Europe Job Visa In Sri Lanka

Europe is actually a beautiful place and there are some amazing people in Europe. The Europeans’ generosity of spirit extends beyond the welfare state and into their attitude towards new arrivals. Europe makes it very easy for you to relocate there and it is a documentation free zone for most nationalities. This article will give you details about your options for visa submission, where to apply, residence permits – everything you need to know about how to get a European visa.

The European countries have different requirements to get a job visa. Some countries such as UK, Netherlands and France require top-quality documents to apply for a job visa. Fortunately, Sri Lanka is part of the list that doesn’t require hiring process in foreign countries. If you are looking for jobs in Europe and get ready to settle down there, it might be a good idea to visit Sri Lankan consulate to find about the country requirement for getting the job visa.

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Europe Job Vacancy 2022

Europe has steadily been recovering from the global economic downturn. Jobs in Europe are on the rise, with even some countries seeing unemployment rates drop below 4%! This is great news for job seekers and expats alike and leads to a lot of opportunities in Europe.

Are you planning a career change and thinking of moving to Europe? This article focuses on where you can get a job visa for Europe and the steps you will need to work in any European country legally. Tired of the same old scene in your hometown? Start packing and maybe you could be moving to Europe. Yes, you’re right, I want to attract as many people as possible but this is worth it. Europe has a lot to offer and why shouldn’t you enjoy its perks? This can be life changing and what’s the use of living if you’re not going to live life to the fullest?

So, you’re looking for a good job in Sri Lanka. It’s good to have your priorities straight. After all, having a steady source of income is the foundation of any strong business, family and overall well-being.

The Eurozone is a prosperous area in the heart of Europe, with a total population of 508 million people. With so many million people living in this economy, there are billions of euro being spent each day. This high demand for labour means that there are numerous job vacancies across the continent. There is a wide variety of jobs you can apply for, depending on your skill and experience levels.

Living and working in a different country to where you were born can be an eye-opening experience, especially when you are placed in an entirely different culture. If you’re thinking of taking up a career as an English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher in Europe then this guide will prove useful.

Schengen Visa for Citizens of Sri Lanka Getting it is Easy

How incredible it would be if a single visa can help you enter multiple countries without any extra formalities. This is what a Schengen Visa for Citizens of Sri Lanka offers. If you aren’t familiar with this incredible visa then, here is some interesting information for you. Schengen is an area consisting of 26 European countries that do not have border control within their area. A person with a Schengen visa is permitted to move across any Schengen country without any other visa.

How To Get Work Visa For EU


Starting your application process for Schengen Visa for Citizens of Sri Lanka has been made quite comfortable and convenient with the help of

  • Reach out to the application form for the Schengen Visa on our official website.
  • Fill in all the basic information asked on the form about the applicant/s.
  • Upload the documents needed with the application form.
  • Choose the particular type of processing for your application.
  • Submit your application by paying the processing fees.
  • The form will be mailed to your email address which you will provide with the application form.
  • The support team at will get in touch with you for your upcoming steps to gain the visa.


One piece of advice which every individual applying for Schengen Visa for Citizens of Sri Lanka should take it that they all should be applying in advance. Normally, any visa application takes a good amount of time to get processed. When it’s about the Schengen visa, where it’s about a visa valid for 26 different countries, the process becomes more complex and time-consuming. Therefore, applying in advance will save your time and help you get your visa on time.

Countries Looking For Unskilled Workers 2022

1. Australia and New Zealand

  • Why? When thinking about the easiest countries to get a work visa, the South Pacific immediately comes to mind. Australia and New Zealand offer working holiday visas to Americans aged 18-30 years old for a period up to 12 months. Usually these are available for a fee and a ticket home (or proof that you’ll be able to purchase one). Other visas are more skill-based for those with an engineering degree or who can pass a skills assessment. 
  • Popular types of work: You’ll find that Australia and New Zealand are full of Americans and others on work visas in the hospitality, tourism, and service industries. This is no surprise seeing as both countries have stunning landscapes and natural wonders to explore. You could spend your down time snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef or tramping (hiking) the South Island of New Zealand!

2. The Netherlands

  • Why? If you have a great idea for a new business or product, this may be the easiest country to get a work visa. The Netherlands offers a one-year residency for foreigners to start a business. After 12 months, entrepreneurs apply for the self-employed work permit. All you need to get started is a dream! 
  • Popular types of work: This visa is specific to those who wish to start a business and be self-employed (scientists, innovators, inventors, and designers).

3. Cambodia

  • Why? Cambodia is not only the easiest country to get a work visa, it’s also one of the best countries to get a work visa! The popular business visa is easily renewable and you’ll be surrounded by other expats, living and working in a paradise, surrounded by fascinating history and culture.
  • Popular types of work: While the business visa is easy to get, technically you’ll also need to apply for a work permit to legally work in the country. Freelancing and remote work are popular in Cambodia, but it’s also easy to find other types of jobs in tourism or teaching.

