Egypt Visa For Canadian Citizens

Packing your bags for Canada? Before you jump on that plane, be sure to check into Egypt visa for Canadian. Canada visa is a popular topic. There are a lot of travel forums discussing it. Everyone’s asking the same question: Is Egypt visa required for Canadians?The Egyptian Consulate offers time-bound visa for all the Canadian citizens for a period of validity ranging from 3 months to 1 year, with or without extension.

If you are interested in visiting Egypt for tourism or business purpose, you will have to apply for a visa from the Egyptian Consulate in Canada. There are two types of visas: airport transit visa and transit visa. If you plan to travel between international airports and stay overnight at Cairo International Airport, you must apply for an airport transit visa. Airport transit visa is only available at Cairo International Airport, unlike a regular tourist visa which could be obtained by Egyptians residing in Canada at the Egyptian Consulate in Toronto or Ottawa.Before traveling to Egypt, it is necessary for all tourists travelling to Egypt from Canada to obtain an Egyptian visa. Canada – being a member of the Schengen Area – shares the same visa policy with most European countries, requiring Africans and People coming from Africa to follow some special regulations prior to applying for a visa.

Egypt Visa For Canadian Citizens

Safety and security

COVID-19 – Preventative measures and restrictions

COVID-19 preventative measures and restrictions are still in effect in some destinations.

These could include:

  • curfews, movement restrictions, or lockdowns
  • mandatory mask use
  • required proof of vaccination or a COVID-19 test result to access public and private services and spaces

Before travelling, verify if specific restrictions or requirements are still in effect.

Foreign Representatives in Canada

The security situation in Egypt is unpredictable and certain regions of the country (for instance, North Sinai, Western Desert, etc.) are particularly volatile and should be avoided. There is a significant risk of terrorist attacks throughout the country. Attacks can be indiscriminate and occur with no warning, including in Cairo. While attacks in the North Sinai are frequent and mainly target security forces, terrorists have also targeted popular tourist destinations, places of worship, and other places frequented by foreigners throughout Egypt.

Terrorists have targeted Coptic Christians and their places of worship, in both urban and isolated areas. Terrorists also attacked a mosque in the North Sinai on November 24, 2017, killing over 300 people. Avoid all religious institutions in Egypt.

There is a significant presence of armed security forces and police in most governorates throughout the country. Curfews may be imposed on very short notice.

On May 19, 2019 and December 28, 2018, attacks on buses carrying tourists took place near the pyramids of Giza. The explosions resulted in multiple casualties.

There is an increased risk of incidents and attacks on and around dates of national significance, including:

  • January 25, the anniversary of the 2011 Egyptian revolution;
  • The week of Orthodox Easter;
  • June 30 to July 3, the anniversary of the removal of former president Mohamed Morsi in 2013;
  • August 14, the anniversary of clearing protesters from Rabaa and al-Nahda squares in 2013; and
  • Other religious observances and holidays.

Exercise increased caution during these periods.

Be particularly cautious in commercial establishments, government facilities, public areas, tourist sites, the vicinity of churches and mosques at the time of religious services and any other areas frequented by foreigners. Avoid police stations, security installations and government buildings, as well as all crowds and demonstrations.

Western Desert

Borders with Sudan and Libya are porous, and bandits and armed groups are active in these areas. Attacks on security checkpoints and forces are expected to continue. Egyptian military and security personnel are also engaged in security operations in the area. If you intend to travel to these areas, consider the risks to your personal safety and ensure you have made appropriate security arrangements. Travel to these areas requires a permit from the Travel Permits Department at the Egyptian Ministry of Interior Affairs.

Risk level(s)

North Sinai Governorate

The security situation in North Sinai Governorate, particularly the areas bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip, is extremely unpredictable. Terrorist groups regularly carry out attacks against Egyptian security forces. A curfew is in effect from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m., due to ongoing Egyptian military operations against terrorist groups in the region. Road blockades by unsanctioned groups, kidnappings, robberies and carjackings by armed groups and terrorists occur.

