Dubai Golden Visa For Artists

Dubai has introduced the Dubai Creative Class visa allowing foreigners to obtain the residency permit in just 12 months. The Creative Class visa is previously referred to as the Golden visa program and there will be a number of occupations that come under it, including musicians and musicians, writers, athletes, artists and designers.

Dubai has long been a place of dreams for people from all walks of life. It is fast emerging as a sweet spot for artists, entrepreneurs, and other professionals to settle down in due to its cosmopolitan nature, open-mindedness, and free thinking attitude. Fast becoming an epicenter buzzing with creativity, Dubai aims to attract the best players across different industries and fields. Its sugar-coated premise is open to everyone and anyone who wishes to invest in property ranging between Dh1 million (US$272,200) and Dh3 million (US$854,400), depending on the duration of investment.

Dubai Golden Visa For Artists

Due to its location in the Middle East and its popularity as a tourist destination, Dubai is attracting more and more European investors. The UAE promotes an investment-friendly environment thanks to its governmental programs such as visa on arrival, exemption from tax for 10 years, etc.

The Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) in coordination with the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs– Dubai (GDRFA) issues a 10 -year cultural visas to accomplished creative talents from the fields of literature, culture, fine arts, performing arts, heritage, history and knowledge-related sectors as well as intellectual and creative industries. The visa is presently available for existing UAE residents.

Requirements for Dubai’s cultural visa

A cultural visa may be granted if the applicant meets at least five of the mandatory conditions set by the authorities. The conditions relate to years of residency in the country, and record of knowledge-related and creative achievements.

Optional conditions include a pledge to contribute 36 hours of service in creative or artistic fields in the UAE.

How to apply?

To be nominated by Dubai Culture to get a long term residence visa, you need to apply first for the ‘Creative and Talented Accreditation’ service through the email ID or the Dubai Culture app available on App Store and Google Play.

Attach the following documents with your application:

  • a copy of your passport and your residence visa
  • a copy of your Emirates ID
  • your resume containing your contact numbers.

If your application is approved, you will get a certificate of accreditation for receiving a long-term cultural visa to be issued by GDRFA in Dubai.

Once visa is granted you, can renew it automatically without the need of an Emirati sponsor.

Find out more details about Dubai’s cultural visa in the Directory of Services – Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (PDF, 3.79 MB).


The UAE has implemented a long-term residence visa system for five or ten years that is automatically renewed when conditions are met for certain categories that include investors, entrepreneurs and specialized talents. This new system allows residents of the UAE, foreign expatriates and their families wishing to come to work, live and study in the country, the possibility of enjoying long-term residency without the need for a sponsor, with 100% ownership within the emirates, contrary to the custom that requires the presence of a local partner with a share not less than 51% of the business and investment projects within the emirate. To grant a residence for people from the cultural and creative fields, a recommendation from the Ministry of Culture and Youth is required.


  1. Passport copy.
  2. ID copy.
  3. A CV (curriculum vitae) including (contact information, biography, prominent creative works, achievements in the cultural and creative fields).
  4. Copy of current residency visa (if the applicant is a resident of UAE).
  5. Colored personal photo

* If the applicant is not residing in the UAE, a 6-month visa application is required to be submitted to complete the golden residency procedures.

If the applicant is residing in the UAE, the application is made either by the same person as a public service or by the nominating authority.


Golden Visa applicants in the category of ‘Creative People in the field of Culture and Art’ must meet the following criteria:  Applicant must submit evidence for at least  Three of the following:

  • Certificate of appreciation/nomination from a prestigious International or regional authority in the field.
  • An honorary position in a prestigious International authority because of his/her outstanding creativity.
  • An active member of a prestigious international art organization or association.
  • His/her creations must have received attention from critics, media or industry professionals.
  • His/her works have been shown in prestigious forums locally, regionally or internationally (exhibitions, forums, festivals, events).

To obtain a recommendation letter for the above criteria Click here

Golden Visa applicants in the category of ‘Media’ must meet the following criteria:  Applicant must submit evidence for at least  Three of the following:

  • Certificate of appreciation/nomination from a prestigious International or regional authority in the field.
  • An honorary position in a prestigious International authority because of his/her outstanding creativity.
  • An active member of a prestigious international art organization or association.
  • His/her creations must have received attention from critics, media or industry professionals.
  • The candidate should have 7 years’ experience in a reputable media agency and be nominated from his workplace or a media agency, and has work published by media outlets periodically (press reports, articles, programs television, etc…).

To obtain a recommendation letter for the above criteria Click here

* In specific cases and after revieing the submission form & evidence, you may be asked to additionally submit a recommendation letter from reputable creative/cultural entities, the Customer Happiness Department will contact you and provide you with the appropriate template “if needed”.

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