Dream Beach Vacation Spots

I’ve recently decided that I need a vacation, but I can’t decide where to go. I’ve narrowed my list down to three dream beach vacation spots. I want to find out which of the three is the best place for me to take a relaxing vacation.You know that contagious feeling of excitement when you travel? That’s what I want to share with you today. If you’re tired of our cold and dark winters, here are some picturesque beach vacation spots that will give you the itch to pack your bags and leave town!

Caribbean beaches tend to take the center stage. You might think you know them all, but if you are looking for a quiet and unspoiled place, there are other great destinations not only nearby but also worldwide. No white sand and turquoise water beach is the same, with each one having its own charm.Some people believe that their “happy place” can be found on the sandy shores of Hawaii, while others believe that they can reach paradise on a romantic Caribbean beach. Wherever you find your happy place to be, there is no doubt that the destination is somewhere far away from the daily grind – another world where you are able to leave worries behind and take a break from life.You can always count on the sun to rise in the east, and set in the west. The tides will consistently be there for you, whether your aim with a surfboard is up or down. It’s those consistent elements that make our world such a beautiful place year-round. But over time, even the erosion of waves reshaping coastlines (yes, they do) can lose their luster. Press Tab to write more.

Dream Beach Vacation Spots

Dream beach destinations



San Pedrito Beach

San Pedrito Beach road San Pedrito Beach, 23310 El Pescadero, B.C.S., Mexico

Just down the beach from the dreamy Rancho Pescadero hotel is Baja’s popular San Pedrito surf break. I paddled in just in time to get this dreamy shot of the clouds melting into the horizon.


Hanalei Bay

Hanalei Bay, Hawaii, USA

Kauai’s Hanalei Bay may be one of the most magical places on the planet. I swear some of the locals start paddleboarding at sunrise and don’t come back in until sundown. I’ve paddleboarded in calm waters, but this was my first time trying to actually surf the waves. One positive: Standing lets you see the sets roll in before the surfers see them. The highlight of my morning was watching a dad surf into the waves while his 2-year-old rode on the nose of his board. I was happy playing in head-high surf. Maybe next year I’ll be ready to charge Hanalei on its big days. To see just how big the bay can get, check out this video of surf star Laird Hamilton at Hanalei: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA05XIX7Yh0.



Máncora District, Peru

A true desert outpost, the Peruvian town of Mancora enjoys the most sunshine hours of anywhere in the country. Unlike the rest of Peru the water is warm enough to surf without a wetsuit, a welcome complement to an area already featuring some of the best waves in South America. Hemingway knew what he was doing when he set up shop in nearby Cabo Blanco, an authentic fishing village where the ceviche is some of the freshest on the planet and the days pass with a simple peacefulness unique to many coastal escapes. While outdoor activities abound around Mancora, from kitesurfing to fishing to morning yoga sessions, on this particular morning the to-do list consists of nothing more than a good book, a cold drink, and watching whales splash on the endless horizon.


Puerto Morelos

Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Just when it seemed like the Riviera Maya Riviera had become nothing but a sea of all-inclusive beach resorts, you stumble upon the quaint little Mexican village of Puerto Morelos. There are almost no huge developments, no shopping outlets, and no chain restaurants. The place is absolutely magical and is like traveling back in time. There is a small town square or plaza lined with palm trees, small cafes, and local boutiques. You can always find a good margarita to sip on at the super hip little bars scattered around the small town. If you find yourself on the Yucatan peninsula don’t miss this opportunity to travel back in time 50 yrs and experience the “old” Mexico.


Maya Bay

Koh Phi Phi Le Ko Phi Phi Phi Phi Island, ตำบล อ่าวนาง อำเภอเมืองกระบี่ กระบี่ 81000, Thailand

Maya Bay is no real secret – Leonardo DiCarprio’s The Beach took care of that – but it is still one of the most naturally stunning places on earth. The old Thai longboats that settle in on the beach help add to the atmosphere too. As far as pure tourist destinations go, this is one of the best in the country.

Malapascua Island

Malapascua Island, Daanbantayan, Philippines

Malapascua, a tiny island in the Visayan Sea north of Cebu, is well-known for its thresher-shark cleaning station, where divers gather daily to see these beautiful creatures ascend from below to be cleaned by fish before returning to deeper waters. Reef sharks can be seen here, too. What fewer visitors know, however, is that behind the strip of resorts that line Bounty Beach is a traditional village. There are quaint shops and restaurants as well as a large church, and the people are wonderfully friendly and inviting. It’s a great peek into real Filipino island life, meaning Malapascua is a worthwhile stop even if you aren’t interested in the sharks.



Muizenberg, Cape Town, 7945, South Africa

Muizenberg is a fresh air escape. Locaed on Metrorail’s Southern Suburbs line, the train journey there cuts through residential suburbs and wetlands. Eventually, you arrive at your destination – the False Bay side of the Cape and the heart of “Surfer’s Corner”. This area, once a bit derelict, has changed since significant renovations and community investments have been made to keep it safe and clean. There are a few surf shops to rent boards and wetsuits from if surfing or stand up paddle boarding is your thing. All ages and races flock to this beach and you’ll see why they call South Africa a “rainbow nation” if you sit for a while at the Knead bakery and cafe facing the bay. If you’ve got time for another detour, the Muizenberg to St. James walk is located immediately to the right once you walk out of the station. It’s a promenade between the train tracks and the ocean that make for a really nice route along the bay to the nearby bohemian fishing town of Kalk Bay.

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