South Sinai Governorate

While attacks are significantly less frequent than in North Sinai, terrorists have carried out attacks in South Sinai Governorate, targeting both security forces and tourists. Terrorist groups may expand targeted areas to include coastal resorts such as Sharm el-Sheikh. While enhanced security measures are in place to protect the tourism infrastructure in Sharm el-Sheikh, the area may be seen as a high-value target by terrorists.

Coastal resorts in Sinai, including Dahab, Nuweiba and Sharm el-Sheikh, have seen incidents of petty theft.

Tensions between security authorities and local Bedouin tribes may rise unexpectedly, affecting tourism.

There are several police checkpoints along the highways in South Sinai.

You need a permit from the Ministry of the Interior to travel in a 4×4 vehicle from mainland Egypt to South Sinai through the Suez crossing.

Local authorities may ask for identification and search your vehicle. 

When travelling in the area:

  • always use main highways
  • avoid uncontrolled and poorly maintained roads
  • stop at designated checkpoints and comply with authorities’ requests
  • be aware of your surroundings at all times
  • follow the advice of local authorities

Red Sea resorts and Upper Egypt

Exercise a high degree of caution when travelling to Red Sea coastal resorts (such as Ain el-Sokhna, el-Gouna Bay, Hurghada, Marsa Alam, Safaga and Soma Bay) and to the Upper Egypt cities of Aswan and Luxor.  While the beach resort areas are generally considered safe, sporadic terrorist attacks have targeted foreign tourists in recent years. Pay particular attention to local conditions if you are visiting Upper Egypt and the historic sites of the Nile Valley. Sectarian, economic and family-related disputes have occurred and can quickly become violent. Travel in large groups and by organized transportation, and follow the advice of local authorities, hotels and tour guides if you are travelling to rural areas.

Demonstrations and Civil unrest

While the size and frequency of demonstrations has decreased significantly in recent years, they can still occur anywhere at any time without warning, but are most likely to occur on Fridays following noon prayers.

Be extremely vigilant. Avoid all demonstrations or large public gatherings. Keep well informed of developing situations by monitoring local news reports and follow the advice of local authorities. Women should take particular care, as there is a serious risk of sexual assault during demonstrations; once surrounded by a group, it can be difficult to escape.


Rates of violent and petty crime have historically been low in Egypt, although there are reports that such crime has been on the rise given the economic downturn since 2011. Crimes such as pickpocketing, bag and purse snatching and home invasion, while rare, have become more common. Purse snatching and pickpocketing occur most often in tourist locations and on the metro. Be aware of your surroundings and vigilant for thieves using different strategies to distract and rob you.

Reports of carjackings are extremely rare, however they do occur. They generally target sports utility or other high-value vehicles. Although isolated areas and night driving present the greatest threat, there have been reported incidents in daylight hours and in busy areas of Cairo. Assailants are usually armed, and a variety of tactics may be used to get vehicles to stop, including throwing objects at the windshield, feigning a traffic accident or minor collision with the target vehicle, or “sandwiching” the target vehicle to force it off the road. If you find yourself in such a situation, do not resist as carjackers are typically after the vehicle and, if the carjacking is successful, will leave the driver unharmed.

If you are a victim of crime, report it to the Tourist Police or at a nearby police station as soon as possible. Request a copy of the police report at the time the report is made. Failure to report the crime while in Egypt makes it much more difficult to seek prosecution.

Women’s safety

Women, particularly foreigners, are frequently subject to unpleasant male attention, sexual harassment and verbal abuse. This often takes the form of staring, inappropriate remarks, catcalls and touching. The risks increase around public holidays, when more men are in the streets.

Safe-travel guide for women 


Unexploded landmines remain a risk in some desert and coastal areas, notably the Mediterranean shore, the Western Desert, the Sinai Peninsula and the western shore of the Gulf of Suez. Known minefields are not marked by signs, but may be enclosed by barbed wire. Seek local advice, especially if travelling off-road.

Road safety

Road conditions are often poor and the rate of vehicular accidents is one of the highest in the world. Drivers generally have little regard for traffic regulations and do not follow safe driving practices. Be cautious when crossing streets as drivers do not give pedestrians the right of way.