4. Germany

  • Why? Germany (and other European countries) offer work visas for graduate students. If you’re thinking about studying AND working abroad, this would be the perfect country of choice for you! There is also an “artist visa” available in Germany, which you could apply for if you would like to be self-employed and can show a thought-out business plan.
  • Popular types of work: Skilled workers in the technology and health sectors are needed in Germany, but there are also many other types of work available in this economically strong country.

5. Ireland

  • Why? There are no age restrictions for those applying for a visa to work in Ireland, and the working holiday visa is quite easy to get! However, you’ll need to be a student or recent graduate to be eligible. Otherwise, the normal work visa is also available but may be a bit more difficult to secure. If you have a specific skill set, that will aid you when applying.
  • Popular types of work: You’ll most likely have the best chance of finding work in the cities of Dublin, Limerick, and Cork. There are a growing number of multinational corporations located in Ireland that may be able to sponsor you, but there are also plenty of opportunities in the education, hospitality, or service industries. The Irish are welcoming and friendly; the Emerald Isle is a great place to find work abroad!

6. China

  • Why? China is one of the easiest countries to get a work visa as it constantly needs native English speakers to teach in classrooms throughout the country. If you are thinking about getting a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification, China would be the perfect destination for you.
  • Popular types of work: Increasingly, teachers are not the only coveted international job-seekers in China. You could find yourself working in any number of industries, but you may need to know a bit of the Chinese language (the official dialect is Mandarin) for these.

7. Singapore

  • Why? Singapore is one of the world’s largest financial centers and offers work visas for up to six months. The country’s working holiday visa is offered to students and recent graduates, and is quite easy to obtain. Often, this visa leads to a sponsorship once graduated, and about one-third of Singapore residents are expats!
  • Popular types of work: Finding work in Singapore is easy if you have a skill set that includes information technology, teaching, or hospitality. With a large international community, and high percentage of English-speakers, language is not a barrier to finding employment.

8. Ecuador

  • Why? Ecuador is one of the easiest places to get a work visa in Latin America. As long as you have a Bachelor’s Degree and $400 to your name, you are eligible to work in Ecuador as a freelancer on a “professional visa”.
  • Popular types of work: Many international workers find positions at international companies, in the tourism industry, or at an NGO (non-governmental organization). Ecuador is probably the easiest country to get work visa for American.

9. South Korea

  • Why? Finding work abroad may be somewhat easy, but what about finding a high-paying job overseas? If you’re worried about financials, South Korea may be the destination for you. English teachers (on the E-2 visa) are paid very well, especially if you have a certification.
  • Popular types of work: While teaching is the most popular occupation for foreigners, there is also a working holiday and “looking for work” visa available. For those types of visas, you could work for an international corporation or find work in the service industry.

10. Czech Republic

  • Why? There are lots of jobs available to international travelers in the Czech Republic, especially in the multicultural city of Prague! The easiest way to get an “employment” visa is to secure work before entering the country, but it’s possible to enter on a tourist/travel visa and find work afterwards.
  • Popular types of work: In the Czech Republic, many international workers find employment in the hospitality or food service industries, in information or communication technology, health and social work, and education.

11. Canada

  • Why? A temporary work visa is quite easy to get in Canada, and there are few requirements. Visas are also comparatively quite affordable.
  • Popular types of work: From nursing to the STEM fields, Canada is a great choice for you to pursue a work visa if you’re looking to further your current career or even start a new one!

Frequently Asked Questions


  • With the application form, you will be needing to provide your airline ticket to the destination of both coming and going.
  • Your Passport Bio information.
  • Confirmed Lodging reservations.
  • Bank statement with sufficient funds.
  • If going for some official work, then you might also have to provide your work history.
  • Passport size photograph
  • Scanned the last page of your passport.


When you fill out an application form, you are given three different processes to choose from.

  • Standard Processing is the cheapest of all processing of visa application but takes up the maximum time to be completed.
  • Rush Processing takes a little less from your pocket and takes a little more time to process than Super Rush Processing.
  • Super Rush Processing can get the application processed faster than any other processing and is the most expensive.


Schengen Visa for Citizens of Sri Lanka is valid for 180 days starting on the day of arrival.


No, a Schengen visa application permits only a single entry. After leaving Schengen, you cannot enter the territory again.


For better and credible information about the Schengen visa, you can always contact our customer service team. They will provide you the best and the appropriate information on your query.


If you are willing to apply for Schengen Visa for citizens of Sri Lanka then you should consider traveling to Germany. The history, architecture, and technical advancement of Germany is a thing to witness. Anyone willing to travel to the Schengen area should always have Germany on his list.

Places like Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg offer you plenty of travel goals to fulfill. These places have one of the topmost and best hotels in the world where you can enjoy a top-quality luxurious stay and food. A Schengen Visa for Citizens of Sri Lanka permits you to enter Germany without any extra formality. One of the top-rated countries in Schengen is Germany, and whoever gets an opportunity to visit the Schengen region will always have this country on their list.

People fascinated with football and supercars have heaven in the name of Germany where people are very much passionate about these two things. Germany is one of the first countries to provide free education, which shows how ahead this country is moving from others and visiting such places inspires people in a true sense.

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