Do You Need A Visa For Malaysia From Australia

Alright, so you’re getting ready to travel to Malysia and you need step by step instructions on how to apply for a visa online at You enter 5 times your Social Security Number like they tell you then click submit but after a while you get an error message saying your application is not complete. What was that message about? Look it’s supposed to be easy and simple just like clicking the AOL start button in 1995 but somehow it’s not working out that way for you…

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Monsters?Do you ever wake up from a nightmare drenched in sweat, heart beating like and jack hammer, trying to figure out what it meant? Do you ever dream about monsters and wonder what it means if you:

Do You Need A Visa For Malaysia From Australia

I have always had a fascination with monsters. I grew up reading about them in books and watching them in movies. When I became old enough to understand that we create monsters in order to deal with our deepest fears and darkest thoughts, I began to study the subject further.

Do I Need a Tourist Visa to Malaysia from Australia?

If you are looking for a Malaysia visit visa from Australia, then you should be pleased to find out that you can travel to this country visa-free for a total of 90 days per trip. This means that you are not required to complete any paperwork for a Malaysia visit visa from Australia and can use this saved time to focus on other aspects of planning your holiday.

Requirements for a Malaysia Visa for Australians

While you do not need to learn about how to apply for a Malaysia tourist visa from Australia, you do need to know what requirements there are for tourists who are going to enjoy visa-free entry. The current requirements are as follows:

  • Your passport must be valid for 6 months from your date of entry into the country.
  • You need at least 1 blank page in your passport for your entry stamp.
  • You must have proof that you can afford your stay in the country. Byevisa advises that a bank statement or evidence of Traveller’s
  • Cheques would suffice as there is no required amount set for tourists.
  • You must be able to show evidence of your onward travel.
  • On arrival, you need to fill out an arrival card and take it with you to the immigration desk where all the requirements are checked before stamping your passport.
  • You need to provide biometric prints of your index fingers and thumbs when you arrive in the country – although this does not apply to children under 12 or any traveller that has any disabilities that relate to their fingers.

It is also essential to check that the entry stamp is dated correctly before you move away from the immigration desk so that you receive permission to stay for your entire trip.

What is the Fee for a Malaysia Visa – Australian Passport Holders?

As you can travel to Malaysia visa-free, then you are not required to pay any fees before you leave Australia or when you arrive in Malaysia. The money that you save on your entry to the country can be used to make your time away even more special than you planned!

Your Questions About Travelling to Malaysia

Organising travel plans comes with lots of questions, so to help you, we have collated some of the most relevant questions for travelling to this destination. We have supplied the most accurate and up-to-date answer, giving you the peace of mind that you have everything in order before you travel.

Do I Need A Malaysia Transit Visa as an Australia Passport Holder?

As all Australian passport holders are granted 90-day visa-free entry, then you do not need to apply for a Transit Visa for this destination. If you want to enter the country between connections, then all you need to do is complete an arrival card and take it to the immigration desk along with evidence that you have met all the entry requirements as listed above.

Is Malaysia a Good Destination for LGBTI Travellers?

Malaysia is an incredibly welcoming country to tourists from all over the world. However, LGBTI sexual relations are illegal and are punishable with prison time for both male and female tourists. If you are planning to travel to this destination as an LGBTI person, then it is essential that you do not engage in public or private displays of affection to remain within the legal framework.

What Do I Need to Know About Local Culture in Malaysia?

This destination is an Islamic country, but there is a genuine multicultural vibe that allows you to discover a wide range of cultures. You should adhere to the more conservative culture so as not to offend; this includes ensuring you are covered up when you are out in public and that you behave in a way that is respectful at all times.

Can I Take My Medications With Me to This Country?

If you have prescription medications that you need to take when you are on holiday, then you need to ensure that you get a copy of your prescription or a certified letter from your doctor to take with you. Your letter needs to stipulate precisely what medication you take, what it is used for and that it is prescribed to you for personal use.

It is also essential that you only take enough of your medication to cover your time away from home, if you take more than you need then it may be confiscated on arrival, and you could face questioning by immigration officials.

If I Need Emergency Help on Holiday, How Do I Access This?

For any type of emergency that requires police, medics, or fire services, then you need to dial 999 to get connected to support. You are expected to explain what the issue is for support to be deployed.

If you need consular assistance, then you can call the Australian Consular Line on +61 2 6261 3305 at any time day or night to be given the advice and help that you require.

Find Out More About Travelling to Malaysia

If you are keen to find out more about travelling to this country, then visit our Malaysia visa page.

In addition, feel free to read our visit Malaysia section here where you can find a wealth of information to support your planning.

Byevisa is proud to support tourists all over the world to prepare for their adventures!

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