Do You Need A Visa For Jamaica

Having a dream about monsters is a common nightmare. You’re no longer a kid, so why you would still be dreaming about monsters is another issue, but the fact remains that it’s happening. This can be one of the worst nightmares anyone can have, especially if you’ve ever had an experience with real-life monster(s).

We’ve all had them. The dreams where you’re being chased by ugly, frightful creatures. You either wake up just before they catch you or in the middle of an epic monster fight. These are collectively known as nightmares and for good reason! In extreme cases, dreams like these can produce a feeling of depression or panic that lasts long after you wake up.

Do You Need A Visa For Jamaica

Do you dream about monsters or other terrifying creatures? Then consider yourself as special as the rest of us because you’re not alone. Most people dream about different creatures that fill up their nightmares but what does it mean when you dream about monsters.Dreaming of monsters can mean different things. In one’s dreams, a monster is generally interpreted as something evil, frightening and unacceptable. They may be symbols of our own fears, and usually stand for something we feel overwhelmed by or have a difficult time dealing with in our waking lives.

Entry requirements

This page reflects the UK government’s understanding of current rules for people travelling on a full ‘British Citizen’ passport, for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Jamaica set and enforce entry rules. For further information contact the embassy, high commission or consulate of the country or territory you’re travelling to. You should also consider checking with your transport provider or travel company to make sure your passport and other travel documents meet their requirements.

Restrictions in response to coronavirus

Testing and screening on arrival

The requirement for travellers to present a negative COVID test prior to travel ended on 15 April. All travellers arriving in Jamaica may still be tested for COVID-19 if assessed as high-risk as a result of exhibiting symptoms, exposure to people who have tested positive, belonging to a high-risk group or other risk factors. Travellers may be screened for symptoms at the airport.

Regular entry requirements


British nationals don’t need a visa to visit Jamaica. Visitors are usually granted entry for a maximum of 90 days.

The date by which you must leave Jamaica will be stamped in your passport. If you wish to extend your stay beyond this date you will need to apply to the Jamaican Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency. Overstaying without the proper authority can result in detention and/or a fine.

For further information about entry requirements, see the website of the Jamaican High Commission.

Passport validity

Your passport should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay; you don’t need any additional period of validity on your passport beyond this.

UK Emergency Travel Documents

UK Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) are accepted for entry to and exit from Jamaica. If your passport has been stolen you do not need to obtain a police report unless it is for insurance purposes. If you’re travelling via the USA using an ETD, you’ll need to get a US visa as ETDs are not valid for entry into the United States under the Visa Waiver Programme (VWP).

Yellow fever certificate requirements

Check whether you need a yellow fever certificate by visiting the National Travel Health Network and Centre’s TravelHealthPro website.

Arrival and departure taxes

Arrival and departure taxes are usually included in the cost of your ticket, but this isn’t always the case for charter flights. Departure tax is US $35 for air passengers. Check with your carrier if you’re unsure whether the tax has been included in your ticket. Landing fees for cruise ship passengers are usually included in the cost of the cruise.

Customs regulations

You can bring local currency (Jamaican dollars) into the country. However, you must declare on your customs form all currencies and monetary instruments over the value of US$10,000.

Personal imports of meat and dairy products from the UK are banned. Customs officials may search baggage and will destroy banned foodstuffs

Requirements For Entry Into Jamaica

Non-residents travelling to Jamaica for tourism, business and other purposes are advised to familiarize themselves with the COVID-19 Entry and Tourism Health and Safety protocols. For information on these protocols, please visit the following websites:

The Jamaica Tourist Board at:

Visit Jamaica at:

All visitors are required to be in possession of a national passport or other acceptable travel document establishing nationality and identity, and bearing a photograph.  The  passport or other travel document must be valid for the period of intended stay in the island. Visitors are also required to show evidence of sufficient funds to support themselves during their stay and be in possession of a return or round trip ticket to another country to which they are admissible.

Nationals of certain countries require, in addition to travel documents, an entry visa.  This is normally issued, on application, by a Jamaican Consular office.  .

The decision in respect of admission and length of stay in the country rests with the Immigration Officer at the port of entry in Jamaica.  This applies whether or not a visa is a prerequisite for entry.

General Conditions for Admission

A person desirous of visiting Jamaica:

  • Should be in possession of a valid visa unless exempted from this requirement under any of the prescribed regulations.
  • Must demonstrate means to support himself/herself and accompanying dependents for the duration of stay;
  • Should not be of unsound mind;
  • Should not be the subject of a certificate submitted to the Immigration Officer by a health officer indicating that for medical reasons, permission to land is not desirable;
  • Should not have been sentenced in a foreign country for any extraditable crime within the meaning of the Extradition Acts 1870 and 1906;
  • Should not be the subject of a deportation order in force under the Aliens Law, Chapter 9;
  • Should not be the subject of a landing prohibition order from the Minister of National Security;


  • Valid passport
  • One passport size photograph
  • Completed Visa Application Form J (signature is required)
  • Return Ticket
  • Flight itinerary (Round trip ticket)
  • Visa Fee payable by Wire Transfer to the Embassy’s Bank Account
  • Processing time: Approximately 7 business days

ENTRY VISA (Student)

  • Valid passport
  • One passport size photograph
  • Completed visa application form J (signature is required)
  • Return Ticket
  • Flight itinerary (Round trip ticket)
  • Letter from educational institution indicating purpose and length of stay in Jamaica
  • Medical certificate indicating that the applicant is free from contagious or communicable diseases
  • Visa Fee payable by Wire Transfer to the Embassy’s Bank Account
  • Processing time: Approximately 7 business days


  • Valid passport
  • One passport size photograph
  • Completed visa application form J (signature is required)
  • Return Ticket
  • Letter from Ministry of Labour, Jamaica approving work permit or granting exemption from the work permit requirement
  • Visa Fee payable by Wire Transfer to the Embassy’s Bank Account
  • Processing time: Approximately 7 business days

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