Egypt Need Visa For Japan

Egypt: Japan announced Monday that visas are mandatory for Egyptians visiting Japan. The decision was made in response to the increasing number of Egyptian nationals overstaying their visas following their arrival in the country. Japanese officials reported that the number of illegal immigrants has been increasing since 2012 given tight work restrictions in Japan and fierce competition between Japanese firms and foreign countries, such as Vietnam.A recent news article went viral that spread like wildfire, stating that Japan will stop allowing tourists from Egypt to enter the country without a tourist visa. Although this is true in a sense, skeptics have been quick to point out the fact that this procedure was forming long before the exclusion of 12 countries from entering (see the full list above). In all reality, those who required visas to enter Japan would be applied with this new rule regardless of nationality.

Egypt Need Visa For Japan

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan informs that holders of multiple-entry visas valid for one year or more, who are nationals of Egypt, will be required to apply for a transit visa in order to travel through Japan. The new policy will enter into force on February 10th, 2015. This entry requirement will not apply to those seeking transit to a third country.If you are a foreigner who wishes to visit Egypt, you will be required to obtain a visa. In fact, to obtain a visa, you must apply in person at the Egyptian consulate in your own country. This is because Egypt has a law in place that prohibits its embassies and consulates abroad from issuing visas to foreigners. Along with this, Egyptian embassies and consulates alone are authorized to issue tourist visas. A tourist visa may be single entry or multiple entry depending on the needs of the applicant during his/her trip to Egypt.

Visa  & Travel

 If you plan to visit Japan for 90 days or less

A temporary visitor visa will be issued for applicants who visit Japan for short term (within 90 days) for purpose not for paid activities or profit making operations such as business, tourism, visit to family etc.
Requested documents vary according to the purpose as follows;

○ The Embassy declines insufficient or incomplete applications.
○ Additional documents may be requested during the course of application and examination.
○ Do Not staple application documents.
○ The Embassy does not make copies.
○ The signature on the designated application form should be the same as the one on the applicant’s passport.
○ Once submitted for application, the documents will not be returned. However, the documents such as ID card or Business Registration Certificate will be returned after examination. Please make sure that you receive them when you pick up a visa.
○ Reason(s) for declined applications will not be disclosed.
○ Early application such as two months prior to the travel date is strongly recommended.

Applicants for a visa for business purposes (Business on invitation from Japan) should submit the following documents:

* To know how to apply for a multiple-entry visa for business purposes (Business on Invitation from Japan), please contact us during the working hours.
Tel: 02-25285910

○ Valid passport (At least one empty, blank visa page is needed) and a copy of its ID page
○ Completed and signed application form ( designated application form  )
○ Two photos (4×6, taken within the last 3 months, no frame, white background)
○ Print out of flight reservation (round trip from Egypt to Japan)
○ Letter from applicant’s company which clearly shows the following;
   -Overview of its business (field of business)
   -Applicant’s position
   -Length of employment
   -Purpose and period of the journey to Japan
   -Bearer of expenses
○ Original and sealed bank statement of the applicant’s company for the last three months at least, and its copy (it must be in English)
○ Day by day schedule in Japan
○ Business transaction document with the inviter (such as bill of lading)

[The following must be translated into English. A simple self-translation would be accepted]
○ Original company registration, its copy and its translation in English
○ Original import card, its copy and its translation in English
○ Original tax card, its copy and its translation in English

[The following must be sent from Japan by post or shipping companies]
○ Original “Letter of Reason for Invitation” (sample form)
○ Original “Letter of guarantee” (sample form)
○ Original certified copy of the incorporation register (“Tokibo tohon”)
(A stock exchange-listed company can submit its quarterly corporate report (“Kaisya shikiho”) in lieu of the aforementioned certified copy)
○ Original certificate of tax payment (From 2)(“Nozei shomeisho”)

Tourism, visiting relatives or friends, recreation etc.
Egyptian applicants for a visa for the purpose of sightseeing, visiting relatives or friends, recreation, etc. should submit the following documents:

Tourist on invitation from Japan
○ Valid passport (At least one empty, blank visa page is needed) and a copy of its ID page
○ Completed and signed application form ( designated application form  )
○ Two photos (4×6, taken within the last 3 months, no frame, white background)
○ Print out of flight reservation (round trip from Egypt to Japan)
○ Original employment and holiday certificate of the applicant in English (or its translation in English in addition to the original)
 (When the applicant is not an employee, please submit the following* instead of the employment and holiday certificate)
  *(a company owner) Original company registration, its copy and its translation in English
  *(a company owner) Original tax card, its copy and its translation in English
  *(a student) Original enrollment certificate of the applicant in English (or its translation in English in addition to the original)
○ Original and sealed statement of the applicant’s bank account for the last three months at least, and its copy (it must be in English)
○ Day by day schedule in Japan
○ (When invited by a relative) Original certificate which shows relations between the applicant and guarantor, its copy and its translation in English

[The following must be sent from Japan by post or shipping companies]
○ Original “Letter of Reason for Invitation” (sample form)
○ Original “Letter of guarantee” (sample form)
○ Identification of the guarantor in Japan
○ (If the guarantor is non-Japanese) Copy of valid resident card (both sides) or university card
○ (If the guarantor is non-Japanese) Copy of passport (ID page and recent landing seal at entry point of Japan)
○ (If the guarantor is Japanese) Original certificate of residency (“Juminhyo”)

[If the guarantor bears the expenses]
○ Document(s) which shows the guarantor’s financial ability such as:
   -Original certificate of income or taxation issued by municipal office (“Shotoku shomeisho” or “Kazei shomeisho”)
   -Certified bank statement or copy of saving book of account in Japan
   -Original certificate of tax payment (From 2) (“Nozei shomeisho”)

Tourist on one’s own initiative
○ Valid passport (At least one empty, blank visa page is needed) and a copy of its ID page
○ Completed and signed application form ( designated application form  )
○ Two photos (4×6, taken within the last 3 months, no frame, white background)
○ Print out of flight reservation (round trip from Egypt to Japan)
○ Print out of hotel reservation
○ Original employment and holiday certificate of the applicant in English (or its translation in English in addition to the original)
○ Original and sealed statement of the applicant’s bank account for the last three months at least, and its copy (it must be in English)
○ Day by day schedule in Japan

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