In the event of an accident, do not move the vehicle until the police arrive, unless you are in immediate danger, such as from a crowd and need to move to safety. Exercise caution when using taxis and the metro. There have been robberies and accidents involving both. Many taxis do not have working metres, and back seats are rarely equipped with seat belts. Women should not sit in the front seat, as this could be misinterpreted by the driver. The metro can be overcrowded and is not climate controlled but does have cars for women only on most lines.

Use vehicles and hire drivers from reputable travel agencies.

Public transportation

Safety standards for rail travel vary throughout Egypt. There have been major accidents in recent years, attributed to aging infrastructure, poor maintenance and human error. Exercise a high degree of caution.

Avoid microbuses because of hazardous driving habits.

Overcrowding and poor safety standards on ferries have caused accidents. Use reputable ferry operators.

Air travel

We do not make assessments on the compliance of foreign domestic airlines with international safety standards.

General information about foreign domestic airlines

Scuba diving / aquatic activities

Sharks and other potentially dangerous aquatic animals are present in the waters off Egypt. Certain beaches and dive areas may be subject to temporary closures. Exercise caution and seek advice from local authorities, and ensure to dive with reputable and licensed operators.

Israeli Border

Crossing the border between Egypt and Israel is strongly discouraged at this time. The status of all crossing points can be verified prior to arrival with the Egyptian embassy in Israel or the Israeli embassy in Egypt. Cross-border movement regulations and restrictions are subject to change at any time and are the prerogative of the responsible authorities.

The Rafah border crossing point to the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by border authorities in both Egypt and Gaza, has reopened indefinitely. Global Affairs Canada advises against all travel in this area due to ongoing military operations against terrorists. Consult local authorities and refer to the travel advice for Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip for further information.

Beyond the provision of a travel document (the passport), the Canadian government does not facilitate the crossing of borders by private citizens. It is the citizen’s responsibility to meet the entry requirements of the country where they wish to travel, in most cases either through application for a visa or simply by going to a point of entry. Authorities at the Rafah border crossing from Egypt to Gaza have sometimes requested a letter or witnessed declaration from the Embassy of Canada to Egypt as a requirement to cross the border. The Canadian embassy is unable to provide such a letter or declaration. You should avoid all travel to Gaza. Furthermore, the Canadian government has very limited ability to provide consular services to Canadians in the Gaza Strip and once there, it may be difficult to leave.

General safety information

Although most tourist sites are open, the situation across Egypt remains unpredictable and less consistently safe than it was before January 2011. There is a potential for rapid escalation into violence where large groups of people are assembled

Egypt has a special police force to assist tourists. Officers wearing a distinctive arm band saying “Tourism Police,” can be found in hotels and at tourist sites.

Carry identification at all times. Photocopy your passport and other identification in case of loss or seizure.


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Entry and exit requirements

COVID-19 – Entry, exit and transit restrictions and requirements

Most governments have implemented special entry and exit restrictions and requirements for their territory due to COVID-19. These measures can be imposed suddenly and may include:

  • entry or exit bans
  • quarantine
  • mandatory proof of vaccination or COVID-19 testing
  • suspensions or reductions of international transportation options

Foreign authorities might not recognize or accept proof of vaccination issued by Canadian provinces and territories. You may need to obtain a translation, a notarization, an authentication, or the legalization of the document.

Before travelling:

  • verify if the local authorities of both your current location and destinations have implemented any restrictions or requirements related to this situation
  • consider even your transit points, as there are transit rules in place in many destinations
  • monitor the media for the latest information
  • reconfirm the requirements with your airline or tour operator

The situation could disrupt your travel plans. You should not depend on the Government of Canada for assistance to change your travel plans.

Useful links

Every country or territory decides who can enter or exit through its borders. The Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet your destination’s entry or exit requirements.

We have obtained the information on this page from the Egyptian authorities. It can, however, change at any time.

Verify this information with the Foreign Representatives in Canada.

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