volume to it and makes the eyes look prettier. If you have really long lashes then you don’t have to worry about this much but if yours aren’t so long, you need extra help from artificial additions.Beach season is coming up, and you know what that means? Dark, crispy bottom eyelashes. I don’t know about you, but nobody wants to arrive at their favorite resort with lackluster lashes.

Most ladies have become used to having thick and fluttery eyelashes. It’s no wonder a lot of women want to know if they can wear eyelash extensions to the beach especially on the Gold Coast. However, it’s a common misconception that salt water and chlorine may cause the lashes to fall off.

How to Make Your Lash Extensions Last

A lot of people ask how their eyelash extensions can last while they’re out on a holiday. Of course, some precautions would have to be considered. Using too many oily products on and around your eyes is a no-no, for one. This includes makeup remover and other similar products. You should also avoid exposing your eyelash extensions to a humid climate during the first 24 hours.

I understand that it’s summer and the plans are all set for your trip with the girls or that romantic holiday with your partner. But this gives you even more reasons to look amazing. This is why you need to plan when to have your eyelash extensions applied with your scheduled holidays in mind.

How to Clean Your Lash Extensions While You’re on Holiday

How to clean eyelash extensions

Several steps can be taken to ensure that your eyelash extensions can stick it out until the end. Before any infills are done, make sure that your lashes are wiped with protein removal pads. A weak solution of baby shampoo and lukewarm water may also be a good alternative. If you have eye makeup, it’s necessary to do both steps. The secret to making sure that the bond will last is to ensure that your natural lashes are squeaky clean.

Looking for the Right Professional to Attach Your Eyelash Extensions

Your lashes and the areas around it are sensitive. If you apply the extensions yourself, the adhesive you use may hurt your eyes and the skin around them. Worst of all, it may damage your natural eyelashes permanently. It’s better to let the professionals do it to get the best results possible. Do some research on available technicians in your area. Make sure that they are licensed and have been in the business for quite some time. Here at The Lash Spa, for example, we’ve been giving customers amazing lashes since 2011, and we’ve been hearing nothing but rave reviews about our service.

The Proper Aftercare for Your Eyelash Extensions

Aftercare advice is important for your eyelash extensions. You have to leave the lashes alone for at least 24 hours so that the bond can reach full strength. Before going for a swim, you should also remember that water with high chlorine content it may weaken the glue’s bond.

Furthermore, the glue that bonds every fake lash to your natural lash requires about 24 hours to dry. After a day, you can swim, surf, shower, or get into the hot tub (with great care still, of course) and your brand-new lashes won’t fall off on their own.Post navigation

Is Becoming a Regular Lash Extensions Client Worth It? You Bet It is!

Top Tips To Make Eyelash Extensions Last Longer

It cut my getting-ready time way down.

Like the majority of couples, my guy’s always ready to go at least 10 minutes before I am. It’s especially apparent on vacation, when he can roll out of bed and toward the breakfast buffet in, oh, two minutes. I wasn’t quite that speedy, but since the majority of my makeup game is eye-focused, I really only found myself moisturizing, concealing, and dotting on a bit of blush. (Kudos to those of you who are much less labor-intensive about your beauty routines.)

Washing my face wasn’t as big of a pain.

I always wash my face (swear!), but sometimes when there’s a time-zone issue and an extra glass of hurrah-we’re-married wine at dinner, it’s so tempting to skip it. The thought of crusty, mascara-covered lashes is usually what gets me to the sink, but without, I was able to do a quick rinse and be done.

I packed less.

When you have lash extensions, you’re totally allowed to use mascara, eyeshadow, and liner, but I was too nervous I’d ruin the falsies to fool with it. As such, my toiletry bag was 50 percent lighter than regular (especially sans my travel-size eye makeup remover and cotton swabs).

For me, mascara has always been the one beauty product that’s vital—without it, I feel tired-looking, while I’m instantly more glamorous after swiping on a couple of coats. As such, always feeling “done” on the trip was really nice. I’m tempted to keep the lashes going, but the time and money commitment that comes with upkeep might make me say goodbye soon. Either way, I don’t regret spending the cash for my trip. It was worth every single penny.

Before you try, though, make sure to read our Dos and Don’ts of Eyelash Extensions. There are some very specific notes about getting them wet that you need to know—especially

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