Does Job Corps Have Summer Break

It’s June. If you are a parent of a high school student, you are looking forward to the summer holidays. Vacations, fun, and long hours spent with your family. And it also means that your children will be joining their friends at summer camps and job corps programs around the country. But is Job Corps still running this time of year? Or are both schools and job corps on summer break?

Job Corps is a federally funded program administered through educational institutions and community organizations. These partners are referred to as Job Corps Locations. In order to be a Job Corps Location, they must meet all the criteria set forth by the Department of Labor and have staff that maintain that agency’s standards. They also must pass an on-site audit conducted by the Job Corps Regional Office.The goal of Job Corps is to help young people learn technical and other skills that will help them succeed in the workplace. Job Corps centers focus on four areas: Job training, academic education, life skills training, and work experience.

Does Job Corps Have Summer Break

What is Job Corps?

Job Corps is the nation’s largest primary residential career technical training and education program for low-income at-risk youth ages 16 through 24, seeking to overcome barriers to employment. Job Corps enrolls approximately 50,000 young people each year at 119 centers in 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Job Corps graduates train in the skills needed to start a career, enlist in the military, or pursue higher education. Students have the opportunity to earn a high school diploma through partnerships with local school districts or a high school equivalency credential. Job Corps also provides room and board, counseling and mentoring services, and basic medical care while students are in the program, and career counseling and transitional support for up to 12 months after graduation.

Job Corps offers training in more than 100 career areas, and all programs start students on a path toward industry-recognized credentials.

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Who is eligible for Job Corps?

Young people ages 16 through 24 who meet Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requirements can enroll in the program at no cost.

A person is eligible for Job Corps if he or she meets the following criteria:

  • Is a legal U.S. citizen; a lawfully admitted permanent resident alien, refugee, asylee, or parolee, or other immigrant who has been authorized by the Department of Homeland Security to work in the United States; or a resident of a U.S. territory.
  • At least 16 and not more than 24 years of age.
  • Meets low-income criteria.
  • Meets specific barriers to education and employment.
  • Complies with the requirements of the Military Selective Service Act.
  • Educational and training needs are best met by the Job Corps program.
  • It can be reasonably expected that the applicant can participate successfully in group situations and activities.
  • Applicant agrees to comply with the rules.
  • Applicant does not have a disqualifying conviction.
  • Does not require any face-to-face court or institutional supervision while in Job Corps and if court-imposed restitution or fines in excess of $500 are applicable, must meet further criteria.
  • Has a child care plan if he or she is the parent of a dependent child.
  • Has signed consent from a parent or guardian if he or she is an unemancipated minor.

Because Job Corps is a voluntary program, students choose to enroll in the program and may exit at any time.

*The maximum age limit may be waived if the applicant is a person with a documented disability.

How do I apply for Job Corps?

To enroll, call 1-800-733-JOBS [5627] or visit:

People who are hearing-impaired may call this toll-free TTY number: 1-877-889-5627

  • Job Corps is a free education and training program that assists young people in developing career skills, earning their high school diploma or GED, and obtaining employment. Since its inception in 1964, under the Economic Opportunity Act, Job Corps has served more than 1.9 million young people. This organization serves approximately 60,000 youths annually at Job Corps centers throughout the country.Job Corps offers career and technical training in over a hundred programs. Some of the areas of study include:
    • Auto Repair
    • Dental Assistance
    • Carpentry
    • Culinary Arts
    • Nursing Assistance
    • Pharmacy Technician
    • Security
    • Welding EligibilityIn order to be eligible for Job Corps, individuals must meet the following criteria:
    • Age 16 – 24
    • Legal U.S. residence; lawfully admitted permanent resident alien, refugee, asylee, or parolee, or other immigrant who has been authorized by the U.S. attorney general to work in the United States
    • Meets low-income guidelines
    • Demonstrate need of additional technical training, education, counseling, or related assistance to complete schoolwork or to obtain employment 
    • Possesses a signed consent from a parent or guardian (if he/she is a minor)
    • Has a child care plan if he or she is the parent of a dependent child
    • Does not exhibit behavioral problems
    • Does not require any face-to-face court or institutional supervision
  • Does not use drugs illegally Job Corps BenefitsTraining and Education: Students can choose from over 100 career programs to receive hands-on training in their chosen field.Career Assistance: This is established primarily through assistance in finding a job in a high-growth industry. Job Corps also assists with housing, transportation and child care. Eligible students may receive these benefits up to 21 months after graduation. For the first six months after graduation, a career transition staff member will also counsel the student while he or she adjusts to a new career.Living Arrangement: Living arrangements are dormitory style and are divided by male and female. There is no cost for this benefit and students actually receive a bi-weekly stipend for additional living expenses.Transportation: Job Corps covers the expense of transportation for the initial trip to the center and home, as well as home returns during winter and summer breaks.Other Benefits include:
    • Health and dental care
    • Clothing allowance
    • Free driver’s education
    • English proficiency courses
    • Ability, in some cases, to earn college credits that are transferable upon graduation 

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