English Summer Vacation Homework

Hi, my name is John and I’m a student at school in the UK. I am currently looking for someone to help me complete my Summer Vacation homework by the deadline of 15th August 2018. It is due to the fact that I have been on holiday for three weeks and am only now getting back into my schoolwork until the start of September.Summer vacation is a fun time of year for many people. But it can also represent stressful times, as you might be wondering what to do with your kids over the long summer vacation period. In this blog post, we’ll be looking at some common misconceptions regarding summer holidays and how your child can make the most out of their time off school by utilizing their skills outside the school environment.

So it’s summer, and you have a lot pondering in your mind about the next ones. You know, how are you going to spend the vacation? What you need to do before that? Probably you have been thinking for this for some time, now before it comes. So let me tell you something.School is almost over for the kids and we are in the midst of summer when everyone tends to take a break from school.

English Summer Vacation Homework

Here at UniversityServices.com, we have thought about those of you who are going to spend your vacation relaxing on the beach or staring blankly at the wall. Our team has come up with seven tips that will not only help you enjoy a well-deserved vacation but it will also help you become a better student once classes start again.When many people think of summer vacation, they again, think of playing games and enjoying the kinds of activities to which they are accustomed. While activities like this can be enjoyable and rewarding in a lot of ways, anything you can do to make yourself productive will help you so that those seemingly endless days don’t get boring. What I want you to do is take out a pad of paper and a pencil. For each one of these topics, write down at least ten words that come to mind.

Q1. Write the name of your first school. Draw its picture and write two sentences
about it.
Q2. Who is your favourite teacher ? Write in two sentences about him/her.
Q3. What do you enjoy doing most in the school? Draw picture also.
Q4. Who was the first friend you made ? What did you like about him/her ?
Q5. Draw all the things you keep in your school bag. Write their names too.
Q6. If you had a pet dog by what name would you call it ? Write five sentences
about it and draw a picture too.

Q7. Read the following passage and answer the given questions.

Q8. Learn at least 5 poems (no from the English textbook) make a video of it and
send it in the English google classroom.
Q9. Fill in blanks using –ing form of doing words.

Q10.Write five sentences about your f

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